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  • Como Ayudar A Tus Hijos A Limp – (Spanish)


    Esta es una guia para que los padres puedan apoyar la salud mental de sus hijos.

    Cada vez mas, los nios de 3 a 10 aos luchan contra la ansiedad, la depresion y los problemas de salud mental. Estos pueden ser provocados por muchos factores (estres en el hogar, cambios en la sociedad, interrupciones en la rutina, aislamiento de los amigos, intimidacion o presion social) y, si no se abordan, siguen a los nios hasta la adolescencia y la edad adulta, lo que les provoca trastornos mentales y emocionales, y problemas relacionales que les robaran la paz y la alegria.

    Pero hay esperanza. La autora de exitos de ventas, la Dra. Caroline Leaf, le ayuda a ensearles a sus hijos a:

    *reconocer los sentimientos negativos y responder de manera saludable

    *navegar por un mundo que puede resultar aterrador y abrumador

    *manejar situaciones incomodas o desafiantes

    *reemplazar los pensamientos toxicos con practicas de desarrollo cerebral que producen mejores resultados

    *desarrollar resiliencia y fortaleza emocional

    Basado en investigaciones actualizadas, claramente ilustrado con estudios de casos y aplicado de manera practica a los problemas que enfrentan los nios hoy en dia, Como ayudar a su hijo a limpiar su desorden mental es lo que los padres, cuidadores, maestros y consejeros han estado esperando. La Dra. Leaf comparte un plan claro y efectivo de cinco pasos para ensearle a su hijo como manejar su mente, para que pueda vivir una vida con mayor resiliencia, salud y felicidad.

    Every Parent’s Guide to Supporting Their Child’s Mental Health

    Increasingly, children ages three to ten are struggling with anxiety, depression, and mental health challenges. These can be brought on by many factors, such as stress at home, upheavals in society, breaks in routine, isolation from friends, bullying, or social pressure. If left unaddressed, they follow kids into their teens and adulthood, causing mental, emotional, and relational problems that will steal their peace and joy.

    But there is hope. Bestselling author Dr. Caroline Leaf helps you teach your kids how to:

    *Recognize negative feelings and respond in a healthy way
    *Navigate a world that can feel scary and overwhelming
    *Manage uncomfortable or challenging situations
    *Replace toxic thoughts with brain-building practices that produce better outcomes
    *Develop resilience and emotional strength

    Based on up-to-date research, clearly illustrated with case studies, and practically applied to the probl

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  • 6 Necesidades De Cada Nino – (Spanish)


    Como la mayoria de los padres, Amy y Jeffrey Olrick salieron del hospital con su primer hijo desesperados por saber: Que hacemos?. Pero aos de crianza de tres hijos y el trabajo de Jeffrey como psicologo infantil los convencio de hacer una pregunta mejor: Como debo estar con esta nueva persona?. En una cultura obsesionada con las formulas parentales, es facil pasar por alto el hecho de que la ciencia y la experiencia vivida han demostrado que el desarrollo humano y la prosperidad son una cuestion de relacion. Basandose en decadas de investigacion psicologica, neurociencia y su propia experiencia como padres y personas de fe, los Olrick presentan seis necesidades relacionales para el crecimiento humano que transformaran la forma en que piensa sobre su hijo y sobre si mismo. Juntas, las necesidades forman una brujula confiable para guiarlo a usted y a su hijo hacia un camino de proposito y plenitud relacional.

    Para los padres que se sienten atraidos en cientos de direcciones, mareados por el volumen de estrategias contradictorias y cansados por los programas para padres que complicaron su propia infancia, Las 6 necesidades de cada nio es un mapa de ruta innovadora que integra la ciencia de la conexion con herramientas practicas. Estara equipado con:

    – Una mirada profunda a los seis elementos esenciales que su hijo necesita para prosperar

    – Herramientas para usar cuando se sienta atrapado

    – El secreto para asegurar la conexion con su hijo

    – Herramientas de autoevaluacion para discernir su estilo de crianza unico

    Mas que una guia para padres, este libro es su invitacion a liberarse del mito de la paternidad perfecta y abrazar el largo viaje de crecimiento de su hijo. Con perspicacia, humor y compasion, llama a los padres a descubrir el poder de estar imperfectamente presentes con sus hijos, desarrollando una capacidad de recuperacion mental, emocional y espiritual que los sostendra durante toda la vida.

    The 6 Needs of Every Child

    Like most parents, Amy and Jeffrey Olrick left the hospital with their first child desperate to know, “What do we do?” But years of parenting three kids and Jeffrey’s work as a child psychologist convinced them to ask a better question: “How shall I be with this new person?”

    In a culture obsessed with parenting formulas, it’s easy to miss the fact that science and lived experience have proven that human development and thriving are a matter of relationship. Drawing on decades of psychological research, neur

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  • Como Formar Vencedores De Giga – (Spanish)


    Con honestidad, humor y perspicacia biblica, los autores de exitos de ventas, Bill y Beni Johnson lo ayudan a descubrir las claves para una crianza exitosa en el reino de Dios. “Padres, gobernamos con el proposito de proteccion, pero tambien servimos con el proposito de empoderar”, escriben. “Queremos liberar el destino para nuestros hijos, ese es el privilegio de ser padres”.

    En estas paginas obtendra la sabiduria, los conceptos del reino y las herramientas practicas que necesita para ayudar a criar a sus hijos al maximo.

    Descubrira como ser padre de su singularidad, dones y fortalezas, asi como tambien como puede demostrar y revelar quien es Dios para sus hijos. Los autores tambien abordan problemas apremiantes que enfrentan los padres hoy en dia, incluyendo como:

    * Comprometerse plenamente a escuchar lo que el Seor esta diciendo sobre cada nio
    * Mantener una relacion y disciplina
    * Desarrollar el caracter
    * Entrenar a tus hijos para la adoracion
    * Avivar la llama de lo que Dios ha puesto en sus corazones
    * y mas

    No importa la edad de sus hijos, tiene una oportunidad increible de moldear sus corazones, mentes y valores. Aqui esta todo lo que necesita para ayudar a sus hijos a caminar hacia el destino de sus vidas y verlos convertirse en las personas increibles que fueron creadas para ser.

    ?With honesty, humor, and keen biblical insight, bestselling authors Bill and Beni Johnson help you discover the keys to successful parenting in God’s kingdom. “Parents, we rule for the purpose of protection, but we also serve with the purpose of empowering,” they write. “We want to release our children into their destiny–that’s the privilege of parenting.”

    In these pages you will gain the wisdom, kingdom concepts, and practical tools you need to help raise your children to their best.

    You’ll discover how to parent to their uniqueness, gifts, and strengths, as well as how you can demonstrate and reveal who God is to your kids. The authors also address pressing issues parents face today, including how to:

    * be fully engaged in hearing what the Lord is saying over each child
    * maintain relationship and discipline
    * develop character
    * train your children for worship
    * fan the flame of what God has put in their hearts
    * and more

    No matter what age your kids are, you have an incredible opportunity to shape their hearts, minds, and values. Here is everything you need to help your children walk into the destiny of their lives and see

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  • Crianza Responsiva – (Spanish)


    This book identifies five problem areas in parenting that, if left unchecked, will produce problems in adolescence. They are:
    a) Isolation
    b) Unrestrainedness
    c) no boundaries
    d) poor parental accessibility
    e) shame

    The antidote for all five are connection, self-control, good boundaries, accessibility to the parents, and the parents’ ability to mitigate shame in their children’s lives.

    One of the primary differences between families who enjoy each other and families who do not enjoy each other is the way they approach conflict. Reactive families do not possess the skills to resolve conflict, while responsive families do. All around us are adolescents who are isolated, with little self-control over their emotions. They easily get into trouble because of poor parental boundaries and subsequently experience shame. They do not have accessibility to their parents and do not know how to resolve their conflicts and confusion. Young parents can avoid these deadly pitfalls beginning at the toddler stage by parenting in a responsive way. They will raise children who know how to interact with others, control their emotions, respect and accept good boundaries, enjoy accessibility with their parents, and know how to mitigate shame when it occurs in their lives.

    The reactive family is literally going in circles. Their cyclical, reactive patterns include inattentiveness, misunderstanding, put downs, rejection, shame, and isolation. They can be disconnected, angry, and resentful. They are on an emotional merry-go-round and do not know how to get off. On the other hand, the responsive family has learned how to stop the cycle. They have employed listening, understanding, and clarification. When they apologize–it means something. When they forgive, they do not bring it up again. Instead of being rigid, they have learned to be flexible. They are connected and forgiving. As a result, they are emotionally strong and respectful of each other. They enjoy spontaneous moments in a mutually satisfying way.

    This book helps the reader identify deadly patterns that are draining the life out of their relationships and presents change as a real possibility. With the use of metaphors and word pictures, the reader can see both kinds of families, but also learn how to introduce change into their family–the kind of change that is not easy but is transformative.

    Parenting is a daunting task, especially if you’re young and inexperienced. Today many parents

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  • Crianza Y Fe – (Spanish)


    Give your children the greatest gift of all–pass on your faith. In Passing It On, Kara Lassen Oliver provides a practical guide to help parents, grandparents, and other concerned adults nurture their children’s faith. For four weeks at a time, she offers easy-to-follow suggestions for families during the seasons of Advent, Lent, summer, and back to school. This book features plans for weekly Family Gatherings with age-appropriate activities symbols to remind family members of the week’s spiritual emphasis a suggested daily practice and prayer for each week a Leader’s Guide for parent groups studying this book together The most valuable legacy we can pass to our children, grandchildren, and other children is a spiritual heritage. Kara Oliver shows us how to do just that.

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  • 5 Lenguajes Del Amor De Los Ni – (Spanish)


    !Mas de un millon de copias vendidas!

    Sabes que amas a tus nios. Entonces, como puedes demostrarlo a fin de que se sientan amados de verdad? Descubre como hablar el leguaje de amor de tus nios, y hacerlos sentir amados de una manera que ellos comprendan. En este libro, el Dr. Gary Chapman y el Dr. Ross Campbell te ayudaran a:

    *Descubrir el lenguaje del amor de tu nio.
    *Comprender la relacion entre el exito del aprendizaje y los lenguajes del amor.
    *Ver como los lenguajes del amor pueden ayudarte a disciplinar con mas eficiencia y a desarrollar un cimiento de amor incondicional por tu nio.

    Ademas, !encontraras muchos consejos sobre maneras practicas de hablar el lenguaje del amor de tu nio! Descubra la lengua materna de su hijo -y luego hablela- y estara en camino de establecer una relacion mas solida con el.

    More than 1 million sold!

    You know you love your children. So, how can you express it in order to make them feel truly loved? Discover how to speak your children’s love language, and make them feel loved in a way they understand. In this book, Dr. Gary Chapman and Dr. Ross Campbell will help you:

    *Discover your child’s love language.
    *Understand the relationship between successful learning and love languages.
    *See how love languages can help you discipline more effectively and develop a foundation of unconditional love for your child.

    Plus, you’ll find lots of tips on practical ways to speak your child’s love language! Discover your child’s home language – and then speak it – and you’ll be on your way to building a stronger relationship with your child.

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  • Hijos Exitosos – (Spanish)


    Si maana fuera tu ultimo dia en la tierra, que les ensearias a tus hijos? Todo padre, durante su vida, ha aprendido lecciones que les aseguraria el exito a sus hijos si las compartiera con ellos.

    El Dr. Sixto Porras, en sus experiencias interviniendo en relaciones entre padres e hijos, ha descubierto un detalle unico. Aun cuando los padres educan a sus hijos y son su ejemplo, se les escapa sembrar en ellos aquellos aprendizajes recibidos de la vida misma, que les dieron, fuerza, aplomo, y grandes resultados. Esas experiencias que se convirtieron en sabiduria es lo que tus hijos necesitan oir para alcanzar el exito. Sixto Porras, con el profundo conocimiento que le caracteriza, te invita a pensar: Que le ensearias a tu hijo sobre la vida, que le sirva para alcanzar la vida que desea? Cuales son las lecciones que no debes irte sin compartir?

    If tomorrow were your last day here, what would you teach your children? Every parent, as life goes on, has learned some lesson that would help his children to live a successful life, if they only knew.

    Dr. Sixto Porras, through his experiences with parent-child relationships, has discovered a unique truth: Even when parents are good role models and educate their children faithfully, they rarely consider imprinting their children with the life lessons that shaped their characters for good and helped them to live better. Life experiences that turned into wisdom are exactly the lessons your children need to learn in order to conquer life. That is real life wisdom; they should not miss it. Sixto Porras challenges you to ask yourself: What should you teach your children about life to ensure they will live successfully? What are the lessons you cannot afford not to share with them?

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  • Como Hacer Felices A Tus Hijos – (Spanish)


    Cmo hacemos felices a los hijos]]complaciendo todos sus caprichos?

    No; formando hombres y mujeres moralmente responsables y espiritualmente sensibles! Criar a los hijos y a la misma vez hacerlos felices, hoy y en el futuro, es una labor titnica. Exige amor, tiempo, pensamiento y compromiso. Es un trabajo sensible y un reto delicado. Cada palabra que decimos y cada gesto que tenemos, dulce o amenazador, marcar de una manera indeleble la existencia de nuestros hijos. Seamos sabios. La manera cmo vamos construyendo la fibra moral de nuestra descendencia, aquella que los sostendr en las batallas de la vida, tiene que ser pensada, ejecutada y constantemente corregida.

    Con asombrosa habilidad y un ameno lenguaje de vida diaria, al que te podrs relacionar, los autores de Cmo hacer felices a tus hijos nos llevan de la mano a travs del aprendizaje de conceptos fundamentales y ejemplos prcticos de crianza.

    Cmo Hacer Felices a tus Hijos es una nutrida, balanceada y p

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  • Mensaje Para Mi Hijo – (Spanish)


    ‘Message for my Child’ is Patrick Atkinson’s international classic that has been enjoyed by millions. Rich with powerful and straight-forward advice for people of all ages, and particularly teens and young adults, this book guides the reader to take control of their life, responsibility for their decisions, and create victory and success. Simple and beautifully-illustrated by the author’s son, Ernesto, ‘Message for my Child’ is the perfect birthday, graduation, holiday, and just-because-I-love-you gift. This easy-to-read book has the power to change lives forever.

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  • 52 Maneras De Cultivar Las Hab – (Spanish)


    SKU (ISBN): 9781602556386ISBN10: 1602556385Language: SpanishKenneth LuckBinding: Trade PaperPublished: May 2011Publisher: Groupo Nelson Print On Demand Product

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  • 52 Maneras Sencillas De Ensena – (Spanish)


    Suggestions for talking openly with children about God.

    Sugerencias practicas para hablar abiertamente con los ninos acerca de Dios.

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  • Poder De Bendecir A Sus Hijos – (Spanish)


    Mary Ruth Swope shows how to minister to children, grandchildren, and other loved ones by giving them powerful daily blessings, including:
    *Safety-to sleep in peace
    *Wisdom-to make wise decisions
    *Prosperity-to meet all their needs
    *Courage-to face their fears
    *Good health-throughout life

    From the testimonies included, you will find many examples of those who have been completely changed with simple blessings given in person, over the phone, or even by mail. Release blessings upon those you love… and witness powerful results!

    Mary Ruth Swope muestra como ministrar a sus hijos, nietos y otros seres queridos dandoles poderosas bendiciones diarias, incluyendo:
    *Seguridad-dormir en paz
    *Sabiduria-vivir una vida de fe
    *Prosperidad-satisfacer sus necesidades
    *Valentia-afrontar sus temores
    *Buena salud-experimentar sanidad

    De los testimonios incluidos, usted encontrara muchos ejemplos de quienes han sido totalmente cambiados con sencillas y a la vez poderosas bendiciones dadas en persona, por telefono, o incluso por correo. Desate bendicion en quienes usted ama…!y sea testigo de poderosos resultados!

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  • Padres A Prueba De Crisis – (Spanish)


    Fights at school, sexual abuse, eating disorders, school crises – the list goes on and on. Hardly a day passes without a local crisis at involving junior highers or high schoolers. This practical resource covers the whole continuum of private and public crisis, equipping parents to work with their kids to deal with any crisis in a way that helps the individual and helps the family stay intact.

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  • Cuando Las Consecuencias No So – (Spanish)


    You and I grew up believing that consequences mattered. Today our children laugh at consequences.

    Parenting has changed. How can you warn your children about bad decisions? Why don’t they believe you any more? Today’s generation is willing to take the chance that they won’t get caught, it won’t be them, they will beat the odds. In fact, injury can come as a badge of honor now. So how do you challenge your children to resist what is wrong? How do you get them to obey the law, to stay away from drugs, and to avoid premarital sex? “If you do X, then Y will happen” is bogus in their thinking.

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  • Ritual De Transicion En La Cri – (Spanish)


    No es un secreto: algo les ha sucedido a las familias estadounidenses. Cambios dramaticos en nuestra cultura quieren decir que lo que una vez fue una manera aceptable de producir adultos maduros y capaces practicamente ha desaparecido. Si le preocupan los efectos del caos cultural actual; si nota en sus hijos la falta de responsabilidad, la falta de una buena etica laboral o la falta de respeto a la autoridad; si le preocupa que sus hijos puedan experimentar falsos ritos de iniciacion como la blasfemia, el fumar, las drogas, el alcohol, agujeros en el cuerpo o el sexo; deje que Walter Moore le muestre como proveer las cuatro experiencias esenciales que a la mayoria de los ninos le hace falta: (1) un rito de iniciacion autentico, (2) tareas significativas, (3) consecuencias logicas y (4) depositos de gracia de los padres, abuelos y otros adultos caritativos. En La crianza como rito de iniciacion, Moore le muestra como evitar el dano y ayudar a sus hijos a pasar a la adultez de una manera saludable.

    Practical, easy steps to help parents give their children a head start
    It’s no secret: something has happened to America’s families. Dramatic shifts in our culture mean that what was once an acceptable way to produce mature, capable adults has now all but disappeared. If you are concerned about the effects of the current cultural chaos; if you notice in your children a lack of responsibility, the lack of a good work ethic, or disrespect for authority; if you are worried that your children may experiment with false rites of passage like profanity, smoking, drugs, alcohol, body piercing, or sex; let Walker Moore show you how to provide the four essential experiences most children are missing: (1) an authentic Rite of Passage, (2) Significant Tasks, (3) Logical Consequences, and (4) Grace Deposits from parents, grandparents, and other caring adults. In La crianza como un rito de iniciacion, Moore shows you how to prevent the damage and help your children move toward adulthood in a healthy way.

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  • Crianza De Los Hijos – (Spanish)


    Everything that parents need to survive and thrive in the 21st century
    It’s no secret that 21st century life often seems to be working against the hopes and dreams of Christian parents for their families. In this much-needed volume, Charles Swindoll offers solid advice and helpful, pastoral counsel for building close, rewarding, and fruitful family relationships. Based on his extensive study of both the Old and New Testaments, Chuck has drawn together timeless insights for building close and rewarding family relationships. Following a biblical exploration of God’s purpose and plans for families, readers are equipped with all the tools necessary to grow strong healthy families. Chuck then takes a clear-eyed look at those areas where parents and families often experience difficulties. In typical Swindoll fashion, these discussions are frank and direct but always leave the reader filled with hope and encouragement.

    No es un secreto que la vida del siglo XXI a menudo parece estar trabajando en contra de las esperanzas y suenos que tienen los padres cristianos para sus familias. En este volumen tan necesitado, Charles Swindoll ofrece consejo solido y asesoramiento pastoral util para establecer relaciones familiares estrechas, gratificantes y fructiferas. Basado en su estudio extenso tanto del Antiguo como del Nuevo Testamento, Chuck ha extraido revelaciones eternas para establecer relaciones familiares estrechas y gratificantes. Despues de una exploracion biblica del proposito y los planes de Dios para las familias, los lectores estaran equipados con todas las herramientas necesarias para desarrollar familias fuertes y sanas. Chuck luego analiza claramente aquellas areas en las que los padres y las familias a menudo tienen dificultades. En tipico estilo Swindoll, estas discusiones son francas y directas pero siempre dejan al lector lleno de esperanza y animo.

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  • Limites Con Los Adolecentes – (Spanish)


    Parents with teenage children will recognize the valuable support offered on the pages of this book. The teen years can be a challenging and even scary time for parents and those involved with youth. This book contains topically based chapters devoted to specific problems, from moodiness to school problems to aggression. Finally, the author addresses parents themselves, helping them to resolve their own personal obstacles to being an effective, maturing influence on the teen.

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  • Correccion Creativa – (Spanish)


    Drawing from her own family’s experiences, and from interaction with other parents, Lisa Whelchel offers creative solutions for parents who are out of ideas and desperate for new, proven approaches to discipline

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  • Corazan De Enojo – (Spanish)


    El enojo, ?Ha sido un problema en su hogar? ?Alguna vez sus hijos le han hablando con un tono airado o irrespetuoso? ?Pelean entre ellos? ?Ha perdido usted alguna vez la compostura o la paciencia mientras trataba una situacion irritable en su casa? Pues bien, si usted contesto honestamente “si” a alguna de estas preguntas, usted necesita este libro.

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  • Factor Mama – (Spanish)


    No one has influenced the person you are today like your mother. The way she handled your needs as a child has shaped your worldview, your relationships, your marriage, your career, your self-image — your life. The Mom Factor can help you identify areas that need reshaping, to make positive choices for personal change, and to establish a nature relationship with Mom today. Drs. Henry Cloud and John Townsend steer you down a path of discovery and growth beyond the effects of six common mom types: – The Phantom Mom . . . – The China Doll Mom – The Controlling Mom . . . – The Trophy Mom – The Still-the-Boss Mom . . . The American Express Mom — You’ll learn how your mom affected you as a child and may still be affecting you today. And you’ll find a realistic and empowering approach to filling your unmet mothering needs in healthy, life-changing ways through other people. The Mom Factor is a biblical route to wholeness and growth, to deeper and more satisfying bonds with your family, friends, and spouse — and to a new, healthier way of relating to your mother today.

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  • Preparemonos Para La Adolescen – (Spanish)


    Un tratado acerca de la adolescencia escrito tanto para los adolescentes como para sus progenitores.

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  • Llave Al Corazon De Tu Hijo – (Spanish)


    Una ayuda para padres o para todos aquellos que tengan ninos o jovenes a su alrededor.

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  • Como Criar Hijos Felices Y Obe – (Spanish)


    Principios de la Palabra de Dios necesarios para instruir a los hijos.

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  • Como Disciplinar A Tus Hijos – (Spanish)


    A study of what God thinks of corporal punishment and its application in our times.

    Un estudio de como Dios ve el castigo fisico para la generacion actual.

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  • Como Aprenden Los Ninos – (Spanish)


    In this enlightening resource, Cynthia Ulrich Tobias introduces the variety of learning styles that shape the way students interpret the world. Once these approaches are understood, parents and teachers can become far more effective in helping children grasp confusing concepts, stay interested in lessons, and utilize their strengths.

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  • Limites Para Nuestros Hijos – (Spanish)


    Henry Cloud and John Townsend demonstrate how to give control to a family that is out of control, how to set limits and keep being a loving parent. Learn how to define legitimate limits for your family, and above all how to instill in your children the type of divine character that cultivates a productive and healthy adult life. This book is illustrated with many examples and anecdotes. This book is one of the best investments you can make as a parent to insure the well being of your children in the long run.

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  • Atrevete A Disciplinar (Revised) – (Spanish) (Revised)


    This is a completely expanded and revised edition of the 20-year best seller.

    The first edition was written in the early 1970s by Dr. James Dobson. His first of many books was an instant susscess that continued as a best seller for nearly twenty years. Although the principles on which it is based are timeless, The New Dare To Discipline is revised and expaned to address parenting in today’s modern context.

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  • Tener Hijos No Es Para Cobarde – (Spanish)


    Raising children isn’t as easy as it was for your parents. In this authoritative book on parenting in the Twentieth Century, Dr. Dobson deals with winning the contest of wills between generations, facing down the perils of adolescence and avoiding burnout.

    There is a better and more effective way to manage our responsibilities in the raising of children. This book without a doubt will become a classic to thousands of families in the years to come.

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  • Como Orar Por Los Hijos – (Spanish)


    Do you have hope for your children? Do you want them to be faithful to God? Do you want them to be capable of resisting the temptations that surround us? As a mother, Quin Sherrer had the same worries, but she didn’t know how to pray for her sons. Is there a method of how to pray for them? Are there some prayers more efficient than others are? Quin asked other mothers how they prayed for their children and what results they had. In this book, Quin tell us what she learned. She shows the importance of getting together to pray in the Spirit and with faith. She shows us how to pray for our children that are faithful and those that are not. This book will teach you and inspire you in your prayers for them.

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