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    • Story Of A Worm That Was Loved


      The Story of a Worm That Was Loved

      A fresh, heartwarming way to teach children about the whole armor of God

      Being loved is something every human being longs to experience. The main character of this delightful story-“the little worm”-learns about the only One who is capable of true, unconditional, eternal love. Her journey takes her through situations and struggles like those we all face. In the process, her eyes and her heart are opened to the way, the truth, and the life. She also finds real freedom. Because of her grand discovery, she is filled with hope and joy.

      There is only One who offers such a deep love. His name is JESUS. When the little worm first encounters Him, she is weak and unable to stand. Thankfully, the Savior teaches her out of His “Wonderful Words of Life” (the Bible) how to put on the whole armor of God and be a victor, not a victim. By the end of the story, she is fully equipped for any challenge she faces in life, able to stand for the truth, and rejoicing in the love of God.

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    • Multiplique El Potencial Que D – (Spanish)


      “No retengamos nada y muramos vacios, derramandonos completamente como un regalo para Dios. . . Aqui es cuando realmente volveremos a vivir y experimentaremos la vida al maximo “. – John Bevere

      Alguna vez te has sentido como un espectador en el reino de Dios? Quizas sabes que hay algo que deberias estar haciendo, pero no puedes identificarlo. La mayoria de nosotros queremos tener un gran impacto en nuestras vidas, pero luchamos con preguntas como:

      *Como puedo estar seguro de que no me estoy perdiendo la voluntad de Dios para mi?

      *Que papel juegan mis dones unicos en la construccion del reino de Dios?

      *Como me aseguro de estar a la altura de mi potencial dado por Dios?

      *Mi llamamiento es menos significativo si no estoy en el “ministerio”?

      *Como equilibro el descanso en la gracia de Dios con acciones significativas para su reino?

      *Como rompo el miedo y sigo adelante incluso cuando se siente incierto y arriesgado?

      En este libro profundo, el exitoso autor John Bevere se basa en una exploracion cuidadosa de las Escrituras y utiliza historias poderosas para ayudarlo a pensar de manera diferente acerca de su llamado y por que es tan importante para Dios. A medida que pasa estas paginas, tendra el poder de multiplicar sus dones dados por Dios y aumentar su potencial.
      Si esta listo para cambiar la inaccion por un proposito mayor, su viaje comienza aqui.

      Let’s hold nothing back and die empty, pouring ourselves out completely as a gift back to God… This is when we’ll truly come alive and experience life to its fullest. –John Bevere
      Do you ever feel like a spectator in God’s kingdom? Perhaps you know there’s something you should be doing, but you just can’t pinpoint it. Most of us want to make a big impact with our lives, but struggle with questions like:

      *How can I be sure I’m not missing God’s will for me?
      *What role do my unique gifts play in building God’s kingdom?
      *How do I make sure I live up to my God-given potential?
      *Is my calling less significant if I’m not in ministry?
      *How do I balance resting in God’s grace with meaningful actions for His kingdom?
      *How do I break fear and move forward even when it feels uncertain and risky?

      In this profound book, best-selling author John Bevere relies on a careful exploration of Scripture and uses powerful stories to help you think differently about your calling and why it’s so important to God. As you turn these pages, you’ll be empowered to multiply your God-given gifts and st

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    • Wherever You Go I Want You To Know


      We all love to dream about what we might do later in life: jobs we might have, places we might go to, people we might meet. And parents and caregivers love to encourage and support their kids.

      But for Christian parents, their greatest aspiration is that whatever their kids do and wherever they go, they will love and follow Jesus.

      This keepsake edition of the beautiful rhyming book by Melissa Kruger and Isobel Lundie provides the perfect reminder for graduating students that whatever they do and wherever they go, Jesus is more important than anything else.

      It’s also ideal for a child to take with them all the way up through school, with each successive teacher adding their own comments and encouragements.

      Includes 16 illustrated pages for writing messages and pasting in photos, plus a pocket for keepsakes in the back. The robust slipcase means you will keep these memories safe for the long term.

      As children embark on life’s journey with all their potential and aspirations, use this book to express to them your biggest dream, and help them remember it .

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    • Camino De La Fe – (Spanish)


      Ya somos bendecidos con toda bendicion en cielo y en la tierra, dice la Palabra de Dios en el libro de Deuteronomio. Y esa bendicion esta intimamente enlazada con una vida de fe inquebrantable que se afianza a cada paso de nuestra jornada. En La Biblia, ese viaje en el que nos embarcamos los cristianos fue iniciado por Abrahan, conocido como el Padre de la Fe. El camino de la fe es el libro que nos revela los misterios mas ocultos de la fe, el poder de Dios que estamos llamados a conocer y la autoridad y las bendiciones con las que fuimos investidos por El para vivir y a la vez bendecir nuestra generacion y las venideras.

      We are already blessed with every blessing in heaven and on earth, says the Word of God in the book of Deuteronomy. And that blessing is intimately linked with a life of unwavering faith that takes hold at every step of our journey. In the Bible, that journey on which we Christians embark was initiated by Abraham, known as the Father of Faith. The Journey of Faith is the book that reveals to us the most hidden mysteries of faith, the power of God that we are called to know, and the authority and blessings with which we have been invested by Him to live and at the same time bless our generation and those to come.

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    • A Mi Amigo Le Encanta Que Sea – (Spanish)


      En este cuarto libro de la serie Cuentos para dormir que te haran despertar, A mi amigo le encanta que sea feliz, las enseanzas del cuento parten del Capitulo 5 del libro de Mateo, que se conoce tradicionalmente como las Bienaventuranzas del Sermon del Monte. Al citar estos versiculos de la version La Palabra (Espaa), las bienaventuranzas se convierten en mensajes de felicidad, muy faciles de aprender no solo por las frases, sino por los mensajes que se quiere ensear a Javi, a Anita y a sus amigos. Los nios entienden cuan importante es para Jesus saberlos felices y que sepan aportar a la felicidad de otros.

      In this fourth book in the series Cuentos para dormir que les haran despertar, A mi amigo le encanta que sea feliz, the teachings of the story are based on Chapter 5 of the book of Matthew, which is traditionally known as the Beatitudes of the Sermon on the Mount. By quoting these verses from the version of La Palabra (Espaa), the Beatitudes become words of happiness, very easy to learn not only because of the phrases, but because of the messages that they want to teach Javi, Anita and their friends. The children understand how important it is for Jesus to know that they are happy and that they know how to contribute to the happiness of others.

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    • Little Way : Reflections On The Joy Of Smallness In God’s Infinite Love


      We want to love God with all our hearts, but we often find ourselves striving in our efforts to please Him, acutely aware of our weaknesses. As our failures pile up, we become frustrated and discouraged.

      Have we missed the essence of the gospel? Is there a simple but true way to serve God that can fill us with joy and peace rather than fear and discouragement?

      St. Therese of Lisieux faced similar struggles. As a young woman who desired to abandon herself to God, she felt daunted at the thought of climbing “the steep stairway of perfection.” Therese searched the Scriptures until she discovered a path to freedom she called her “little way.” This is “the way of spiritual childhood, the way of trust and absolute surrender.” It is a recognition that while we are small and imperfect, we have a mighty God who reaches out to us with infinite love, grace, and strength to take care of all our needs.

      As Therese followed this new path, she considered herself a “little flower” in Jesus’s garden. She understood that she was beloved by her heavenly Father and delightful in His eyes. And she could bloom right where He planted her as she daily demonstrated His unconditional love to others in small but meaningful acts of kindness and interceded on their behalf.

      This beautiful book highlights St. Therese’s deep insights into faith and devotion, while visually capturing, through simple floral illustrations, the theme of simplicity that permeated her life. As you read excerpts from St. Therese’s autobiography, poetry, and letters, with accompanying Scripture verses, you will learn to rest in the loving arms of your heavenly Father, allowing your own faith to grow and flourish.

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    • Rebecca Suena – (Spanish)


      En el segundo cuento de la Serie Jovencitas Valientes, la protagonista es Rebecca, de 11 aos y cursa el sexto grado. Tiene los ojos grandes color cafe claro, cabello lacio de color marron claro, y largas y abundantes pestanas. Es comica, piensa creativamente y hace amigos con facilidad. Aunque es buena en el momento de resolver cambios inesperados, hay cambios que la bloquean y le afectan mucho, y tiene que aprender a seguir instrucciones y a callar un poco lo que piensa y siente. Puede liderar sin problemas, pero tiene un miedo atroz a equivocarse en publico, y que la gente se burle y se ria de ella. Tienes alguna amiga como Rebecca?

      In the second story of the Brave Young Girls Series, the main character is Rebecca, 11 years old and in sixth grade. She has large light brown eyes, straight light brown hair, and long, thick eyelashes. She is humorous, thinks creatively, and makes friends easily. Although she is good at dealing with unexpected changes, some of these block her and affect her a lot, and she has to learn to follow instructions and shut up what she thinks and feels a bit. She can lead with no problems, but she is terribly afraid of being wrong in public, and of being mocked and laughed at. Do you have any friends like Rebecca?

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    • Mariana Se Valora – (Spanish)


      Valorarse a si misma, soar, crear y emprender son etapas que cada mujer debe vivir para auto realizarse. Por eso es tan importante que las nias y jovencitas aprendan a desarrollarlas desde temprana edad. La Serie Jovencitas Valientes, nuevo proyecto de la autora Omayra Font, surge de querer cumplir ese proposito. Los personajes de esta serie fueron creados con la participacion de las cuatro hijas de la autora, junto a su propia experiencia de vida y lo que ella conoce como necesidades de las nias en la preadolescencia. Los nombres de las protagonistas aluden a las mujeres que han colaborado con ella en la realizacion de su sueo de ser escritora.

      El primer cuento de la serie es Mariana se valora. Mariana, una jovencita de 12 aos, estudiante de septimo grado, tiene cabello rizo largo y negro, ojos claros y grandes, y pecas. Aunque siempre quiere ayudar a los demas, su mayor miedo es que nadie la acepte tal cual es. Teme decir lo que piensa, se deja llevar por otros y es testaruda. Ama a las personas, las hace sentir bien, y sabe escuchar. El compararse con todo el mundo, sus amigas y hermana ha causado inseguridades en ella donde no se siente bonita, no se atreve a expresarse, y la timidez le impide hacer cosas que le gustaria hacer. Conoces alguna “Mariana”?

      Valuing herself, dreaming, creating and becoming an entrepreneur are stages that each woman must live in order to fulfill herself. That is why it is so important that girls and young women learn to develop these stages from an early age. The Brave Young Girls Series, a new project by author Omayra Font, arises from wanting to fulfill that purpose. The characters in this series were created with the participation of the author’s four daughters, along with her own life experience and what she knows as the needs of pre-teen girls. The names of her main characters allude to the women who have collaborated with her in the realization of her dream of being a writer.

      The first story in the series is Mariana values herself. Mariana, a 12-year-old seventh grader, has long black curly hair, large, light eyes, and freckles. Although she always wants to help others, her biggest fear is that no one will accept her as she is. She is afraid to say what she thinks, she gets carried away by others and is stubborn. She loves people, makes them feel good, and knows how to listen. Comparing herself to everyone, her friends and her sister has caused insecurities in her where she doesn’t feel pretty, she does

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    • Jakes Fortune : A Novel


      After witnessing the cold-blooded murder of his father, Jake’s life would never be the same. Step back to the nineteenth century Wild West as he wrestles through suspense and intrigue to unravel the mystery. Will the saloon girl with the golden eyes be the key? A compelling novel of mystery and romance that breathes with greed over gold, overwhelming bitterness, abiding faith, romantic love, abuse, blackmail, secrecy, and intense personal struggles. Will Jake find his fortune after all?

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    • Her Calling : A Woman’s Guide To Fulfilling Her God-Given Destiny


      What Every Woman in Ministry Needs to Know

      Her Calling is a mentor in a book. Dr. Jamie Morgan uses her decades of experience and insightful leadership to inspire women to fulfill their God-given destinies. All women called to ministry will be blessed by the practical guidance and wisdom shared by Jamie Morgan. Regardless of what God has called you to do in your ministry, this book will become one of your most valuable resources.

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    • Miracle At Manchester (DVD)


      Based on a true story of how a community comes together to organize a miracle for a teen battling terminal brain cancer while two men find their own restoration in his healing journey.

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    • Time Boys : A Time Machine Took Them To The Future Can Rock N Roll Bring Th (DVD


      Four teenage boys from 1908 are accidentally hurled more than a century into the future. They live in shock, grief, acceptance, and then resolution, striving to build a time machine to return to 1908. While in the future, they confront and defeat the school bullies. The movie has a world-class soundtrack, complete with a battle of the bands, in which our four heroes showcase their musical talents!

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    • Year Of Jubilee


      The Year of Jubilee is a lyrical coming-of-age novel set against the backdrop of the turbulent South in the early 1960s.

      The Mockingbird family has always lived peacefully in Jubilee, Kentucky, despite the divisions that mark their small town. Until the tense summer of 1963, when their youngest child, Isaac, falls gravely ill. Middle sister Grace, nearly fourteen, is determined to do whatever it takes to save her little brother. With her father and mother away at the hospital, Grace is left under the loving but inexperienced eye of her aunt June, with little to do but wait and worry. Inspired by a young teacher’s mission for change, she begins to flirt with danger-and with a gifted boy named Golden, who just might be the key to saving Isaac’s life. Then the unthinkable happens, and the world as she knows it shifts in ways she never could have imagined. Grace must decide what she believes amid the swirling, conflicting voices even of those she loves the most.

      From gifted songwriter Cindy Morgan comes this lyrical, tender tale of a girl standing at the threshold of adulthood, learning the depths of the human heart and the bonds of family that bend, break, and bind together over and over again.

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    • Bachelors Bargain : A Novel


      For fans of Regency romance in the vein of Sanditon or Bridgerton comes a marriage of convenience story that will keep you smiling long after the last page.

      Housemaid Anne Webster will stop at nothing to save her family from their dire circumstances. Even if it means accepting the proposal of the roguish Marquess of Blackthorne, who just returned to England from the Americas under a veil of mystery. Both have their own agenda-she to use his riches and he to use her lace-making skills-but neither could have dreamed what they would discover on the other side of their scheming.
      As always, society tattler Miss Pickworth has a thing or two to say about this scandalous union. Unless they want their plans aired in her column, Ruel and Anne must keep their banter to a minimum and play the role of the happy couple.

      He’s handsome and arrogant; she’s smart and obstinate. But can Anne and Ruel put their differences aside to fend off an unexpected foe?

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    • Hunt For Edens Star


      A coming-of-age teen is thrown into a world of ancient secrets when he discovers a supernatural artifact that protects a weapon of mass destruction. With the help of a diverse group of friends, he embarks on a global adventure, seeking the truth about his sister’s death, and uncovers two clandestine, supernatural societies waging an epic, hidden war that threatens the future of civilization.

      D. J. Williams’s suspenseful, page-turning style whisks readers into a wildly exciting, supernatural adventure that grabs hold of the imagination and never lets go. As Jack races to collect ancient artifacts critical to the survival of the world, readers are transported to incredible locales across Asia, including the lush jungles of the Philippines and the high-energy streets of Hong Kong. Themes of addiction, revenge, faith, and friendship emerge as Jack battles literal and psychological demons, and even his own friends and family members, on his quest to thwart the forces of evil.

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    • 26 Below


      In her new role as Emergency Operations Center director for Fairbanks, Alaska, Darcie Phillips prevents disasters. But none of her training can prepare her for the terror that’s coming.

      As a cybersecurity specialist, Jason Myers is determined to ferret out any threats to the town he now calls home–and that includes his reckless brother and his ecoterrorist friends.When an old woman’s wild prediction–widespread destruction as soon as the Fairbanks temperature falls to 26 below–hits national headlines, neither Darcie nor Jason sees a real risk to anything but tourism.

      Then the bodies start dropping.

      Darcie is relying on her experience and intelligence to stop a killer; Jason is relying on God to guide the way. They’ll have to work together to find the truth and prevent their Alaskan town from becoming a city of nightmares. The first in a thrilling new suspense series from best-selling author Kimberley Woodhouse, 26 Below will delight fans of Lynnette Eason, Irene Hannon, and Lynn Blackburn.

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    • Power In The Blood (DVD)


      Bill & Gloria Gaither and their Homecoming Friends gathered in Tulsa, OK, for a weekend of sweet fellowship, inspiring messages and life-giving music. Sing along to some of your favorite Gospel classics such as “The Love of God,” “I’ve Never Been This Homesick,” “Revive Us Again,” “If That Isn’t Love” and “Power in the Blood.” You will enjoy performances by Homecoming favorites Lynda Randle, Jason Crabb, The Nelons, the Gaither Vocal Band and more with this special reunion performance.

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    • Jesus Revolution : Based On A True Story (DVD)


      In the 1970s, young Greg Laurie (Joel Courtney) is searching for all the right things in all the wrong places: until he meets Lonnie Frisbee (Jonathan Roumie), a charismatic hippie-street-preacher. Together with Pastor Chuck Smith (Kelsey Grammer), they open the doors of Smith’s languishing church to an unexpected revival of radical and newfound love, leading to what TIME Magazine dubbed a JESUS REVOLUTION.

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    • Thursday Night Club (DVD)


      What happens when we make a real effort to spread kindness? A group of college students – compelled by an inspiring man who challenges them to follow signs from heaven – find out in remarkable ways.

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    • How Can I Feel Closer To God


      Sooner or later, kids ask big questions about themselves and their faith: If God is real, why doesn’t he feel real? How can I make him seem less far away? What does a relationship with Jesus actually look like? What about when going to church or reading the Bible just feels boring and pointless?

      Christian Studies teacher and school chaplain Chris Morphew has been answering big questions from kids for over a decade. In this fun and fast-paced book, he shows children how to grow in their relationship with God through the ordinary yet powerful habits of everyday discipleship: prayer, Bible reading, church community, rest and simplicity.

      Lively stories and illustrations make this book easy for 9-13s to engage with. Readers will be helped to develop a vibrant, living and life-altering faith of their own as they learn to walk with Jesus day by day.

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    • Is God Anti Gay


      A sensitive exploration of the Bible’s teaching on sexuality.

      Is it ok to be gay and Christian? Does the Bible really say that homosexuality is wrong? Is sexual orientation fundamental to identity?

      Author and speaker Sam Allberry has expanded and restructured his best-selling book, which draws on his own experience as a believer who experiences same-sex attraction. As well as exploring Bible passages that talk directly about homosexuality, this new edition frames the whole discussion with Jesus’ general teaching on sex and marriage, as well as what Jesus teaches about finding ultimate satisfaction and happiness. It also challenges the current culture narrative, which inextricably ties sexuality to personal identity, and he shows that the gospel is good news for everyone, whatever their sexual orientation.

      This sensitive exploration of the Bible’s teaching on sexuality has been written to help both Christians and non-Christians struggling with the Bible’s teaching on this issue, whether they experience same-sex attraction themselves or not.

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    • Im A Christian Now What


      Where to begin when you’ve begun with Christ

      If you are a new Christian, you are on a new path. But where are you going and how do you get there? As an adult convert, Aaron Armstrong had to face these questions himself. In I’m a Christian–Now What? A Guide to Your New Life With Christ, Aaron helps you take those important first steps, including:

      *How to read the Bible and pray
      *How to think about your favorite TV show
      *How to find the right church
      *How to disagree with other Christians
      *How to rethink sex and marriage

      You probably have a lot of questions. You might not even know which questions to ask. This practical and friendly book helps make sense of your new life with Jesus. It ends with suggestions for how you can take the next step by helping other new Christians.

      I’m a Christian–Now What? is a perfect handbook for new believers and those who want to disciple them.

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    • End Of Spectator Church


      Moving from Passivity to Purpose

      For many Christians, church is defined by attending an occasional Sunday service mired in an audience mentality. Virtually ineffective and having no impact, we have become a cultural Christianity that creates passive believers. Yet the Church is meant for so much more!

      Tony Cooke challenges the way some see church with biblical and historical evidence that paints a radically different picture.Through New Testament exhortations, Tony mobilizes the body of Christ to action. He reminds us to be a living, fully engaged body carrying life to those who are lost and without hope.

      The End of Spectator Church launches you from inactivity to full participation across the street, across town, or across the ocean. Tony writes with contagious zeal and encouragement as he reveals:
      *Your divine purpose for such a time as this
      *Hurting people are waiting on the gifts inside you
      *The body of Christ only functions fully when each part is in place
      *What the true “priesthood of all believers” looks like today

      The call to radical engagement is sounding, and it’s time to answer. Take your place in a fully awakened and activated Church!

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    • Poison At The Pump


      Over 1 million sold in series!

      When kids step into the Imagination Station, they experience an unforgettable journey filled with action-packed adventure and excitement. Each book whisks readers away on the adventure with cousins Patrick and Beth to embark on a new journey around the world and back in time.

      In Poison at the Pump, Patrick and Beth travel back in time in the Imagination Station to London, England, during the cholera epidemic of 1854. The cousins join Dr. John Snow, Florence Nightingale, and Curate Henry Whitehead in a thrilling scientific adventure to discover why this disease was killing people around Broad Street. In their quest for truth, Patrick finds himself a prisoner in a workhouse. Will he escape? Can the cousins help Curate Whitehead put together the clues to keep this deadly disease from spreading?

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    • Gods Joy In Your Heart


      The Joy of the Lord Is Strength for All Christians!

      In God’s Joy in Your Heart, legendary preacher Charles Spurgeon shows how to receive joy that will remain despite the struggles, trials, and temptations of daily living. He reveals the secrets of how believers can obtain it, maintain it, and share it with others.

      Enjoy a refreshing break for twenty-one days with these heartwarming devotional readings as the “Prince of Preachers” shows you how to:

      *Take refuge in the safety of God’s arms
      *Build a strong faith
      *Know the loving comfort of the Holy Spirit
      *Receive all that God has for you
      *Find deliverance from heartaches and troubles
      *Experience God’s ever-present help

      Through these encouraging words, you will come to know the peace that passes all understanding and find the confidence to minister God’s love to others.

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    • Letters Of Trust


      Friendship Letters Series — Doretta Schwartz has always enjoyed writing letters and feels her letters can be a bit of a ministry to her friends. In this series, exchanging letters that contain open and honest feeling and struggles helps Doretta and two of her best friends through the darkest challenges of their lives.

      A Simple Letter Carries Inspiration for Healing

      Life is good on their Pennsylvania Amish farm for newlyweds Vic and Eleanor Lapp–until the day Vic’s youngest brother drowns in their pond and Vic turns to alcohol to numb the pain. Things get so bad that Vic loses his job and their marriage is coming apart. Eleanor is desperate to help her husband and writes letters to her friend, Doretta, living in Indiana for advice. The trust Eleanor places in her friend and the gentle words she receives in return are a balm for even darker days to come in this first book of The Friendship Letters series by New York Times Bestselling Author Wanda E. Brunstetter.

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    • Present : The Gift Of Being All In Right Where You Are


      Present is an invitation to a deeper, richer, quieter life with God. So often we sleepwalk through our days, but there is a tremendous gift in practicing awareness right where we are.In a world marked by transience, envy, and rootlessness, committing to staying put is a radical, unusual act. Hungry for rootedness, Courtney Ellis and her family decided to truly commit to a place and a people God had given them for a season, to grow some deep roots and discover what it would mean to be “all in.” Through winsome storytelling, Courtney demonstrates that there is tremendous growth when we stop holding a community at arms’ length and open ourselves to the blessing of stability, the grace of limits, and the joy of presence. This book is divided into these three major sections, with chapters devoted to each of the gifts that come with our increased attention to being all in fully present, right where we are.

      Join Courtney for a thoughtful, funny, and realistic exploration of stability, limit, and presence as means of grace. Journey deeper into the heart of God that calls us to cultivate community being present to what God has placed before us and discovering the gifts of the present. Delve into reasons readers might experience transience, how to press in when called to that, and how to know when it’s time to move on. Explore the ways borders and boundaries in our lives are for our good. When we are able to say, “This is my place, and these are my people,” and then, like Ruth, really commit, beautiful things can happen. With humor and honesty, Courtney draws in readers who are longing for that rootedness, trying to figure out how to make this place their own in other words, those who are figuring out how to be all in, right where they are, for the time God has given them.

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    • Parents Guide To Eating Disorders


      It’s heartbreaking to watch your teen willfully destroy their body. Get a solid overview of the types of eating disorders, what causes them, and how to seek professional help. Plus, gain time-tested strategies to discuss this triggering topic with compassion.

      Enjoy a balanced Christian perspective on how to find true healing with answers to questions including:

      *Why are eating disorders on the rise?
      *How can I tell if my child has an eating disorder?
      *How can I help my child fix it if they don’t think it’s a problem?
      *And more!

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    • Parents Guide To Teen Identity


      “I am who I decide to be.” Teens strongly believe in a world where self-expression, uniqueness, and differences are welcome. Dig deep into Gen Z’s identity formation by uncovering false beliefs and steering them toward a healthy sense of self. Features:

      *Lies culture tells you about identity formation
      *Biblical truths about finding your real identity
      *Practical ways to live out your true self
      *Self-reflection questions for parents
      *Engaging discussion questions for teens

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    • Calm Your Anxiety:


      Does your anxiety constantly make you question whether you have control, if you’re safe, or if you have the power to change? Anxiety often creates an intense, excessive, and persistent worry and fear that makes your normal day-to-day feel challenging and overwhelming. You know that phrase . . . practice makes perfect. What if practice could help you create a better relationship with your anxiety?

      Pastor and bestselling author, Robert Morgan understands your struggle because he has lived with anxiety his entire life. He can teach you how to change your life by learning how to deal with your anxiety. In Calm Your Anxiety: Winning the Fight Against Worry, you’ll learn how to:

      *use biblical insight to help you better understand and cope with your anxiety.
      *create joy, nearness to God, and peace.
      *develop new daily habits that will help you deal with anxiety.
      *identify triggers and how to be proactive in your daily routine.

      We all know that there is no cure for anxiety. It is something you live with, but that doesn’t mean it has to take over your life. You are in control, and with God’s help, you can wage war against anxiety and live a more fulfilling life.

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    • Way Of The Victorious


      Are you tired of stale Christianity? Do you desire to spend time with God, but have no idea what to actually do? Are you both fascinated and intimated by spiritual disciplines like prayer, fasting, solitude, and biblical meditation? Way of the Victorious reveals how these ancient disciplines are actually pathways to greater intimacy with Jesus, and keys to unlocking revival power.

      Parker Green was living life as a Christian but knew there could be so much more. Then he discovered that following Jesus could actually be PRACTICED in everyday life, not just thought about and talked about. This revolutionized his life and gave him genuine hope that it is possible to model your life after Jesus.

      Through a clear and simple approach to the spiritual disciplines, author and revivalist, Parker Green leads you into the same supernatural results experienced by early church fathers and mothers.

      Way of the Victorious will give you:

      *Powerful vision for what each of the spiritual disciplines can produce in your life
      *Practical steps for getting the most out of prayer and Bible reading
      *Simple strategies on what to do during your devotional time
      *A spiritual compass for cultivating a fruitful and dynamic devotional life
      *Keys to creating and enjoying your secret place with God

      Break free from lukewarm faith! Walk in the ancient paths, and experience the same intimate relationship with Jesus that empowered the early church!

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    • Moving In Miracles And Healing


      A Powerful Guidebook to Operating in the Miraculous

      Though many believers hear stories about healings and miracles, they fail to see them in their lives. Why?

      International healing evangelist, Jean-Luc Traschel believes we have missed the five biblical cornerstones of healing that empower you to walk in the supernatural as an everyday lifestyle not just an occasional occurrence.

      Jean-Luc started praying for the sick when he was sixteen years old. Today, after more than three decades of supernatural power encounters, he offers insights, personal experiences, biblical foundation, and practical instruction for you to believe for and experience miracles in your life!

      In Moving in Miracles and Healing, Jean-Luc Traschel empowers you to overcome every barrier and see the supernatural break in by applying the five cornerstones for biblical healing.You will:

      *Encounter Jehovah Rapha, the God Whose very name is Healer

      *Discover the legal foundation for healing that will help you build unshakable faith for the miraculous

      *Operate in the realm of Kingdom Demonstration where you shift from being an ordinary believer to a Kingdom-minded ambassador

      *Move in the realm of faith where you learn how to pull the possible into the impossible

      *Be led by the Holy Spirit and partner with His unique healing methods for each situation

      Don’t settle for less than the miraculous! Unlock the simple key to moving in the miraculous power of the Holy Spirit, and see the Kingdom of God break into your world

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    • Remember Me


      From the Yukon to Seattle, the hope of a new beginning waits just around the corner.

      Addie Bryant is haunted by her past of heartbreak and betrayal. After her beau, Isaac Hanson, left the Yukon, she made a vow to wait for him. When she’s sold to a brothel owner after the death of her father, Addie manages to escape with the hope that she can forever hide her past and the belief that she will never have the future she’s always dreamed of.

      Years later, Addie has found peace in her new life as a photographer, training Camera Girls to operate and sell the Brownie camera. During the Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Expo in Seattle, Addie is reunited with Isaac, but after the path her life has taken, she’s afraid to expose the ugliness of her former life and to move toward the future they had pledged to each other.

      When her past catches up with her, Addie must decide whether to run or to stay and face her wounds in order to embrace her life, her future, and her hope in God.

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    • Dont Hold Back


      The New York Times bestselling author of Radical challenges Christians to break free from an American gospel that prostitutes Jesus for comfort, power, prosperity, and politics–and fully pursue the true gospel that exalts Jesus above all.

      Pastor David Platt believes we’ve gotten really good at following a really bad gospel–one that worships American ideas over biblical truth. It’s time for disillusioned, discouraged, and divided Christians, and the next generation, to follow Jesus into a different future.

      But we have to make a choice: an American gospel or the biblical gospel. Worldly division or otherworldly unity. Compromise with the idols of our country or commitment to God’s call in our lives. In Don’t Hold Back, Platt encourages followers of Jesus to take necessary risks and find unimaginable reward as we:

      – Work for–not against–each other, especially when we disagree
      – Turn the tide on centuries of racial division in the church
      – Trust all of God’s Word with conviction while loving everyone around us with compassion
      – Do justice with kindness, and experience the good life according to God
      – Play our part in spreading the gospel to all the nations of the world

      We can experience the full wonder of Jesus and transcendent beauty of his church here and now. But in order to do so, some things need to be different. Starting not in “those people,” but in each one of us. With the gospel in our hearts and God as our prize, let’s press on and don’t hold back.

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    • Songs Of A Warrior


      This dramatic retelling of the accounts of the first two kings of Israel follows the intertwining stories of Jonathan, Saul, David and Michal documented in 1 and 2 Samuel.

      In this imaginative yet biblically faithful book, readers will find themselves immersed in the hearts and minds of the key players as they experience battles, intrigue, plots, betrayal, love and friendship.

      This resource is a great way to help kids aged 8-12 engage with God’s word. They’ll be left thinking about what it means to trust God and realizing that only Jesus can really be the king God’s people need.

      Makes a wonderful gift for children aged 8-12. Includes a Bible-reading plan for the life of David and notes that differentiate the known facts from the imaginative parts.

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    • Running The Bases (DVD)


      A small-town baseball coach gets the offer of a lifetime from a larger 6A high school. He uproots his family and leaves the only home he has ever known. For this nine-time state championship coach, winning is secondary to creating young men of character and integrity. But he soon learns that things run differently in the big city, especially for a man of faith. The superintendent, because of the death of his wife, has built emotional walls that even his own son cannot break through. He unleashes his bitterness toward God on the new coach and his methods. Through the turmoil, the season takes its toll on the coach and his family. Now faced with feelings of regret over his move, the question is, will his faith be enough to help him turn things around?

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    • Say The Right Thing


      Words are powerful. They sink deep into our minds and our spirits. They can build others up or put others down. Many of us want to “say the right thing” and make a difference to others with our words, but we don’t know how to. Others of us struggle to control our speech and want help to be more godly in this area of our lives.

      This positive, constructive book delves into the Bible to show us how to overcome specific temptations, such as gossip or angry words. But it also goes much further. It shows us how we can use our speech to bring beauty, hope, truth and comfort into the lives of those around us–and to give glory to God.

      Full of gracious words and practical help, this book will help readers to find out how to let the gospel shape their speech and enjoy the blessings that flow from this.

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    • Essential Christianity : The Heart Of The Gospel In Ten Words


      Drawing on passages from Romans 1 to 12, J.D. Greear unpacks the essential aspects of the Christian message, showing both secular and religious people what the gospel is and how it addresses our most pertinent questions. The gospel, as he explains, is not just about life after death; it’s about reclaiming the life we’ve always yearned to live.

      Whether you are exploring the core concepts of Christianity or you are a weary Christian wanting to rediscover the excitement and joy of knowing God, this warm and compelling explanation of the goodness, truth and power at the heart of the Christian faith is for you.

      As J.D. says in his introduction:

      “The gospel is not just the diving board off which you jump into Christianity–it’s the swimming pool in which you swim. See this book as your invitation to rediscover the goodness, the excitement, the liberation and the power of the gospel.”

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    • Pierced By Love


      In Pierced by Love: Divine Reading with the Christian Tradition, Hans Boersma invites Christians to retrieve this ancient and meditative way of reading the Bible.

      *Practice lectio divina.
      *Experience an ancient but fresh way of reading the Bible.
      *Learn from Augustine, Anselm of Canterbury, Bernard of Clairvaux, and others.

      Jesus is the point of reading the Bible. Christians read Scripture to encounter Christ and be conformed to his image. Scripture is no mere human text; it is God’s living word. So how should we read it? For Christians throughout the centuries, the answer has been lectio divina-“divine reading.” Lectio divina is a sacramental reading. It aims to take us more deeply into the life of God. Through practicing the four movements of lectio divina-attentive reading, extended meditation, prayerful reflection, and silent resting-we have a structured and simple way to focus on Christ, listen to the Spirit, and rest in God’s love. We no longer simply read the words of Scripture; instead, we read the face of God in the eternal Word.

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    • Authentic : The Confidence To Be Yourself, The Courage To Release Your Grea


      Discover True Greatness by Discovering the True You

      When you look in the mirror, are you blinded by inadequacy and inferiority? Do you question your value and wonder if you can achieve your God-given potential?

      You don’t have to be resigned to just existing. From the day you were born, God equipped you for success! Fulfilling your purpose begins with uncovering the greatness of who He created you to be.

      In Authentic, David S. Winston, ministry executive and entrepreneur, helps you conquer inferiority and chart a course to your divine destiny so you can live secure in your God-given value and purpose. Through profound truths, practical insights, and helpful exercises, David offers you a step-by-step guide to identifying and achieving your destiny.

      Authentic will empower you to…

      *Uncover your hidden potential
      *Become confident in your uniqueness
      *Navigate personal limitations
      *Avoid the pitfalls of comparison
      *Find strength through transparency

      Don’t cost yourself greatness. Embark on a new journey to discover your greatness and claim your divine destiny!

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    • Siempre Ahi – (Spanish)


      Dios no nos creo y lo hizo todo para luego dejarnos a la suerte. Dios esta con nosotros cada dia de nuestras vidas. Lo vemos? Lo experimentamos? Discernimos su presencia? A traves de los Salmos en cada capitulo de este libro, Bernardo Stamateas trae a tu atencion la presencia de Dios en tu vida diaria, en todas sus expresiones de acuerdo con tus necesidades: como guia, en actos de bondad, como maestro cuando debes aprender algo, como fuente de provision, consuelo, paz, gracia, y hasta en aquellos milagros cotidianos que no puedes explicar. Lo sabe todo sobre ti, te consuela y aclara tus confusiones. !Aprende a ver al Dios que siempre esta ahi!

      God did not create us and did everything to leave us to chance. God is with us every day of our lives. Do we see Him? Do we experience Him? Do we discern His presence? Through the Psalms in each chapter of this book, Bernardo Stamateas brings to your attention the presence of God in your daily life, in all its expressions according to your needs: as a guide, in acts of kindness, as a teacher when you must learn something, as a source of provision, consolation, peace, grace, and even in those daily miracles that you cannot explain. He knows everything about you, He comforts you and clears up your confusions. Learn to see the God who is always there for you!

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    • Destruye Lo Que Roba Tu Fuerza – (Spanish)


      Tu puedes destruir lo que roba tu fuerza. Puedes saltar sobre cualquier obstaculo y derrotar a todos los enemigos. Los seguidores de Cristo tienen la habilidad sobrenatural para conquistar los desafios que enfrentamos, pero nuestro problema es que el pecado roba nuestra fuerza.

      Este libro responde por que tantos de nosotros somos incapaces de experimentar la fuerza divina que era evidente entre los cristianos del primer siglo. En Destruye lo que roba tu fuerza, John Bevere revela por que el pecado compromete comunidades, y como liberarte de su atadura.

      No apto para los debiles de corazon, Destruye lo que roba tu fuerza es todo menos un “alza en azucar” espiritual. Esta es verdad seria para cualquier seguidor de Cristo que anhela abrazar el desafiante, pero gratificante camino de la transformacion.

      You can destroy what steals your strength. You can jump over any obstacle and defeat all enemies. Followers of Christ have the supernatural ability to conquer the challenges we face, but our problem is that sin robs us of our strength.

      This book answers why so many of us are unable to experience the divine force that was evident among first-century Christians. In Destruye lo que roba tu fuerza, John Bevere reveals why sin binds communities, and how to free yourself from its bondage.

      Not for the faint of heart, Destruye lo que roba tu fuerza is anything but a spiritual “sugar boost”. This is serious truth for any Christ-follower who longs to embrace the challenging, yet rewarding path of transformation.

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    • Mercy Tree : A Novel


      It’s 1955, when scandalous affairs are never talked about, divorce is rare, a wife is a “homemaker” more often than not, and every Christian home displays its family Bible front and center. Certainly, a well-respected pastor in the conservative city of Muskegon, Michigan, would never be caught in the middle of a heinous secret that could ruin his career and break up his beautiful marriage and family. Or would he?

      When Henry Griffin was stationed in occupied Japan in the mid-1940s, he met Rina Hamada, a Japanese woman who fell head over heels for him. Despite having a young wife and baby daughter waiting at home in the States, Henry had too much to drink one night, and one thing led to another… He knew it was wrong. He struggled with guilt and expressed his resistance, but she professed her love and continued to pursue him.

      Now, ten years later, a letter from Japan arrives and threatens to upend Henry’s world. What to do and how to tell his wife are just the beginning of his troubles. Tough questions about faith, redemption, and preserving his reputation bring us here, under the shade of The Mercy Tree.

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    • New Kind Of Love


      The two greatest forces in the world today are love and selfishness. Natural human love has failed because it is based upon selfishness.

      Does God have a solution for this problem? We believe that He has. It is The New Kind of Love that has been overlooked by the church but has recently been rediscovered.

      This book unveils the new kind of love that Jesus brought to the world. This love comes into a barren life and makes it blossom as a rose. It takes away the hardness and bitterness of life. There will be no empty lives, no barren lives. Every life may become a garden of delight. God has made it possible.

      To walk in love is actually to live in God. It is the realm where the Word dominates, where faith functions. Faith grows in the atmosphere of love. It becomes a dominating and creative force when love really rules.

      This new kind of love, agape, was born in the realm of divine revelation. It is a deep and profound sacrificial love that transcends and persists regardless of circumstances.

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    • Love Through The Seasons


      Bestselling author Tracie Peterson celebrates 30 years of writing with a collection of both old and new stories.

      Four short contemporary romances take readers to the author’s native state of Kansas.

      Spring – Stormy Weather

      Gina Bowden, a young widow, fights city council to regain funding for her son’s Boy Scout troop. Something better than lightning hits, though, when she teams up with the equally tenacious troop leader.

      Summer – King of Hearts

      Elise Jost is a non-traditional student just one credit short of graduating. A hard-working woman determined to establish herself in the business world, she enrolls begrudgingly in a Renaissance appreciation course that will complete her credit hours. Her life’s direction takes a different course when she makes a high grade with Professor Ian Hunter.

      Autumn – Falling for Love

      Karen Armstrong Jacobs has been widowed five years and taken in her mother to live with her. When she learns her mother’s three sisters need a place to live, she opens her home up to them as well. Now there are a lot of repairs that need to be made to the house for safety’s sake. Enter Dan Polk, a widower with a contracting business and a heart for ministry, who makes over the house and Karen’s lonely heart.

      Winter – Silent Nights

      Lynn Murphy always dreamed of having the perfect marriage, and for a while she delighted in her dream come true. But Frank’s job has gradually overtaken their lives. When their plans for an anniversary trip at Christmastime are ruined by yet another business obligation, Lynn decides she’s had enough. She runs away to her grandfather’s house looking for answers. Only there does she begin to glimpse the surprising ways that God will satisfy the desires of her heart.

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    • I Will Soar (DVD)


      “I WILL SOAR” is a true story about one city, one high school, and one coach who brought them all together and produced a winning football season and record numbers of first-generation university students. An emotional roller coaster with many feel-good moments, the documentary explores Head Coach T.J. Jackson’s success in guiding many single-parent players, delivering the nurturing and strength they need to graduate and succeed.

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    • Good Ol Girl (DVD)


      GOOD OL GIRL follows three young Texas cowgirls tasked with carrying on their families’ legacies amidst a volatile landscape and industry.

      The film explores the modern West: a place where the male cowboy mythology must answer to a new, honest, and some would say subversive, female story.

      The jarring transition between generations illuminates the weight of heritage and tradition. As the old guard wanes, these three women stand amidst the vast ranchlands of Texas.

      Who has the authority to claim our traditions when only those who have been overlooked are left to carry them on?

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    • Architect


      There’s a golden rule in Phantom City: “No one about when the Zeppelin is out.” But one night, twelve-year-old Charlie Crane comes face-to-face with the Zeppelin, and instead of finding trouble, she is awakened.

      Determined to find the truth in a city plagued with lies, Charlie, along with a quirky band of unlikely heroes, works to free the people of Phantom City from the clutches of a shadowy, evil villain. Helped by a mysterious Architect who only communicates over radio and telephone, Charlie wrestles with two big questions: Can she trust a guide she can’t see? And is the truth actually worth the trouble?

      Filled with sinister schemes, bumbling superheroes, unexpected friendships, and plenty of humor and plot twists, The Architect keeps readers on the edge of their seats. Boys and girls alike will be fascinated by the unique world of Phantom City, with its steampunk and Gotham City type elements and will quickly find themselves cheering for our heroes in their fight against evil.

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    • Double The Lies


      In the cold and dangerous spring of 1924, amateur detective Annalee Spain races the clock to solve the murder of a white barnstorming pilot before the clever Black theologian-a target of the ruthless Colorado Klan-is framed for the crime, and before she is lured by the risky flirtations of the victim’s dashing twin brother.

      As this second installment of Patricia Raybon’s critically acclaimed mystery series opens, Annalee Spain offers her fancy lace handkerchief-a gift from her complicated pastor boyfriend, Jack Blake-to a young woman crying in a Denver public library. But later that night, when police find the handkerchief next to the body of the young woman’s murdered husband, Annalee becomes the number one suspect, and her panic doubles when she learns that Jack has gone missing.

      With just days to solve the murder before the city’s Klan-run police frame her for the crime, Annalee finds herself hunting for clues in the Colorado mountain town of Estes Park. She questions the victim’s wife and her uncle, a wealthy Denver banker, at their mountain lodge, desperate for leads. Instead, she finds a household full of suspects and even more burning questions. Who keeps threatening her, why can’t she find Jack, and will a dangerous flirtation be her undoing? Her answers plumb the depths of the human heart, including her own, exploring long-buried secrets, family lies, even city politics-all of which could cost the young detective her fledgling love . . . and perhaps even her life.

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    • Your Brave Song


      The simplest of truths told through the sweetest of songs can change the world.

      Early one foggy morning, Una Rayne feels unsure about the day ahead of her. She sits down on the porch with her mama, who sings a song of truth over her: “Jesus loves you, makes you strong. In Him, you’re brave and you belong.” Una Rayne steps bravely into her day, her mama’s words a reminder of how much she is loved by Jesus. When no one seems to want to sit with Una Rayne at lunchtime, she bravely sings the song, and others are drawn to come sit with her. Through the song, the children hear that they are chosen and loved by Jesus, “not for what you do, but for who you are. For whose you are.” As Una Rayne continues to live with bravery and kindness, the song spreads throughout the world and fills the hearts of all who hear it.

      Many children face fear and uncertainty. This book gives them the confidence to know that they are secure and safe in Jesus, no matter what comes. It also encourages them to share God’s love with others because bravery in Jesus is contagious and world-changing!

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