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Pneumatology (Theology of the Holy Spirit)

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  • Buenos Dias Espiritu Santo – (Spanish)


    Si estas listo para iniciar una relacion personal con el Espiritu Santo que vaya mas alla de cualquier cosa que hayas soado, sigue leyendo. –Benny Hinn Cuando Buenos dias, Espiritu Santo entro en escena, alcanzo –de inmediato– los primeros lugares de popularidad y ventas, con lo que redefinio el pensamiento del creyente acerca de su relacion con el Espiritu Santo. En Buenos dias, Espiritu Santo el pastor Benny Hinn comparte los recursos y verdades que Dios le ha enseado a traves de los aos. Empezando con un dramatico encuentro, este libro revela la transicion –poco comun– de Hinn hacia un entendimiento del Espiritu Santo y el compaerismo con El. Complementado con una guia de estudio para usar en forma personal o en grupo Buenos dias, Espiritu Santo te llevara a descubrir: – La manera de identificar la voz del Espiritu Santo -Los siete pasos para una vida de oracion mas efectiva -La fuente y proposito de la uncion de Dios -La libertad del miedo al pecado imperdonable -El plan maestro de Dios para tu vida

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  • Proposito Y El Poder Del Espir – (Spanish)


    Es realmente posible el cielo en la tierra?

    Cuando lidiamos con la derrota y el desanimo, el Espiritu Santo es la clave para la victoria y la paz. El autor de exitos de venta, Dr. Myles Munroe, nos muestra como:
    -Poner orden en el caos en nuestra vida
    -Recibir el poder de Dios para sanar y liberar
    -Cumplir nuestro verdadero proposito con gozo
    -Ser un lider en nuestra esfera de influencia
    -Ser parte del gobierno de Dios en la tierra
    Tenemos acceso al mundo invisible del Espiritu y podemos traer a la tierra influencia celestial. Cuando recibimos al Espiritu de Dios en nuestra vida, descubrimos que sus dones son nuestra primogenitura. Reciba la plenitud del Espiritu de Dios y comience a vivir en el poder espiritual que Dios le ha prometido. “Os conviene que yo me vaya; porque si no me fuera, el Consolador no vendria a vosotros; mas si me fuere, os lo enviare.”
    (Juan 16:7, RVR-60)

    Is Heaven on Earth Really Possible?

    When we struggle with defeat and discouragement, the Holy Spirit is the key to victory and peace. Best-selling author Dr. Myles Munroe shows how to bring order to the chaos in your life, receive God’s power to heal and deliver, fulfill your true purpose with joy, be a leader in your sphere of influence, and be part of God’s government on earth. We have access to the unseen world of the Spirit and can bring heavenly influence to earth. When you receive God’s Spirit into your life, you will find that His gifts are your birthright. Receive the fullness of God’s Spirit and start living in the spiritual power that God has promised you. “It is to your advantage that I go away; for if I do not go away, the Helper will not come to you; but if I depart, I will send Him to you” (John 16:7 NKJV).

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  • Espiritu Santo Somos Inflamabl – (Spanish)


    Are you flammable or fireproof? In this opus about the Holy Spirit, Evangelist Reinhard Bonnke gives you the secret to his success-the fire of the Holy Spirit. Bonnke has compiled some of the greatest uncompromising truths about the Holy Spirit that have been at the cornerstone of his ministry for over 50 years. Birthed in critical times and seasons on the mission field, these truths-Holy Spirit Fire Points-capture deep lessons about the Holy Spirit that are non-negotiable for the believer or minister desiring to move in the supernatural power and gifts of the Holy Spirit.

    In this book, you will encounter the faith and pneumatology of Reinhard Bonnke-a refreshing and invigorating perspective of the Holy Spirit that will challenge your thinking on the activity of the third person of the Trinity. If you want a vibrant, fruitful ministry or Christian walk, then this book is a must read. The baptism of the Holy Spirit is still the key to lighting the globe with the fires of evangelism, and our knowledge of, response to and faith in the person, presence and power of the Holy Spirit is the transformative difference.

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  • Encuentro Divino Con El Espiri – (Spanish)


    Cuando fue la ultima vez que tuvo un encuentro sobrenatural con el Espiritu Santo?
    Todos los creyentes pueden tener poderosos encuentros divinos con el Espiritu, no como eventos aislados sino como un estilo de vida en el que:
    – El reino sobrenatural es su mayor realidad.
    – Jesus se vuelva real en usted.
    – Es comisionado para demostrar el poder milagroso de Dios.
    – Usted tiene un profundo deseo por mas de la presencia de Dios.
    Para experimentar encuentros divinos, es necesario tener una clara comprension de quien es el Espiritu Santo. El Apostol Guillermo Maldonado aclara dudas y falsos conceptos sobre el Espiritu, al tiempo que muestra testimonios extraordinarios de personas transformadas por encuentros sobrenaturales. Dios desea manifestarse como nuestro Padre, Proveedor, Hacedor de Milagros, Sanador, Liberador y Defensor. Desea que impactemos familias, comunidades y naciones para Cristo. Una relacion intima con el Espiritu Santo, le llenara con el amor de Dios y le dara un corazon compasivo para un mundo herido. Usted no tiene que ser un lider espiritual, ni ser perfecto para experimentar la presencia de Dios y continuar la obra de Jesus en la tierra. Lo que necesita es un poderoso encuentro divino con el Espiritu Santo.

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  • Fuego Extrano – (Spanish)


    SKU (ISBN): 9781602559646ISBN10: 1602559643Language: SpanishJohn MacArthurBinding: Trade PaperPublished: February 2014Publisher: Groupo Nelson

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  • Redescubrimiento Del Espiritu – (Spanish)


    For some of us, being a Christian is harder than it should be. Discouraged, anxious, worn down, we wonder what happened to the power and the joy Jesus promised. ‘You can have regular devotions, great preaching, a strong emphasis on the Bible, a great worship team, and a congregation that is trying hard,’ Cymbala writes, ‘but if you aren’t vitally in touch with God’s Spirit, you are missing out on the life God has for you.’ The Holy Spirit is God’s agent on earth. Yet he is the least understood, least preached about, and least discussed member of the Trinity. This is sad because without him our spiritual lives will always be dry, mechanical, and a struggle. With stunning stories of how God is working in the lives of people and churches today and with biblical teaching about the Holy Spirit, Jim Cymbala invites you to experience God in a fresh and vital way. If we want power, confidence, joy, peace, and more love in our lives, then we need a better understanding of how and why the Spirit moves so we can join him there.

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  • Su Poder En Espiritu Santo – (Spanish)


    John G. Lake was anointed by God to reach the sick and the lost in miraculous ways. Here is a glimpse of the unparalleled outpouring of Holy Spirit power when operating through a completely yielded life. Drawing upon his vast ministry experiences, Lake presents an enlightening look at how God desires to use His people mightily to minister to a dying world. Through his insightful words, you will discover how you can personally…
    * Receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit.
    * Be filled with the overcoming life of Christ.
    * Be a more powerful witness for Christ.
    * Overcome all the schemes of Satan.
    * Exercise authority over evil spirits in Jesus’ name.
    * Trust God to meet all your needs.
    * Find true purpose for your life.
    * Develop a faith for miracles.
    * See people powerfully saved, healed, and delivered.
    * Transform your world for Christ.

    You, too, can bring salvation and healing to many hurting,
    hungry people in the fullness and power of the Holy Spirit.
    Discover the exciting opportunities available to believers
    everywhere, and experience God’s powerful and miraculous

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  • Dones Y Ministerios Del Espiri – (Spanish)


    The gifts of the Spirit can destroy any force the devil might use against Christians. You are a candidate for the gifts of revelation, power, and inspiration. They will function anywhere-right where you are now!

    Dr. Sumrall discusses subjects including:

    The charismatic renewal
    The weapons of our warfare
    How you can receive the gifts
    The devil’s counterfeit
    The purpose of ministry gifts

    You can be included in the great outpouring of God’s Spirit!

    Usted puede tener el poder del Espiritu Santo

    Los dones del Espiritu pueden destruir cualquier fuerza que el enemigo quiera usar contra los cristianos. Usted es un candidato para recibir los dones de revelacion, poder e inspiracion !Estos funcionaran en cualquier lugar-en donde usted este ahora mismo!

    El Dr. Sumrall discute temas que incluyen:

    La renovacion carismatica
    Las armas de nuestra guerra
    Como podemos recibir los dones
    La falsificacion del diablo
    El proposito de los dones ministeriales

    !Usted puede ser incluido en el gran derramamiento del Espiritu de Dios!

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  • Ustedes Recibiran Poder – (Spanish)


    The Scriptures show us that God desires for us to live in the realm of the supernatural. Derek Prince explains how to enter into this exciting reality, so you can:
    * Receive divine guidance.
    * Be an effective witness for Christ.
    * Walk in divine health.
    * See results when praying for the sick.
    * Be empowered to serve God.
    * Understand the will of God.
    * Be filled-and stay filled.
    * Understand the realm of spiritual conflict.
    * Experience unity with other believers.
    * Receive God’s favor and blessings.
    * Lead others into the kingdom of God.

    As you enter into the supernatural realm, you will find the Holy Spirit constantly encouraging and showing you the exciting purpose for your life. Discover Him as your Comforter, Helper, Guide, and closest Friend.

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  • Hombre Espiritual – (Spanish)


    The most well-known work of this author. Gives a clear understanding of the spiritual life, its laws and dangers. Book 1 looks at Flesh and Heart. Book 2 covers the Laws of the Spirit and the Dangers of the spiritual life. Book 3 talks about the Heart and Body.

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  • Poder Vivo – (Spanish)


    It’s time for us to get hold of the Holy Spirit-or rather, to let him get hold of us. Pastor Jim Cymbala of the Brooklyn Tabernacle cuts through the theological clutter about the Holly Spirit with this fundamental truth: We need the Spirit desperately. All our cleverness can’t transform a single crack addict, heal the heart of a rape victim, or draw a jaded businessman to Christ. Only God’s Spirit can do that. Drawing examples from the Bible and from the sidewalks of New York City, Fresh Power show what happens when the Spirit of God moves in your midst. With passion and convictions, Pastor Jim Cymbala of the Brooklyn Tabernacle reminds us that in this sin-torn, heart-broken culture, we cannot do without the Holy Spirit. And we can’t afford to presume his presence. We need to seek him with the same fervor as the early belivers. Discover what happens when the Holy Spirit moves in power. Jim Cymbala shares with you the witness of Scritpure and the stories of men and women whose lives have been transformed. From the healing of the lame man in the book of Acts to the stirring conversion of serial killer David Berkowitz, better known as “Son son Sam” you’ll see how the Spirit accomplishes what no human wisdom or power can produce. Fresh Power will expand your vision of what God can and will do and inspire you to pray like never before of the power of the Spirit in your church – and in you.

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  • Liberacion Del Espiritu – (Spanish)


    Sin el quebrantamiento interior de la persona no puede haber liberacion del espiritu.

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  • Mujer Sujeta Al Espiritu – (Spanish)


    Un estudio que abarca el comportamiento de la mujer en cada etapa de su vida.

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  • Pueblo Del Espiritu Dones Frue – (Spanish)


    Serie de estudio Vida en Plenitud

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  • Bienvenido Espiritu Santo – (Spanish)



    282 Pages In 12 Chapters In Spanish

    Additional Info
    Lleva a los lectores a conocer el trabajo del Espiritu Santo en el mundo de hoy.

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  • Espiritu Santo Revelado En La (Revised) – (Spanish) (Revised)


    This book is written from the evangelical and Pentecostal view. This work is the result of a whole life dedicated to studying the word, from one of the most respected Pentecostal scholars of our day.

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  • Mi Companero El Espiritu Santo – (Spanish)


    You can enjoy a relationship with the Holy Spirit. Dr. Cho sees himself as the junior partner of the Holy Spirit in his daily work of accomplishing the portion of God’s plan assigned to him. Learn how to be guided by the Holy Spirit every day, receive inspiration through the testimony of David Yonggi Cho, understand and receive the gifts of the Holy Spirit.

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