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    Charismatic Interests

    • Rivers Of Revival


      Since the Day of Pentecost, seasons of revival and awakening have brought refreshing to the spiritually dry, life to the spiritually dead, and miraculous encounters with the Holy Spirit.

      In this timely and prophetic volume, two bestselling generals of the faith, Dr. Elmer Towns and Dr. Neil T. Anderson, offer collective wisdom, insight, and strategy on how you can experience and release a river of Holy Spirit outpouring into your world!

      Additionally, Drs. Towns and Anderson have compiled contributions from other key authorities on revival who have encountered the move of God firsthand. Each contributor provides practical wisdom on how you can experience the Spirit’s touch in your own life, church and even geographical region.

      Featuring powerful teaching from a diverse range of revival leaders, including:
      *Jack Hayford: How worship releases the reviving touch of the Spirit.
      *Ed Silvoso: How to bless the unsaved and prepare them for God encounters.
      *R.A. Torrey: How to experience the fullness of the Holy Spirit.
      *John Dawson: How to break agreement with generational sin.
      *C. Peter Wagner & George Otis Jr.: How to win battles in the heavenly realm over regions and cities.
      *Billy Graham: How proclamation of the Gospel releases the revival power of God.
      *Henry Blackaby: How cultivating a lifestyle of daily encounters with God brings revival.

      A fresh move of God is on the way. Prepare yourself to experience Holy Spirit outpouring like never before!

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    • Strike The Mark


      Prayers that strike the mark are specific prayers authorized by the Holy Spirit and endowed with divine power to accomplish the will of God in your life and for the needs of the world. On the cross, Jesus fulfilled the ultimate answer to all of our prayers, but He awaits our invitation to come into our situations and circumstances. When people of prayer intercede, they create a meeting place between the heavenly Father and His children. God comes upon the person who is praying and moves them from the natural to the supernatural. Empowered by God, the intercessor has the authority to cut down enemy forces and pick out “targets” for God’s lightning bolts of glory, bringing victory and breakthrough.

      Intercession could be called “extreme prayer” because it links extreme needs with the extraordinary power of God. Inserting ourselves into the gap between God and a need, we call upon the Holy Spirit, our Helper, who is ready to move us from finite ability to infinite ability, take hold of difficult situations, and help accomplish the will of God. We have the great honor of being called to “paint targets” on cities, churches, ministries, family members, contemporary “Sauls” (those who persecute or cause difficulty), and even ourselves. Our believing, persistent prayers will Strike the Mark!

      ” He covers His hands with the lightning, and commands it to strike the mark” (Job 36:32 NASB).

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    • Gods Remedy For Rejection (Expanded)


      Rejection is an all-too-common human experience, but it can cause lasting emotional and spiritual wounds. It often leads to the horrible feeling that you don’t quite match up, that you’re forever falling short, or that you’ll never live up to others’ expectations.

      We’ve all faced rejection in one form or another–whether it was being picked last for a game at school, overlooked for a promotion at work, excluded from a group of friends, or snubbed by a family member. Sometimes the rejection runs even deeper. In our society, millions of people have experienced rejection as a result of divorce, poverty, parental neglect or lack of parental affection, child abuse, abandonment, public humiliation, being the child of an unwanted pregnancy, and failure at school or work.

      Feelings of loneliness and inadequacy are hard to handle. The experience of rejection can be the root of many problems, such as difficulty with relationships, depression, rebellion, and substance abuse. In God’s Remedy for Rejection, internationally renowned author Derek Prince explains how God has made a way to heal your wounds and bring you into acceptance with Himself and the whole family of God.

      Our remedy for rejection is in Jesus Christ, who faced the ultimate rejection. In bearing our sins, He was scorned by human beings–His own creation–and was temporarily separated from the Father in heaven. He knows how much rejection hurts. But because He faced that pain, we no longer need to. Jesus has planned for us a life of acceptance in His family and freedom from rejection. Discover how to apply God’s Remedy for Rejection to your heart, and leave the effects of rejection behind permanently. Let go of the shame so you can rest in Your heavenly Father’s embrace today.

      “[Jesus] Himself has said, ‘I will never leave you nor forsake you” (Hebrews 13:5 NKJV).

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    • Tongues Of Fire Devotional


      A fifty-day devotional for Pentecost featuring the words and teachings of writings of faithful men and women of God, both classic and contemporary authors, regarding the miraculous power available through God’s gift of the Holy Spirit. Includes excerpts from Smith Wigglesworth, John G. Lake, William Seymour, Aimee Semple McPhearson, Maria Woodworth-Etter, Andrew Murray, E. W. Kenyon, R. A. Torrey, John Wesley, Mary K. Baxter, Guillermo Maldonado, James Goll, Bill Johnson, and many more. Let this collection of charismatic classics help you to celebrate the wild tongues of fire that signified the coming of Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost, and be filled anew with the powerful presence of God .

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    • Resting Place : Living Immersed In The Presence Of God


      Become a Resting Place for God’s Presence and Power!

      The key to walking in the supernatural power of the Spirit is positioning yourself as The Resting Place for God!

      We are familiar with the indwelling Holy Spirit-the One who lives within the hearts of every believer. While this is an incredible truth, the fullness of this reality is greater than we can imagine!

      Bestselling author and internationally respected pastor Bill Johnson shares the key to living a supernatural lifestyle: welcoming God’s Spirit to abide with you.
      *Learn the difference between the Spirit’s presence within you, and His resting upon you.
      *Experience the multiple dimensions of God’s Presence revealed in Scripture.
      *Uncover the secrets to Holy Spirit saturation, practiced by many revival leaders, including Kathryn Kuhlman and John G. Lake.
      *Discover keys to protecting the abiding presence of the Holy Spirit in your life.

      The Holy Spirit is looking for a people upon whom His presence can rest. The invitation is extended to you-how will you respond?

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    • Coming Revival : Shaping History For A New Heavenly Reality


      7 Steps to Revival. Years ago, the Lord spoke these words to international Bible teacher Derek Prince, author of the acclaimed book Shaping History Through Prayer and Fasting “There shall be a great revival in the United States and Great Britain.” Derek believed God was going to send a tremendous revival, but He wasn’t going to send it to the nations. He was going to send revival to the church in the nations. Then, that revival would impact the world with the gospel of Jesus Christ before His return.

      This prophetic word about revival has yet to be fulfilled, which means the years to come hold great excitement for the church. The restoration and renewal God wants to bring to the United States and Great Britain–indeed, to the whole earth–lies just ahead of us.

      Each of us has a pivotal role in this upcoming revival. How should we prepare ourselves to be used by the Lord in the revolutionary times to come? The fact is, how soon we see this revival will depend on how soon we are ready. Derek Prince knew there would be many contributing factors to the worldwide revival God intends to bring, and in this riveting book, he focuses on seven elements that are essential to the process. Learn these vital components and how you can prepare yourself to bring about The Coming Revival, ushering in the fullness of the kingdom and the culmination of the age.

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    • Divine Revelation Of The Powerful Blood Of Jesus


      Through her own and others’ personal experiences, best-selling author Mary Baxter shows how many lives have been forever transformed by the powerful blood of Jesus. Some of the life-changing results that you, too, can experience include:
      –Overcoming the power of sin
      –Walking in divine health and wholeness
      –Living in peace and divine protection
      –Receiving help when tempted
      –Sharing the gospel with others
      –Bringing loved ones to God
      In an exploration of the Scripture, Mary Baxter leads the reader to a deeper understanding of the purpose and infinite provision of the shed blood of Jesus.

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    • Dream Book : A Beginner’s Guide To Understanding God’s Voice While You Slee


      What is God saying through your dreams?

      Your dreams are a unique opportunity to hear from Heaven. While you sleep, daily distractions are absent, creating a space for God to speak.

      In the night, God intertwines Heavenly messages and details from your life into a meaningful, storied tapestry. These divinely woven dreams may offer wisdom, bestow comfort, or inspire courage.

      The Beginner’s Guide to Dream Interpretation will show you how to:
      *Interpret your dreams using Scripture and the Holy Spirit’s guidance, even when dreams are embarrassing or frightening.
      *Capture your dreams in a dream journal.
      *Expand your creative ability by learning to ‘catch’ Heavenly treasure from dreams.
      *Understand the meanings behind nightmares.
      *Learn what to do when you experience Deja Vu.
      *Discover your own personal code language with God.

      You have been given access to God’s supernatural voice. Learn to unlock the language of dreams and visions, and take hold of God’s special words for you!

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    • Holy Spirit In You (Expanded)


      Derek Prince clearly explains the nature and ways of the Holy Spirit and how He works in the lives of Christians. Through the power of the Holy Spirit, the believer can experience the continual presence of Jesus, become a bold witness for Christ, acquire revelation of the Word of God, pray according to God’s will, and understand the plans of God. As you understand and receive the active presence of the Spirit in your life, you will gain new power and grace for living.

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    • Wild And Mighty Fire


      The Holy Spirit is wild and powerful and wants to be manifested in your life. In Wild and Mighty Fire: Encounter the Power of the Holy Spirit, Andre Ashby shares numerous testimonies of people whose lives were forever changed when they asked the Holy Spirit to come. If you desire more of the Lord, ask the Holy Spirit to come and get ready for an exciting adventure!

      The best way to know the heart of God is to ask Him to reveal Himself to you, and to remove anything from your heart that does not reflect His character and how He loves you. When the breaker anointing is released in the atmosphere, the Holy Spirit comes and removes barriers that separate the Spirit and the people. There is a tangible presence of the Lord experienced as the Lord moves in His fullness.

      Ashby shares of a time when the Lord directed him to release “identification repentance” or confessing the generational sins of a large group of people and repenting on their behalf, just as Daniel did. The Bible talks about encountering God’s glory and how the people who met with Him in this way were changed. In that same way, we can encounter the presence of God and His glory in our own lives.

      Ashby shares some of his “wild” encounters with the Holy Spirit, proving that the timid, boxed-in God of western Christianity is not who God actually is. His presence is wild and wonderful. Ashby tells stories about big biker angels sitting on people, supernatural weight loss, miraculous healings, and more. Once we experience a taste of the Lord’s presence, we should hunger for more and be willing to be obedient to the Lord to have more of Him.

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    • New Era Of Glory


      Positioned for victory, prepared for glory!

      In this historic hour, God is raising up a company of believers to serve as a divine intersection between Heaven and Earth. All of the Spirit’s previous outpourings and anointings are being united and activated at the same time-in our time!

      Bestselling author, Tim Sheets presents a powerful, prophetic message. This powerful message will position you for victorious, Kingdom-advancing warfare, and prepared you to walk in the glory that is your inheritance.

      Get ready for the Great Convergence as all past moves of God are joined into one mighty river of glory to be released through you.Arm yourself for battle as you start reclaiming the areas of your life, family, and society that the devil has infiltrated.

      Receive accelerated answers to prayer by breaking the spirit of delay.

      Speak forth anointed decrees and declarations to access Holy Spirit encounters, victorious spiritual warfare, and more!

      Get ready. This timely word will position you for victorious, Kingdom-advancing warfare, and prepared you to walk in the glory that is your inheritance. We are stepping into an hour where every past move of God’s Spirit is converging, finding fullness and fulfillment. Learn how to come into alignment with this epoch moment and witness Kingdom victory, advancement, and outpouring like never before!

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    • Love Again Live Again


      Everyone gets their feelings hurt in life. As these wounds fester and compound throughout life, they become scars that affect our current relationships. Anyone suffering from a wounded heart feels a sense of separation from people, but the separation it creates from our heavenly Father is far worse for our mind, body and soul. “Broken Heart Syndrome” is a recognized medical condition. Tests show that the pain caused by relational stress or trauma releases stress hormones to circulate through the body. This causes the inner layers of the heart to shred, damaging the cardiac muscle and its capacity to pump blood throughout the body. The chest pain this can cause resembles a serious heart attack. Stents or angioplasty can treat blocked vessels, but modern medicine still has no quick fix for a broken heart. Joan Hunter reveals how to heal your heart from past hurts. To do this, you must be set free from the trauma of past relationships that prevent you from giving of yourself to those most important to you today. In doing so, you will also restore your most important relationship–the one with your heavenly Father.

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    • Stories Of Divine Healing


      Strengthen your faith, receive your miracle!

      Miracle testimonies are more than just accounts of past events; they are invitations to a fresh experience of God’s supernatural power!

      Respected pastor and healing minister, Randy Clark presents a unique compilation of amazing miracle testimonies to help strengthen your faith for whatever healing breakthrough you need!

      Every miracle account in Stories of Divine Healing offers a new gateway for your own healing. As you read, you will encounter Jesus’ compassionate heart and matchless power over every sickness and disease.

      *Be inspired by over 100 faith-stirring miracle testimonies, documented, categorized and indexed for easy access
      *Receive supernatural encouragement by reading real-life testimonies of healing from blindness, deafness, diabetes, heart problems, chronic pain, Parkinson’s disease, tumors, cancer,andmuch more!
      *Strengthen your faith to receive your personal breakthrough by practicing Randy Clark’s simple teaching on activating miracle testimonies
      *Experience the Holy Spirit’s healing presence that hovers over miracle testimonies

      Strengthen your faith, and lay claim to your own healing miracle today

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    • Definitive Guide To The Prophetic


      Joni Ames provides a Bible-based, clear, concise, and practical explanation and understanding of the operation and use of personal prophetic ministry in the church today. The goal of this book is twofold: first, to act as a teacher and mentor to help people with prophetic gifts understand and mature into their gifts; and second, to help pastors and church leaders understand, acknowledge, discern, and train the prophetic community within their body of believers. Ames also debunks some myths and lies about prophesy and brings a greater level of maturity and confidence to those seeking to develop their revelatory gifts.

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    • Prophetic Voice Of God


      Embark on a wild and unique prophetic adventure with God!
      The New Testament makes prophecy a priority for all believers. If you are indwelt by the Holy Spirit, you are called to hear God’s prophetic voice!
      But if this is true, why do so many believers struggle to hear the Holy Spirit’s language?
      Lana Vawser empowers you to hear God for yourself by tuning in to how he is uniquely speaking to you!
      Through easy-to-understand, revelatory teaching and powerful prophetic examples, Lana illustrates how God has created all believers to hear His voice in their own distinct way.
      The Prophetic Voice of God will mentor you on how to listen to the Holy Spirit speaking especially to you!
      Experience a Breaker Anointing: The simple, practical teaching will break off the fear, striving and anxiety that many feel when it comes to hearing God speak prophetically.
      De-Mystify the Prophetic: Lana makes prophetic hearing accessible to anyone, no matter who you are or what context you come from.
      Discern the Prophetic Voice of God: Learn how to identify freshly spoken words from God and decipher the many different forms they can come in–signs, symbols, numbers, coincidences, pictures, and more.
      Receive Impartation and Revelation: You will be activated to look and listen for God’s prophetic voice everywhere.
      Tune in, and receive your word from the Lord!

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    • Smith Wigglesworth On Gods Power


      An encounter with Smith Wigglesworth was an unforgettable experience. This seems to be the universal reaction of all who knew him or heard him speak. Wigglesworth was a simple man, a former plumber, who was used in an extraordinary way by our extraordinary God. During his forty years of ministry, thousands of people came to salvation, received the baptism in the Holy Spirit, and were miraculously healed. These miracles included the restoration of hearing and sight, the creative formation of missing limbs, the disappearance of cancerous growths, the recovery of mental wholeness by the violently insane, and the raising of several people from the dead. The miracle-working power of his ministry is captured in this classic collection of Wigglesworth’s sermons and Bible studies. Despite the passing years, they still retain the spontaneous supernatural anointing that would cause Wigglesworth to loudly proclaim his favorite phrase: “Only believe!”

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    • Purpose And Power Of The Holy Spirit


      Is Heaven on Earth Really Possible?

      When we struggle with defeat and discouragement, the Holy Spirit is the key to victory and peace. Best-selling author Dr. Myles Munroe shows how to bring order to the chaos in your life, receive God’s power to heal and deliver, fulfill your true purpose with joy, be a leader in your sphere of influence, and be part of God’s government on earth. We have access to the unseen world of the Spirit and can bring heavenly influence to earth. When you receive God’s Spirit into your life, you will find that His gifts are your birthright. Receive the fullness of God’s Spirit and start living in the spiritual power that God has promised you. “It is to your advantage that I go away; for if I do not go away, the Helper will not come to you; but if I depart, I will send Him to you” (John 16:7 NKJV).

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    • Moving In Glory Realms


      A Blueprint for Revival!
      Many believers today yearn for an encounter with the supernatural.
      They hunger to experience the glory of God they read about in the Bible.
      Joshua Mills believes that all Christians are intended to live, move, and operate within what he calls “glory realms.” Now Joshua opens up God’s glory by explaining the different realms, spheres, and dimensions of the kingdom. He systematically builds a faith framework in which the reader can begin to move into the glory of God with ease, where he or she will form a deepening awareness of the inflow and anointing of His mighty presence. The book is divided into three parts: part one is about moving in the Spirit, which is about understanding the power of faith, anointing, and God’s glory; part two is about moving in the supernatural by accessing the power of God’s glory so that miraculous signs and wonders begin to manifest; and part three is about moving in the heavenlies, dealing with angelic encounters, heavenly experiences, and regularly operating in the miraculous. Throughout the book, Joshua shares many unusual and extraordinary testimonies of God’s glory working through signs and wonders, heavenly experiences, angelic appearances, and other manifestations of the miraculous, Through testimonies he has shared around the world, Joshua will help readers begin to experience God’s glory for themselves.

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    • Seeing Behind The Veil


      Begin each day with a supernatural encounter! Every day is a fresh invitation to encounter the Holy Spirit in a new way!

      In this unique supernatural devotional, seer, prophet, and missionary, Ana Werner shares insights she has received through prophetic encounters, angelic visitations, and supernatural visions.

      These inspirational entries-drawn from Ana’s personal history of encounters with God-are words from Heaven that are sure to infuse every day with hope, encouragement, healing, and assurance of God’s nearness.

      Including both Scripture passages and prophetic words, these devotionals offer powerful insights on:
      *Dwelling in God’s Presence: living with a consistent aware of the Holy Spirit’s nearness.
      *Spiritual warfare: how winning spiritual battles can impact your everyday life.
      *Amplifying God’s voice: positioning yourself to hear God’s words just for you.
      *Comfort, strength, courage and faith: anchors of hope for the daily challenges you face.
      *Angelic activity: how to partner with the Heavenly hosts to release God’s plans for your life.

      Gain new strength by encountering the supernatural presence of God, every day!

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    • Way Of Life


      Experience the Supernatural as a Natural Way of Life!

      Bill Johnson, respected pastor, bestselling author and senior leader of Bethel Church, lives in a culture of the miraculous. In his groundbreaking new book, The Way of Life, he shares not as a theological spectator, but as an active participant in a historic move of God that has been sweeping the nations.

      From over 40 years of personal experience with the Holy Spirit, Bill mentors you on how to:
      *Create a supernatural “greenhouse effect” that impacts the world around us through practicing Kingdom values.
      *Sustain a flow of God’s supernatural power in your life, your family and your church community.
      *Develop a culture that values wholeness-body, soul and spirit-where the Kingdom has tangible impact on every area of our lives.
      *Building supernatural relationships through honor and seeing the significance of every person.
      *Walk in the completed work of the Cross because you are grounded in an “It is Finished” theology.
      *Partner with the Presence of the Holy Spirit to transform the everyday places where God leads you.
      *Run towards impossible situations and release the supernatural solutions of Jesus.

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    • Passing The 21 Tests Of Leadership


      Every Leader Will Be Tested

      The mark of a great leader is their ability to withstand the inevitable trials of leadership.

      The greater your call, the greater these tests will be. Larry Krieder, International Director of DOVE International, offers Biblical wisdom for standing strong through the storms.

      Whether you are a leader in your home, work, community, or church, this book is your resource for not only surviving the trials of leadership, but welcoming them!

      Gain practical tools to…

      -Prepare for the coming tests.
      -Leverage problems to develop maturity.
      -Grow in humility through success.

      The storms are coming! Learn to stand strong through them all!

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    • Prayers That Avail Much For America


      Lift your Prayers!
      When America was first established, it was founded as a “city on a hill.” Today, our nation falls far short of that aspiration. But there is hope.

      “If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray… then I will hear from heaven… and will heal their land.” – 2 Chron. 7:14 (NIV)

      God still has a grand destiny for America. As Christians align their prayers with His vision, we will begin to see this broken country mended. This call is for all believers-not just “intercessors.”

      Germaine Copeland, author of the bestselling series Prayers that Avail Much, offers this timely, easy-to use guide to praying for our country.

      Christians cannot sit idly by while the nation crumbles. Lift your voice to Heaven, and petition for healing for America!

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    • Speak Life : Words That Work Wonders


      When you agree with the marvelous promises given in the Word of God, you will begin to reap God’s gifts of love, joy, peace, health, and favor. When you speak those promises out loud and into the lives of others, your words can work wonders. Now, E. W. Kenyon and Don Gossett join forces to build our faith, offering timeless wisdom and challenging us to live a bolder life for God. Through His power, believers should be able to overcome adversity and sin in such areas as finances, health, marriage and other relationships, and emotions. There is power in the blood of Jesus to defeat anything and everything the enemy brings against you! You, too, can speak words of life into those who are lost, suffering, and needy. Let your compassion flow. The bolder your faith words are, the greater your results will be.

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    • Preparing For The Glory (Student/Study Guide)


      A fresh move of God is on the horizon!

      In the midst of fear, conflict, and unrest, a great Kingdom light is piercing through the darkness. Since the Day of Pentecost, this light of Holy Spirit outpouring has been increasing in brightness and will soon break forth in an unprecedented outpouring of supernatural glory.

      Are you prepared for what God wants to release in these last days?

      Preparing for the Glory is a groundbreaking new work from John and Carol Arnott that shares practical keys, gleaned from over 20 years of leading a global revival movement, that will position you to expect and experience this new move of God!

      Learn how to:

      Pray with prophetic words that announce the purposes and promises of God for increased outpouring.
      Stay hungry for God by maintaining a passionate desire to encounter His presence, no matter how spiritually dry or distant you feel.
      Press in for deeper experiences with the Spirit by “feeding” yourself on supernatural testimonies of God’s work.
      Embrace the fear of the Lord-the key that will unlock an increase of glory manifestations, unusual miracles, and Holy Spirit fire.
      Prepare your life to be a resting place for the Holy Spirit in this historic hour of glory, presence, and miracles!

      Features: Carol Arnott’s prophetic dream about the next wave of Holy Spirit outpouring-what it will look like and the key to preparing for this imminent visitation of God’s glory!

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    • Removing The Roadblocks To Health And Healing


      In order to receive healing and live in health, you must prayerfully evaluate your life as a whole and allow the Holy Spirit to guide you into wellness. In this book, Annette Capps gives a insightful, practical look at the emotional and spiritual hinderances that believers face daily.

      Recognizing and removing these roadblocks can enable you to receive healing and walk in health and wholeness.

      *Claiming Sickness as Belonging to You
      *Belief in Tribal DNA
      *Using Infirmity as a Tool
      *Holding on to Negative Emotions
      *Refusing to Forgive
      *Feeding the Spirit of Infirmity
      *Ignoring the Leadings of the Holy Spirit and Your Spirit
      *Staying in an Unhealthy Environment
      *Trying to Act Beyond Your Faith
      *Believing You Will Be Healed in the Future.

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    • Divine Encounter With The Holy Spirit


      When was the last time you had a supernatural encounter with the Holy Spirit?

      All believers can have powerful divine encounters with the Spirit–not as isolated events but as a lifestyle in which…
      The supernatural realm is your greatest reality.
      Jesus becomes real in you.
      You are commissioned to demonstrate God’s miraculous power.
      You have a profound desire for more of God’s presence.

      To experience divine encounters, you need to have a strong understanding of who the Holy Spirit is. Apostle Guillermo Maldonado clears up doubts and false concepts about the Spirit while providing striking testimonies of people transformed by their supernatural encounters. God desires to manifest Himself as our Father, Provider, Miracle Worker, Healer, Deliverer, and Defender. He also wants us to impact families, communities, and even nations for Christ. Entering into an intimate relationship with the Holy Spirit will fill you with God’s love and give you a compassionate heart for a hurting world.
      You don’t have to be a spiritual leader, and you don’t have to be perfect, to experience the presence of God and continue the works of Jesus on earth. All you need is a powerful divine encounter with the Holy Spirit.

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    • Flow Of The Spirit


      John G. Lake was a divine conduit for the flow of the Spirit. One of the most powerful healing evangelists of the twentieth century, he converted, healed, and delivered countless believers as well as establishing churches and ministries around the world. But he never forgot the Source of his success: the work of the Spirit. Every time he spoke, he invited listeners to jump in the flow of the Spirit and experience for themselves its transformative power.

      Today, the powerful teachings of John G. Lake are needed more than ever before. The Flow of the Spirit is an easy-to-read compilation of Lake’s most influential sermons on topics including the Christian life, the work of salvation, Christian baptism, the evidence of Christ’s work, the sanctification of the believer, and the life to come. With this volume, the power of Lake’s ministry is at your fingertips.

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    • Culture Of Heaven


      The Culture of Heaven explores the key traits of people who consistently experience powerful partnership with the Holy Spirit, thereby invading earth with the atmosphere of heaven.

      God’s heart is for His people to be influenced daily by the culture that He inhabits, benefitting from His presence in their lives. Moreover, He wants us to be “brokers” of His culture. It should be so much a part of us that we begin to transform everything-and everyone-around us. When we release the culture of heaven, we place people on a direct path to the loving touch of God-a touch that can heal them and change their lives forever.

      To experience the culture of heaven ourselves, we must set aside distractions so that we can get in tune with God’s thoughts and ways. Many of us have lost our passion and fire for the Lord; as a result, we experience very little of heaven’s atmosphere. Through prayer, fasting, sacrificial living, and spiritual anointing, Troy Goode describes how we can regain a hunger for God and witness His kingdom at work in our world in remarkable ways with supernatural power.

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    • Invading The Heavens


      Is a brick wall blocking your spiritual path? Is a barrier of fear, lack, sickness, or anxiety hindering your vision of heavenly possibilities? Then it’s time to reach up and receive the power for a supernatural breakthrough so you can move forward into the blessings on the other side.

      But first you must be willing to hear a supernatural instruction from God, because a supernatural breakthrough requires supernatural obedience.

      In these powerful pages, Dr. Kynan Bridges will teach you how to invade the heavens for your breakthrough by responding to heavenly instruction just as Peter responded to Jesus’s instruction with, “Because You have said it, I will do it.” As you do, you will gain the confidence to:

      *Believe you live under an open heaven.
      *Press into the promises of God.
      *Avoid the roadblocks of the devil.
      *Embrace the “breaker anointing.”
      *Do the impossible with faith in God’s possible.

      Don’t stand stymied for a minute longer. It is God’s will for you to receive what He has promised you. Launch into the deep at the Lord’s command. Break through to the life you’ve been waiting for!

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    • I Saw The Glories Of Heaven


      On December 23, 1966, eighteen-year-old Gary Wood was driving with his younger sister Sue along a dark street in their hometown. They were heading home singing Christmas songs when Sue spotted an illegally-parked tow truck sticking out into their lane of traffic. Her scream pierced the night only a moment before the car crashed headlong into the obstruction. In the accident, Gary suffered a mid-face injury with laryngeal fractures-his vocal cords and voice box were completely shattered. Doctors offered no hope that Gary would ever talk again. What the doctors didn’t realize, however, was that in the aftermath of the accident, Gary was given the miraculous experience of spending twenty minutes in A Place Called Heaven. While there, Gary witnessed sights such as the city of heaven; the grand auditorium; the spare parts room; and the Throne Room, as well as his very own personal mansion. He was also given ten amazing signs regarding Christ’s ultimate return. At the end of his time in heaven, Gary was commissioned to spend the rest of his time on earth telling his story and making Jesus real for people. God miraculously healed Gary and promised him that wherever he told his story, people would be saved, healed, and delivered. In the years that followed, Gary became a world-renowned evangelist, overcoming obstacles such as medical mysteries and the threats of unfriendly motorcycle gangs along the way, all while thanking God for his inspired life.

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    • Set Your Family Free


      The Modern Family is Under Spiritual Attack!

      The devil is contending for the souls of our children in both our society and our homes.

      In an increasingly secularized culture, Children are bombarded with evil, dysfunction, and death on a daily basis. Even the family itself is a spiritual battleground, where the sins of the parents impact the next generation.

      As a parent, your child’s spiritual wellbeing is your responsibility.

      Bob and Laura Larson have over thirty years of exorcism experience, ministering deliverance to tens of thousands, and also, preserving a spiritually safe atmosphere in their own family unit.

      In Set Your Family Free, you will learn the top ten spiritual warfare strategies parents can use to raise children who are spiritually healthy and equipped to be victorious over the devil’s attacks. These include:
      *Breaking generational curses so that your children can start from a clean slate
      *Speaking blessings over your children with edifying words
      *Praying spiritual warfare prayers over your children
      *Purposefully parenting your children by equipping them with the right warfare tools

      Equip your family for battle so you can all stand victoriously against the powers of darkness!

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    • Evangelical Sacramental And Pentecostal


      1. The Extraordinary Invitation Of John 15:4
      2. Luke-Acts: The Spirit And The Life Of The Church
      3. The Grace Of God: Evangelical, Sacramental, And Pentecostal
      4. The Evangelical Principle
      5. The Sacramental Principle
      6. The Pentecost Principle
      Conclusion: Some Observations And A Case Study
      Subject Index
      Scripture Index

      Additional Info
      Evangelical. Sacramental. Pentecostal. Christian communities tend to identify with one of these labels over the other two. Evangelical churches emphasize the importance of Scripture and preaching. Sacramental churches emphasize the importance of the eucharistic table. And pentecostal churches emphasize the immediate presence and power of the Holy Spirit. But must we choose between them? Could the church be all three? Drawing on his reading of the New Testament, the witness of Christian history, and years of experience in Christian ministry and leadership, Gordon T. Smith argues that the church not only can be all three, but in fact it must be all three in order to truly be the church. As the church navigates the unique global challenges of pluralism, secularism, and fundamentalism, the need for an integrated vision of the community as evangelical, sacramental, and pentecostal becomes ever more pressing. If Jesus and the apostles saw no tension between these characteristics, why should we?

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    • Its Supernatural : Welcome To My World Where Its Naturally Supernatural


      Discover Heaven’s Ancient Blueprint for the Miraculous!

      Divine encounters with the supernatural-signs, wonders, miracles, healings, and angelic experiences-should be normal among those who know and follow Jesus! Yet, many followers of the risen Messiah are tired, bored, and spiritually hungry, desperate for something powerful and transformational. There is so much more to the Christian life than many are currently experiencing. The key is understanding the Code of the Supernatural!

      Sid Roth, host of It’s Supernatural!, has devoted his life to helping believers walk in their full inheritance: a lifestyle where miracles become commonplace, answered prayers are normal, and everyday people are supernaturally empowered to demonstrate God’s Kingdom and fulfill their divine destinies.

      In this epic work, Sid Roth reveals…
      *The missing link to experiencing signs, wonders and miracles in your life and in your church community.
      *The ancient portals that instantly unlock God’s supernatural presence and power in your life.
      *The end-time strategy for sharing the Gospel through the demonstration of signs and wonders.
      *The supernatural connection between the release of God’s end-time harvest, Israel and the Jewish people – and how you can take your place in this great unfolding of prophetic history.

      The life of miracles and Holy Spirit encounter that was common for Jesus and the early church is available to all believers today. Simply discover the code of the supernatural and start living saturated in God’s power now!

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    • Prescription For Healing


      The Prescription for Healing explores some of the common troubles that plague mankind and offers biblical solutions as to how to overcome them. The author has examined the scriptures and provides reference to many scriptures for each particular malady. Created in a glossary format for easy reference, The Prescription for Healing is the perfect companion book to your daily devotion and prayer time.

      Meditate over these scriptures as you pray for yourself and others, and experience the joy that God brings as you rely on His word for healing.

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    • Hearing God Through Your Dreams


      Learn How to Hear God’s Voice, Even When You Are Sleeping

      On average, people spend 33% of their entire lives sleeping.
      Even when you are asleep, Heaven is still communicating.
      Your spirit is still awake, though your body is not.

      Through your dreams, you can hear and discern the voice of God.
      The question is: How do you simply and Biblically hear God speak through your dreams?

      Hearing God Through Your Dreams is a practical and powerful guide to understanding the language that God speaks at night. Through revelatory teaching, supernatural stories, and a refreshing, down-to-earth approach, Mark Virkler and his daughter, Charity Virkler Kayembe, will help you learn how to begin hearing God’s voice through your dreams.

      Discover how:
      *Your dreams are bridges that connect you with the supernatural realm
      *Visions and dreams are Biblically sound and relevant for your life, today
      *Dreams access and unlock divine creativity that is deep within you
      *Bad dreams can be transformed into blessings
      *You can interpret dreams using proven tools and Biblical techniques
      *The meaning of personalized symbols in your dreams can be unlocked

      Don’t miss out on what God is saying to you while you’re sleeping.

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    • Dealing With Demons


      How Do You Know When You’re Dealing with Demons?

      Though many of life’s problems have natural causes, in the back of our minds there is one question that must be considered: Is it the devil?

      How do you know if your problem is the result of life choices or a demonic influence?

      With a ministry spanning several decades, exorcist Bob Larson has brought God’s freedom to tens of thousands of demonized people worldwide. Over time, he discovered some of the common traits and key identifying marks of the presence of demons. In Dealing With Demons, Larson shares these insights with you!

      Learn how to:
      *identify the fingerprints of Satan: recognize common symptoms of the devil’s involvement in someone’s life.
      *get answers to questions people are afraid to ask: can Christians be demon possessed; can everyday life choices open doors to demons; how do I discern between natural problems and demonic ones?
      *position yourself for freedom: receive strategies to avoid Satan’s deadly traps and walk under God’s supernatural protection.

      Learn the secrets to identifying demonic tactics and start cracking Satan’s code. You are one step closer to living in victory!

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    • Daily Invitation To Friendship With God


      Your Daily Access to Heaven’s Wisdom, Creativity, Purpose, and Power

      When people are in love they dream together. The same is true for your relationship with God. He wants to share the secrets of His heart-His thoughts, plans and purposes-with you. The Maker of Heaven and Earth wants to dream with you!

      Pastor Bill Johnson shares transformational quotes and profound thoughts that will fuel your day with a greater sense of purpose,vision, and destiny. Take five minutes each day to create a sacred space for you to dream with God, and receive encouragement on how you can bring the love, power, and creativity of Heaven to Earth.

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    • Your Miraculous Potential


      People have an inherent hunger to rise above their limitations-even above what is “ordinary” or “natural”-and live in the supernatural. While there are many great books exclusively on miracles, healing, and revival, Your Miraculous Potential is a how-to manual for releasing your supernatural capacity. It leads you to understand God’s supernatural ways and heaven’s system for breaking the bonds of human limitation.

      Learn to discern the voice of God and to remove the barriers that block you from fulfilling His purposes for your life. God wants to give you direction, guidance, creative ideas, and the power to fulfill the potential He’s placed within you. See how to bring your spiritual gifts and resources into your cultural sphere of influence and watch God intervene in miraculous ways to build His kingdom on earth through you.

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    • Live Healed


      Take a Double Dose of God’s Medicine. What’s better than receiving healing from the Lord in times of sickness? Living healed all the time! Gloria Copeland has been living healed for many years, and she has no plans to live any other way. Discover how you, too, can follow the “living healed” plan that has kept Gloria whole and healthy. Take your stand on the Word of God and use it as medicine every day. Learn to Live Healed–all the time!

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    • Army Of The Dawn


      God has an army that will soon mobilize. Its weapons are not physical but spiritual, and this gathering will be the most powerful force on earth. This book is a call to be part of the greatest adventure and the most important cause there will ever be.

      Army of the Dawn is both a prophecy and a training manual. It is written to inform, inspire, and provide practical instruction for those who are called to follow the King and turn an upside down world right side up.

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    • Wigglesworth Standard


      God confirmed Smith Wigglesworth’s ministry with powerful signs, including cancers being cured, hearing being restored to the deaf, and fourteen people being raised from the dead. This study of Wigglesworth’s life will build and inspire your faith, deepen your compassion, and explode your vision.

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    • Releasing Spiritual Gifts Today


      This book isn’t just about discovering our spiritual gifts, or even receiving them-it’s about releasing them! God wants you to experience the great wonder of moving in and through His grace-on a daily basis.

      As you read, you’ll first gain an overview of spiritual gifts and be introduced to the way the Holy Spirit moves and operates within them. Then you’ll explore the nine most widely recognized spiritual gifts. These are not the only gifts God gives His children, but they are vital to understand and then activate according to His leading.

      Releasing Spiritual Gifts Today is filled with many examples of how the gifts have been used in action, both within the pages of the Bible and in the present day. God desires to pour out His gifts on His people with even greater degrees of impact and authority. This is your opportunity to find out what the Lord can do for you and through you as you release His spiritual gifts today in an outpouring of His love, grace, and power.

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    • His Word Is Now


      “Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever.” (Hebrews 13:8)

      We feed on the Word of God daily. Like manna in the desert, His Word is not to be canned, dried, or preserved; it is good for today. Jesus is like that, too. Past experience cannot be preserved. His mercies are new every day. It is the “now” Jesus. When He said, “Whatsoever ye shall ask the Father in my name, he will give it you” (John 16:23), that was to last until He returned. When He said, “In my name…they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover” (John 16:17-18), that too was to last until He returned.

      From the inspirational writings of E. W. Kenyon and Don Gossett comes a book that dares the reader to stand on the daily power and truth of God’s Word in order to reap God’s promises for deliverance, healing, and success in life.

      God’s Word is as fresh as if it was uttered this morning. His Word Is Now. It has the power to save now. It has the power to heal now.

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    • Life God Intended


      The Life God Intended Book – The simple but potent truths of becoming naturally supernatural.

      *Practical ways to develop your spirit.
      *Fresh insights into spirit, soul and body.
      *What it means to ‘walk in the Spirit’
      *Do I have to pay a price for this new life, or is it free?
      *The blessing of obedience; obey is not a 4-letter word.
      *Overcoming the idols in our lives.

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    • Visions And Dreams


      Gary Oates Ministries Inc Publication

      Does God give visions to people today. Gary Oates says an emphatic “yes”. Not only is that true of believers but to unbelievers as well. Many of us have heard of incredibly dramatic stories of unbelievers and those of other religions living in remote areas of the world who have given their lives to Jesus directly as a result of experiencing a supernatural vision or dream. Unquestionably, most believers have had more supernatural encounters with God than they think they have. As well, many Christians have also had more visions and, for the most part, they didn’t realize those manifestations were from God. As new born believers in Jesus, most of us were satisfied with simply being able to see with our natural sight. Yet, there is another dimension. It is a place where God develops our spiritual sight-our sanctified imagination-and enables us to receive heavenly visions causing us to flow in supernatural manifestations from our Creator.

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    • Gods Generals 5


      In his fifth God’s Generals volume, Roberts Liardon chronicles some of the great evangelists who risked their lives to take the gospel message to strange and unknown cultures around the world, including…

      *Nikolaus Ludwig von Zinzendorf-the Austrian nobleman whose passion for Christ ushered in the Moravian revival of the 1700s.

      *David Brainerd-the young American colonist who sacrificially reached out to Native Americans.

      *William Carey-the British shoemaker and Bible translator whose passion to reach India birthed a missionary revolution.

      *David Livingstone-the explorer who crossed the “unknown continent” and opened the heart of Africa to the gospel.

      *Adoniram Judson-the “Father of American Missions” who endured tragedy to reach the people of Burma.

      *Hudson Taylor-the first missionary to use the phrase “Great Commission,” who pioneered the China Inland Mission, transforming millions of lives along the way.

      *Hiram Bingham-the first Protestant missionary, who spent twenty years serving Christ in what is now Hawaii.

      *Amy Carmichael-the selfless Irish missionary who dedicated her life to the forsaken children of India.

      *Jonathan Goforth-the passionate Canadian revivalist who brought salvation and healing to hundreds of thousands of Chinese people.

      The sacrifice and courage of these spiritual pioneers are sure to stoke the fires of your faith and revive within your heart a spirit of evangelism and compassion for the lost.

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    • Deliverance And Spiritual Warfare Manual


      Everything you need to know about deliverance and spiritual warfare in one complete manual.

      This powerful guide gives readers the tools they need to pinpoint the issues they are facing so they can confront the enemy head-on. They will in turn be able to see their loved ones and families set free as they go to war of their behalf. An invaluable resource for anyone who wants to destroy the works of the enemy, this book gives information on spiritual warfare basics and strategies, including:
      *Fasting, prayer and intercession
      *The ministry of deliverance
      *Prayers for self-deliverance
      *Destroying stubborn demons and strongholds

      Bringing much needed light to expose the works of darkness, this book also provides specific prayers and names of demons, spirits, strongholds, and manifestations, and it provides biblical tactics for defeating them so readers can see their lives return to the place that God designed.

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    • Great Transfer Of Wealth


      You Can Be a Part of God’s Great Release of Wealth!

      “Your gates shall be open continually; they shall not be shut day or night, that men may bring to you the wealth of the Gentiles.”
      -Isaiah 60:11

      The Bible proclaims a coming day when God will release a great transfer of the world’s wealth into the hands of His people. Why would God divert the world’s wealth in such a manner? Is it driven by greed or the evil spirit of mammon? Or might there be a higher purpose?

      Revered author C. Peter Wagner delves deeply into this amazing prophecy, showing how God will bring about a miraculous, worldwide financial transformation so that the Great Commission will be fulfilled and His kingdom will be established on earth. And these things will be witnessed by this generation! With great wisdom and clarity, Wagner describes…
      *The proper uses of this wealth
      *The mechanism of its distribution
      *The goals it is intended to achieve
      *How the newly financed church will use its “seven mountains of influence” to change the world

      God is poised to shake the world’s financial foundations to their core. All Bible-believing Christians need to take steps to be prepared, for they will be the ones God uses to receive this blessing, influence the world, and help to fulfill Jesus’ Great Commission.

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    • Run To The Battle


      This volume combines three best-selling books-The Invading Force, A Call to Action, and Run to the Battle-in their original form but updated for today’s reader. The prophetic message they bring is just as powerful and relevant today as it was when author Roberts Liardon first spoke it. “When you invade, do not have second thoughts and retreat-just invade. You are in it to the death-not your death, but the devil’s death! Your attitude needs to be… I am going to win, or I am going to die fighting.”

      The Holy Spirit is bringing revival to the church, and the church is rising up in a fresh anointing, a holy faith, and a Spirit-led zeal to win the lost as never before. If you are a believer who is serious about fulfilling God’s call on your life and taking this world for Jesus Christ, the truths in this new edition will transform you into a powerful soldier in God’s army. These three books in one provide the vital information and wisdom you need to hear God’s voice and Run to the Battle!

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    • Price Of Spiritual Power


      If you are serious about moving closer to God and doing what it takes to have a deeper walk with Jesus, here are four Roberts Liardon titles in one volume that will help you to get there!

      Holding to the Word of the Lord will teach you how to hold on to what God has told you and to move forward in victory.

      The Quest for Spiritual Hunger will point the way to a deeper, more intimate relationship with God and the victory that comes with it.

      The Price of Spiritual Power will light the path to holiness and spiritual power.

      Spiritual Timing will insure that you not only do the right thing, but that you do it at the right time, in God’s timing, where victory dwells.

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