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Social Issues

Showing 101–114 of 114 results

  • Do Ask Do Tell Lets Talk


    Conversations among friends accomplish more than debates between opponents…

    Conversations on controversial issues do not to go well when the dialogue happens community-to-community or figurehead-to-figurehead. Whether it’s race, religion, or politics, groups don’t talk well with groups. Too much is at stake when we feel like our words and actions speak for the collective whole. Platforms and podiums will never accomplish what can only be done around dinner tables and in living rooms.

    Two individuals from those respective groups are much more likely to forge a good relationship, influencing one another in various ways. Unfortunately, an individual who listens well is often viewed by his or her collective compatriots as engaging in compromise; at the group level, representing each side fairly feels too much like agreement.

    That is why the aim of this book is friendship. Friendship is the level at which influence can be had, because the dialogue does not seek to represent an agenda but to understand a person. Friendship is what protects good points from becoming gotcha moments.

    The subject for which this approach may be most vital for the modern church may be homosexuality and same-sex attraction (SSA). Yet our approach has tended to be more polemical or political than pastoral and personal.

    Churches have articulated their position on a conservative sexual ethic. Churches have re-examined the key biblical texts that are challenged in defense of a progressive sexual ethic. As important as these things are, however, they do not equip everyday Christians to develop meaningful friendships with people who experience same-sex attraction or have embraced a gay identity.

    In the absence of relationship, our theology becomes theory.

    Many Christians are seeing that the church’s unwillingness to befriend people who experience SSA has blocked us from engaging with the subject of homosexuality on a person-to-person level. We are reticent to engage relationships where it feels probable that there will be awkwardness.

    Admittedly, this book is not as “neat” as you might like for it to be. Many tensions will be navigated; maybe not all contradictions will be avoided. However, when it comes to being salt and light for the sake of the gospel, it seems far better to choose possible messiness over guaranteed ineffectiveness.

    That means we must realize that it is good for us to have conversations where we don’t know what to say. This is part of the ess

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  • Path To Freedom


    Do you know someone who struggles with the demons of drug or alcohol addiction? Have you ever met a person who has contemplated, attempted, or succeeded at suicide? If your response is yes, then “A Path to Freedom” may provide answers where previously there were none. This book is comprised of faith driven examples in how God’s light can overcome any form of darkness in a person’s life, and how good shall prevail above evil.

    “A Path to Freedom” contains true accounts of the struggles, hardships, and dark secrets that many people carry around every day. Life can be difficult and unforeseen events can devastate a decent person, as it surely did for Victor Leonard. Fortunately, he was granted the Lord’s grace so that others may be blessed with a magnificent calm in the mighty turmoil of life.

    May the love of Christ enrich your life and set you on a new path; one that makes you smile and say, “I am going to be alright today.”

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  • ISIS The Heart Of Terror


    The jihadist group ISIS (the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria) has been wreaking havoc in northern Iraq and Syria. But its reign of terror is not confined to the Middle East. Its 2014 beheadings of American journalist James Foley and Israeli-American journalist Steven Sotloff have shocked the world and instilled fear in the hearts of many Westerners.

    ISIS is the most funded, technologically advanced, and powerful terrorist organization in history. Its members are extremely diverse, having been recruited from countries all over the globe, including Canada, Britain, and the U.S.

    Now that ISIS has the world’s attention, what’s next?

    Governments around the world have spent billions of dollars employing military strategies, and they are still convinced that ISIS is mainly a political problem that must have a political answer. But what if the solution isn’t political or military? What if the real solution is spiritual in nature?

    Missionaries from the underground church of China-represented by Brother Yun, “the Heavenly Man”-are launching a spiritual offensive. They are not armed with a sentence of death but with a message of life, and ISIS jihadists are in their crosshairs. In ISIS, the Heart of Terror, you will learn about the organization Back to Jerusalem and its unique method of responding to ISIS by evangelizing Muslim militants. Learn how Chinese missionaries are fulfilling the Great Commission by sharing the gospel with some of the most unreachable people groups in the world, and discover how Christians everywhere can take part in a powerful evangelization of the Middle East.

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  • Bridges To Convergence In 21st Century Thought


    Bridges to Convergence in 21st Century Thought confronts the struggles contributing to the fractures in today’s society. It tackles the problems arising from this divergence of thought, most notably polarization, fragmentation, and depersonalization in Western society. Arguably, the fractures are the result of a failed three hundred year old experiment that has resulted in the leading philosophies of today’s Western world being secular humanism and scientific determinism. In short, technology now masters mankind rather than serving it, leaving amoral Western man as a dispensable cog in the machine-a commodity more so than a sacred being-and a mass of cells relegated to evolve in a world with no hope or future, values or absolutes. Man has become a something rather than someone. The evolving twenty-first century global society is now demanding a new thought that seeks values and connections but does not exclude the eighty-nine per cent of the world population that does not live in the West, or the eighty-five per cent of the world population that does believe in the religious and spiritual.

    Bridges to Convergence argues that a new twenty-first century thought will be a matter of global design and input. This book offers first steps towards that thought through bridges to convergence between peoples, communities, societies, and nations, promoting common sensibilities, values, personhood, dignity, respect and hope.

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  • 2 Doors


    Gracie is seven years old, and she has a hurt place in her heart. When she wakes up in the middle of the night to find a door in her bedroom wall, a door where no door should be, she begins a strange and wonderful adventure into her own future. On the other side of the door, Gracie receives a rare gift: she gets to meet the woman she will become if she refuses to use the magical little Send-Away boat and begin to forgive the hurt that has been done to her. Go through the door with Gracie and find out how she answers the question, “Do you want to be Carissa? Or Mara?

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  • Delivered : True Stories Of Men And Women Who Turned From Porn To Purity


    Deliverance from pornography is possible-and these true stories prove it.

    *The pious Catholic man whose fairytale marriage was almost destroyed by his fierce addiction…
    *The young woman who escaped a broken and abusive childhood only to become ensnared in porn’s seamy underworld…
    *The couple who tried everything to beat the pain and shame of porn in their home…
    *The female musician who thought porn was a guy thing until she got hooked herself…
    *…and five other inspiring tales of liberation from the ravages of pornography.

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  • Respectable Sins Student Edition


    SKU (ISBN): 9781612914961ISBN10: 1612914969Jerry BridgesBinding: Trade PaperPublished: October 2013Publisher: NavPress

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  • When Helping Hurts


    With more than 200,000 copies sold, When Helping Hurts is a paradigm-forming contemporary classic on the subject of poverty alleviation and ministry to those in need. Emphasizing the poverty of both heart and society, this book exposes the need that every person has and how it can be filled. The reader is brought to understand that poverty is much more than simply a lack of financial or material resources and that it takes much more than donations and handouts to solve the problem of poverty.

    While this book exposes past and current development efforts that churches have engaged in which unintentionally undermine the people they’re trying to help, its central point is to provide proven strategies that challenge Christians to help the poor empower themselves. Focusing on both North American and Majority World contexts, When Helping Hurts catalyzes the idea that sustainable change for people living in poverty comes not from the outside-in, but from the inside-out.

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  • Kingdom Calling : Vocational Stewardship For The Common Good


    Amy Sherman unpacks Proverbs 11:10–“When the righteous prosper, the city rejoices”–to develop a theology and program of vocational stewardship. Here is practical help for churches, ministries and other faith communities to navigate the complex process of following Jesus in those places where we happen to prosper.

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  • Sexual Detox : A Guide For Guys Who Are Sick Of Porn


    Sick of porn? Time to detox. A huge percentage of men need a porn detox, a moral and psychological reset. Do you? If so, whether you know it or not, pornography has corrupted your thinking, weakened your conscience, warped your sense of right and wrong, and twisted your understanding and expectations of sexuality. You need a reset by the One who created sex. In this book, I hope to help you reorient your understanding of sex, both in the big picture and in the act itself, according to God’s plan for this great gift. I want to help you detox from all the junk you’ve seen, all the lies you’ve believed. This is not an easy process. It is rarely a quick process. It involves a letting go of old realities and an embrace of a new normal. To be willing to go through it you need to see how bad your current situation really is, and how the path you are on leads no place good. You need to see that the path of porn leads only to more isolation, guilt, alienation, and pain. Whether single or married, such a reset to normal is the only thing that can ever equip you to become a pure, loving, attentive, sacrificial husband. But you already know you need to change. Few Christian men indulge in porn without realizing they need to quit. Every Christian guy who looks at porn wants to stop, but many of us want to stop just a little bit less than we want to keep going. The problem isn’t knowledge. It’s desire and ability. So sin prevails. Here’s a promise. You’ll never stop until you begin to see the monstrous nature of the sin you’re committing. You’ll never stop until the sin is more horrifying to you than the commission of the sin is enjoyable. You’ll need to hate that sin before you can find freedom from it. That means you need more grace. You need to cry out to be changed and to see the monstrous nature of this sin. And then you need to behave in faith that God will meet you with grace as you act to cut off the porn and begin the reset. -Tim Challies

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  • 7 Strategic Changes Every Church Must Make


    Author Mark Conner reveals seven strategic changes that every church must make to remain relevant and progressive in today’s culture. These shifts – from inreach to outreach, from events to relationships, from consumers to contributors, from local to kingdom – will transform your church into a powerful force in the 21st Century.

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  • As America Has Done To Israel


    God’s everlasting promise to bless those who bless Israel-and curse those who curse Israel-is still in effect today. Throughout its history, America has been in a unique position to bless the Jewish people, and has experienced many blessings as a result. In more recent years, however, America has failed to consistently stand by Israel and suffered dramatic disasters.

    In this interesting and thorough book, McTernan traces the history of the Jewish people in America and how America’s spectacular rise to power was tied to blessing the Jews. He examines America’s integral role in fulfilling God’s plan for the rebirth of the Jewish nation, and details the times when our nation defaulted on this call. Through a step-by-step analysis of political events, McTernan gives conclusive proof that God’s judgment on those who curse Israel is still active. In every case where America has failed Israel, it has faced dramatic consequences within 24 hours.

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  • We Dont Die We Kill Ourselves


    Most of us who live in the West are committing slow suicide. The problem? Our nutrient- and mineral-deficient, toxic-chemical-laced diet. Malnutrition has reached pandemic proportions in the industrialized world; malnutrition due not to a lack of food but to an abundance of food that is lacking in true nutritional value and content. Unless something is done now to turn the tide, this nutritional crisis threatens not only our generation but future generations as well.

    Speaking from his own personal knowledge and experience based on years of research, Dr. Roger De Haan reveals the true nature and magnitude of our nutritional and health crisis and offers practical, common-sense solutions. You owe it to yourself and your family to read this book. The principles and truths uncovered here could literally revolutionize your life!

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  • Public Education Against America


    While America wasn’t looking, Reading, Writing, and Arithmetic was largely replaced by Moral Relativism and Secular Humanism in our kindergartens, grade schools, and universities.

    This manipulation of the values and beliefs of our young generation is not an accident nor is it due to incompetence. It is a deliberate assault on the spiritual and moral compass of America’s children.
    This book exposes:
    *How the radical academic left has outlawed student expressions of patriotism and faith-but only in the case of Christianity.
    *How “political correctness” has replaced freedom of speech on American campuses.
    *How schools utilize techniques to “reprogram” children as early as kindergarten!
    *The lies being taught to children under the guise of “Sex Education.”
    *How schools willfully manipulate the religious and moral beliefs of children-without the knowledge or consent of their parents in order to create a new society based on “secular humanism.”
    *Why you should seriously consider removing your children from the public school system.

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