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Edwin Cole

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  • Maximized Minutes For Business


    A 90-Day Devotional That Can Revolutionize Your Business or Job…One Minute at a Time

    Each maximized minute takes…

    *30 seconds to read
    *30 seconds to reflect
    *23 hours, 59 minutes to benefit from what you read!

    Maximized Minutes for Business will inspire you each day–whether you are a business owner, a manager, an employee, or a new entrepreneur. These short, memorable statements cut right to the core of a biblical perspective on business. They will stay with you all day–and even for a lifetime.

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  • Maximized Minutes For Fathers


    A 90-Day Devotional That Can Revolutionize Your Life…One Minute at a Time

    Each maximized minute takes…

    *30 seconds to read
    *30 seconds to reflect
    *23 hours, 59 minutes to benefit from what you read!

    Maximized Minutes for Fathers will inspire you each day–whether you are a new father or have been a father for decades; whether you had a great dad or no father figure at all. These short, memorable statements cut right to the core of biblical fatherhood. They will stay with you all day–and even for a lifetime

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  • Mans Guide To The Maximized Life


    A Six-Week Devotional for Developing Christlike Character

    The practical, uncompromising, timeless teaching of Ed Cole’s best-selling Maximized Manhood (over a million copies sold) is available for the first time in a six-week devotional format. Each day includes a key insight from Dr. Cole, inspiring and challenging thoughts about developing your full potential in Christ, concise wisdom on the day’s theme in bullet-point form, and a key Scripture.

    Considered “the father of the Christian men’s movement,” Ed Cole was not afraid to tackle the tough topics that affect men today, including media addiction, pornography, and adultery. Some of the Christlike qualities of the maximized man that Cole highlights include: strong, faithful, courageous, mature, decisive, tough and tender, responsible, loving, and forgiving.

    Putting into practice the principles in this devotional will revolutionize your life, helping to transform you into all that God designed you to be.

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  • Tesoro – (Spanish)


    Quien de nosotros no ha sentido verdadera angustia y muchas veces frustracion ante la necesidad, o sueo, de una buena economia? Luego de leer este libro es facil darse cuenta de que el asunto monetario debe ser visto de una manera mucho mas profunda -me atreveria a decir “espiritual”- para que funcione. Puede sonar descabellado en un comienzo, pero una vez que usted se sumerja en los patrones y principios que esta obra propone, no solo pondra su cerebro a trabajar, sino tambien su corazon y es claro que ya, desde ahi, se gana.

    Un lenguaje sencillo, sin pretensiones de erudicion, o de manual para entendidos, hacen de este libro una guia que se lee muy rapidamente, y que pese a ello deja grandes reflexiones. Luego de leerlo se sentira motivado, con un pensamiento positivo y podra hacerse un autoanalisis sobre las formas y habitos incorrectos que no le permiten prosperar. Por supuesto, no quiere decir que el camino al exito sea facil y que no implique sacrificios y dedicacion, pero estamos seguros de que el camino del fracaso es mucho mas dificil y doloroso.

    Se puede confiar en un experto que ha ayudado a muchisima gente. Edwin Louis Cole pone a nuestro alcance una vida dedicada a aconsejar y a aprender, iluminada por su fe y respaldada por resultados tangibles. Sin necesidad de un mapa, ni de largas travesias, se nos entrega el mayor de los tesoros, el del conocimiento, la opcion de lograr ese cambio que nos hace falta.

    Who among us has not felt true anguish and often frustration at the need, or dream, of a good economy? After reading this book it is easy to see that the monetary issue must be looked at in a much deeper way – dare I say “spiritual” – for it to work. It may sound far-fetched at first, but once you dive into it, the patterns and principles that this work proposes will not only put your brain to work, but also your heart and it is clear that, from there, you win.

    Despite this book’s easy-to-read language, the reader is left with great reflections. After reading it, you will feel motivated, with positive thinking and will be able to do a self-analysis on the wrong ways and habits that do not allow you to prosper. Of course it does not mean that the road to success is easy and does not involve sacrifices and dedication, but we are sure the road to failure is much more difficult and painful.

    An expert who has helped so many people can be trusted, Edwin Louis Cole puts a life of counseling and learning within our grasp, enlightened

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  • Treasure : Uncovering Principles That Govern Success


    All of life is based on principles and follows patterns. Patterns are ways in which the universe operates. You will begin to prosper when you base your life on sound principles and establish proper patterns that lead to success. In this captivating, easy-to-read book, best-selling author Edwin Louis Cole uncovers immutable principles that govern success. He addresses issues such as attitude, character, the pitfalls and benefits of wealth, the curse of debt and poverty, and of developing a lifestyle of giving that will influence others. Learning the successful patterns and principles of success is a lifelong pursuit. You are never too old and never too young to begin to master them. The patterns you learn determine the life you live. Establishing them as habits will lead you to higher heights, straighter paths, and a better life.

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  • Courage : Winning Life’s Biggest Battles


    Courage is a call to men who want to be champions, a daring challenge to young men who want to be a success in life, a rousing cry for mature men to come alive again!

    From the acrid streets of New York to the arid deserts of Namibia to the airless mountains of Nepal, men worldwide, both young and old, are fighting a war waged against them, both physically and spiritually. Learn how to fight an enemy that would emasculate your manhood, shame your God-given ambitions, mock your ego-mastery, and try to make you a wimp.

    More than ever before in history, young men today must be trained to be men and have the courage to life in that manhood. If you have the guts to do more than wallow in a moral morass of mediocrity, this book if for you!

    Don’t waste your youth! Live your God-given dreams! This book will train you in manhood, in responsibility, in maturity, and in warfare. The only question is: Do you have the courage to read it?

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  • Communication Sex And Money (Reprinted)


    Three Essential Elements to Build Relationships that Last!

    Most men would do almost anything to overcome their three primary problems in relationships with women. Communication, Sex & Money has solid solutions for all three. Filled with everyday examples, the book will teach readers how to defeat difficulties and create a satisfying, peace-filled, and long-lasting marriage.

    For years, men have called this Christian bestseller the “sex and money” book, while wives have bought it for husbands in hopes of improving communication. Whatever the motivation, thousands of men have turned their relationships around by applying these time-proven patterns and principles.

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  • Strong Men In Tough Times Workbook (Workbook)


    Society’s widening gap between technological achievement and moral decay compels men of courage, integrity and true manhood to stand strong.

    In a quest for satisfaction, many men have lost the meaning of manhood, surrendering ideals to things immoral, illegal, unethical, or irresponsible. Today’s tough times require men to overcome dangerous philosophies and bring hope, dignity, and order back to a world in desperate need–men who are willing to be heroes.

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  • Strong Men In Tough Times


    Society’s widening gap between technological achievement and moral decay compels men of courage, integrity and true manhood to stand strong.

    In a quest for satisfaction, many men have lost the meaning of manhood, surrendering ideals to things immoral, illegal, unethical, or irresponsible. Today’s tough times require men to overcome dangerous philosophies and bring hope, dignity, and order back to a world in desperate need–men who are willing to be heroes.

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  • Power Of Potential


    Learn practical, workable solutions known by champions and leaders.

    Ed Cole reveals secrets to everyday problems that pre vent people from achieving maximum potential. Now these situations can thrust you toward your greatest success! This direct, challenging message features hidden laws to help you…

    -Strengthen your greatest personal assets
    -Rise above injustice and criticism
    -Exchange tension for peace of mind
    -Resolve mental conflict and guilt
    -Turn anxiety into motivation
    -Regain your vision; renew your dreams
    -Unlock keys to future success

    Discover these brilliant insights to fulfill your destiny!

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  • Maximized Manhood Workbook


    A Real Man Masters Maximized Living
    Maximize your life, as millions of men have worldwide, by studying the Christian classic Maximized Manhood! Edwin Louis Cole, the “father of the Christian men’s movement,” spoke with a prophetic voice to men. Just months before leaving earth for heaven, he revised his signature work, adding five crucial chapters he believed would strengthen Maximized Manhood for the next generation.

    Almost two million copies of Maximized Manhood and its curriculum are in circulation today in more than forty languages. Dr. Cole and his wife Nancy served the Lord in ministry for more than fifty years. The ministry they co-founded with their son Paul, Christian Men’s Network, still strengthens men worldwide with the reality that “manhood and Christlikeness are synonymous.”

    The best-selling book for men in the world…just got better!

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  • Real Man Workbook (Workbook)


    Braving today’s masculinity maze, with its confused images that distort real manhood, requires courage and wisdom. Edwin Louis Cole, as a mentor, friend, and spiritual father, declares a model for manhood that is infallible, functional, and yet feasible–the manhood of Christlikeness.

    Real Man rips apart unfulfilling stereotypes, smothers the pressure of unrealistic demands, exposes cheap substitutes and social imitations of true manhood–while giving a man the power he needs to obtain the spirit and conviction of being a real man.

    Learn how to:
    -Maximize your masculinity
    -Discover the manhood of Jesus Christ
    -Get and stay on top
    -Determine your heart’s direction
    -Achieve fulfilling accomplishments

    Clarify your role as a leader, husband, father, friend. Real Man addresses the full range of man’s life–marriage, finances, friendships, success, failure, parenting, and spirituality. Jesus Christ overcomes substitute manliness and sets the standard for real manhood to help men be real.

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  • Real Man : Power Up Legendary Manhood


    Braving today’s masculinity maze, with its confused images that distort real manhood, requires courage and wisdom. Edwin Louis Cole, as a mentor, friend, and spiritual father, declares a model for manhood that is infallible, functional, and yet feasible–the manhood of Christlikeness.

    Real Man rips apart unfulfilling stereotypes, smothers the pressure of unrealistic demands, exposes cheap substitutes and social imitations of true manhood–while giving a man the power he needs to obtain the spirit and conviction of being a real man.

    Learn how to:
    -Maximize your masculinity
    -Discover the manhood of Jesus Christ
    -Get and stay on top
    -Determine your heart’s direction
    -Achieve fulfilling accomplishments

    Clarify your role as a leader, husband, father, friend. Real Man addresses the full range of man’s life–marriage, finances, friendships, success, failure, parenting, and spirituality. Jesus Christ overcomes substitute manliness and sets the standard for real manhood to help men be real.

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  • Sexual Integrity : A Sexual Revolution Called Purity


    Understand today why God created you to be sexual and discover the pleasure of honoring your most precious gift!

    God made sex good! Sex is to be valued and respected. You have one thing that you can give one time to only one person in one lifetime. Possibly the most unusual and the most important book about sex you will ever read. Sexual Integrity addresses sexuality with powerful insight.

    Refreshing wisdom for every sexual question or issue you have.

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  • Never Quit


    If you’ve ever wanted to quit, read this first!

    Stress. Change. Crisis! Everyone know what it’s like. Everyone has been tempted to walk away, forget it, give up. “Crisis is normal to life,” best-selling author Edwin Louis Cole teaches. But God has a way for you to become a winner in every situation.


    Facing the challenge of a job loss, a mid-life crisis, a troubled marriage, moving, financial difficulties, and general stress can become the fuel that propels you to your greatest victories and success!

    In the fast-reading chapters of this best-selling classic, Edwin Louis Cole offers real, sensible solutions to contemporary changes and crises. You’ll learn…

    –What to do in crisis
    –Ten steps to leave the old and enter the new
    –How to transform crisis into overwhelming success
    –What is your part; what is God’s part?
    When life is just too tough, God’s faithfulness is tougher. Even if you’re tempted to quit, you can make it through!

    Edwin Louis Cole was known for his practical application of wisdom. Using pithy statements and a confrontational style that demanded social responsibility and family leadership, he mentored hundreds of thousands of men worldwide. His powerful books have become the most widely-used Christian men’s resources in the world.

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  • Nunca Te Rindas Manuel De Estu (Workbook) – (Spanish) (Workbook)


    Si alguna vez has querido rendirte, !debes leer esto primero!Tension, cambio, !crisis! Todos sabemos lo que es. Todos hemos sido tentados de escaparnos, olvidarnos o rendirnos. El escritor de exito, Edwin Louis Cole, ense?a que “la crisis es normal en la vida.” Pero Dios tiene una forma de hacerte triunfador en cada situacion.Campeones no son aquellos que nunca fallan, sino aquellos que nunca se rinden.Enfrentar el desafio del desempleo, la crisis de la mediana edad, dificultades en el matrimonio, mudanzas, problemas financieros y tension en general, puede convertirse en el combustible que lo impulse a sus mas grandes victorias y a su mayor exito.En este manual de estudio de este clasico best-seller, Edwin Louis Cole ofrece respuestas reales, soluciones sensatas para cambios y crisis contemporaneos. Usted aprendera: Que hacer en la crisisDiez pasos para salir de lo anterior y entrar a lo mejorComo transformar el fracaso en exito aplastanteCual es su parte, cual es la porcion de DiosCuando la vida parece muy dificil, la fidelidad de Dios es mas perseverante. !Aun cuando este tentado a rendirse, usted prevalecera!

    If you’ve ever wanted to quit, read this first!Stress. Change. Crisis! Everyone knows what it’s like. Everyone has been tempted to walk away, forget it, give up. “Crisis is normal to life,” best-selling author Edwin Louis Cole teaches. But God has a way for you to become a winner in every situation.Winners are not those who never fail but those who never quit.Facing the challenge of a job loss, a mid-life crisis, a troubled marriage, moving, financial difficulties and general stress can become the fuel that propels you to your greatest victories and success!In this study guide for the best-selling book, Edwin Louis Cole offers real, sensible solutions to contemporary changes and crises. You’ll learn…What to do in a crisis.Ten steps to leave the old and enter the new.How to transform crisis into overwhelming success.What is your part and what is God’s part.When life is just too tough, God’s faithfulness is tougher. Even if you’re tempted to quit, you can make it through!

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  • Irresistible Husband : The Strength Of Fully Expressed Manhood


    Every man should know what his father failed to teach him, what women couldn’t tell him, and what his pastor wanted to say…but only behind closed doors.

    This honest, no-nonsense book by Edwin Louis Cole provides an invaluable guide to launch a new generation of family leaders…with profound truths about sex, commitment, communication, career, child-rearing, and more. Find out…

    *The formula for life success
    *How to avoid outside forces conquering you
    *Turning the tide on fatherlessness
    *Building character step-by-step
    *Ten investments to maintain a great marriage

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  • Absolute Answers To Prodigal Problems


    WaterColor Books
    You can return home, if you know where it is. Dr. Cole charts a course to fulfillment as a man, written from the wisdom of his own journey. How to leave adolescence to act like a real man. The keys to business success; The nature of rebellion, including sedition; The secrets of a powerful, Godly life; How to have an awesome marriage; What to do when you fail. With these absolute answers to your prodigal problems, you can build a positive, productive life!

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  • Maximized Manhood : A Guide To Family Survival (Revised)


    This is a book that is unabashedly, uncompromisingly written to men. There are many books about us, but precious few written to us. It is a throw back to the days of “man-to-man talks,” male virtues, chivalry, and a respect for women and children that grew out of understanding the responsibility of being a “grown man.” It is a book that enables us to discover the maximum potential of our lives–to live as maximized men. It is long overdue.

    Pungent and direct, this is a book that challenges today’s man. Some may be so angry at the ascertions that they will want to slam the book down and quit. Others will be tempted to fire off a hot letter to “get Ed Cole straightened out.”

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