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Books (Spanish)

Showing 251–295 of 295 results

  • Diccionario Del Profeta – (Spanish)


    Experimente el poder y el misterio de la profecia espiritual. Desde los primeros tiempos, Dios se ha acercado a la humanidad por medio de sus profetas escogidos. Muchos hombres y mujeres dotados y piadosos siguen recibiendo perspectiva de parte de El en la actualidad. Desgraciadamente, pocos recursos de formacion han estado disponibles para aquellos llamados a este ministerio vital; hasta ahora.

    La Dra. Paula A. Price ha utilizado sus dos decadas de experiencia para producir El Diccionario del Profeta. Lleno de sus propios consejos y tesoros extraidos de su estudio y experiencia personal, este recurso unico le ayudara a dominar el lenguaje y el simbolismo para ayudarle a traducir el significado de visiones, sueos y mensajes de Dios. !El Diccionario del Profeta es el libro que no deberia faltarle a ningun profeta o iglesia!

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  • Guerra Espiritual – (Spanish)


    Comenzando hoy, su familia puede estar a salvo de la devastacion de ataques por parte de fortalezas de oscuridad espirituales: peleas, division, vacio, amargura, desesperacion y mucho mas.

    En este contundente libro, Marilyn Hickey muestra, por medio de sus propias experiencias y las de otros, como contraatacar con exito utilizando las poderosas armas espirituales que ios le ha dado. Entonces, usted puede:
    *Ser libre de maldiciones generacionales.
    *Conquistar pecados y habitos arraigados.
    *Recibir poderosas respuestas a la oracion.
    *Bloquear los ataques de Satanas.
    *Liberar a otros de la atadura espiritual.
    *Vencer las tentaciones.
    *Recibir proteccion divina.

    Guerra Espiritual revela las estrategias del enemigo y le equipa a usted para participar en batallas espirituales… !Y GANAR!

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  • Romper Maldiciones Experimenta – (Spanish)


    Many Christians wonder why they cannot overcome sins and temptations or why they experience recurring problems in their health, finances, or relationships. Breaking Curses, Experiencing Healing exposes these life-destroying schemes from unseen but powerful spiritual enemies. Seen by millions on ABC’s 20/20, MSNBC, the History Channel, and the BBC, Tom Brown shows the relationship between spiritual deliverance and healing. Learn how to receive divine protection and use the spiritual weapons that are rightfully yours so you can:
    *Identify the causes of curses
    *Take back what Satan has stolen
    *Break free from generational curses
    *Release God’s blessings and favor
    *Experience miracles in your life

    Uncover and defeat the spiritual attacks in your life, and bring complete healing to yourself and others today!

    Como romper el poder del enemigo

    Los cristianos se preguntan por que no pueden vencer los pecados y las tentaciones, o por que experimentan problemas recurrentes en su salud, sus finanzas o sus relaciones.

    Visto por millones de personas en el programa 20/20 de la ABC, en MSNBC, History Channel y la BBC, Tom Brown muestra la relacion que existe entre la liberacion espiritual y la sanidad. Aprenda como recibir proteccion divina y utilizar las armas espirituales que son legitimamente suyas para asi poder:
    *Identificar causas de maldiciones
    *Recuperar lo que Satanas ha robado
    *Ser libre de maldiciones generacionales
    *Liberar las bendiciones y el favor de Dios
    *Experimentar milagros en su vida

    Descubra y derrote los ataques espirituales en su vida, !y lleve sanidad completa a usted mismo y a otros hoy!

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  • Como Caminar En Poder Sobrenat (Student/Study Guide) – (Spanish) (Student/Study


    !El Poder de los Milagros esta Disponible Hoy!

    “Y estas seales seguiran a los que creen: En mi nombre echaran fuera demonios; hablaran nuevas lenguas”. (Marcos 16:17)

    El poder sobrenatural esta disponible hoy para todos los creyentes, tal como lo estaba para la iglesia primitiva durante los dias de los apostoles. El poder de Dios nunca se ha extinguido, solo el entendimiento de la iglesia de como obtenerlo.
    Milagros, sanidades y liberacion de opresiones demoniacas estan disponibles para cada creyente. Ahora, a traves de la Escritura, el Apostol Maldonado le muestra como obtener los beneficios del poder sobrenatural que estan disponibles para usted, de manera que pueda:

    Desarrollar fe para los milagros

    Protegerse a si mismo de los engaos del diablo

    Operar y fluir en lo sobrenatural

    Ministrar sanidad a los enfermos

    Una vez que usted reciba la revelacion completa del Dios sobrenatural, usted podra tomar este poder y ganar el mundo para Cristo.

    Today’s church is not reaching many of the lost, sick, and hurting because believers are not taking the authority and power they have been given through Christ and going out to the world as His body. Guillermo Maldonado believes that the gospel message being presented today is anemic because it is not accompanied by signs and wonders confirming that Jesus has been raised from the dead and is alive today, still able to heal, do miracles, and conquer the devil’s oppression.

    Through Maldonado’s insights on the supernatural, you will:
    ” Recognize human substitutes for God’s power
    ” Develop faith for the miraculous
    ” Seek God’s anointing to carry out His calling
    ” Receive the glory that accompanies His supernatural presence
    ” Protect yourself from the devil’s deception
    ” Learn to hear God’s voice
    ” Overcome demonic attacks
    ” Understand how to operate in the supernatural

    Once you grasp the full revelation of our supernatural God and live in it, you will be able to reach the world for Christ!

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  • Como Caminar En Poder Sobrenat – (Spanish)


    !El Poder de los Milagros esta Disponible Hoy!

    “Y estas seales seguiran a los que creen: En mi nombre echaran fuera demonios; hablaran nuevas lenguas”. (Marcos 16:17)

    El poder sobrenatural esta disponible hoy para todos los creyentes, tal como lo estaba para la iglesia primitiva durante los dias de los apostoles. El poder de Dios nunca se ha extinguido, solo el entendimiento de la iglesia de como obtenerlo.
    Milagros, sanidades y liberacion de opresiones demoniacas estan disponibles para cada creyente. Ahora, a traves de la Escritura, el Apostol Maldonado le muestra como obtener los beneficios del poder sobrenatural que estan disponibles para usted, de manera que pueda:

    Desarrollar fe para los milagros

    Protegerse a si mismo de los engaos del diablo

    Operar y fluir en lo sobrenatural

    Ministrar sanidad a los enfermos

    Una vez que usted reciba la revelacion completa del Dios sobrenatural, usted podra tomar este poder y ganar el mundo para Cristo.

    Guillermo Maldonado believes the gospel message being presented today is anemic because it is not accompanied by signs and wonders confirming that Jesus has been raised from the dead, that He is alive today, and that He wants to heal and do miracles through you. Now, you can walk in the full revelation of our supernatural God.

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  • Su Poder En Espiritu Santo – (Spanish)


    John G. Lake was anointed by God to reach the sick and the lost in miraculous ways. Here is a glimpse of the unparalleled outpouring of Holy Spirit power when operating through a completely yielded life. Drawing upon his vast ministry experiences, Lake presents an enlightening look at how God desires to use His people mightily to minister to a dying world. Through his insightful words, you will discover how you can personally…
    * Receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit.
    * Be filled with the overcoming life of Christ.
    * Be a more powerful witness for Christ.
    * Overcome all the schemes of Satan.
    * Exercise authority over evil spirits in Jesus’ name.
    * Trust God to meet all your needs.
    * Find true purpose for your life.
    * Develop a faith for miracles.
    * See people powerfully saved, healed, and delivered.
    * Transform your world for Christ.

    You, too, can bring salvation and healing to many hurting,
    hungry people in the fullness and power of the Holy Spirit.
    Discover the exciting opportunities available to believers
    everywhere, and experience God’s powerful and miraculous

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  • En Puertas Del Cielo – (Spanish)


    In this book, Rebecca Springer shares a personal vision and experience about the world of heaven. Within Heaven’s Gates, is an elaborate and detailed description of the involvement of the society of heaven.

    !Hay vida despues de la muerte!

    Rebecca Springer comparte las maravillas y los gozos de su gloriosa vision del cielo y tambien ofrece esperanza para el futuro de la humanidad. Mediante este inspirador libro, obtendra usted un destello del hogar eterno que espera a los creyentes, al igual que inspiracion para continuar su caminar espiritual. !Aventurese En las Puertas del Cielo!

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  • Sobrenatural – (Spanish)


    New Wine International

    iTu eres sobrenatural! Cada creyente en Cristo es un ser sobrenatural can un proposito sobrenatural – llamado a caminar en los caminos sobrenaturales del cielo mientras demuestran el Reino sobrenatural de Dios iaqui en la tierra! En Simple Sobrenatural, Joshua Mills comparte emocionantes testimonios personales, claves biblicas y directrices practicas que te lanzaran hacia un estilo de vida sobrenatural.

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  • Poder De Bendecir A Sus Hijos – (Spanish)


    Mary Ruth Swope shows how to minister to children, grandchildren, and other loved ones by giving them powerful daily blessings, including:
    *Safety-to sleep in peace
    *Wisdom-to make wise decisions
    *Prosperity-to meet all their needs
    *Courage-to face their fears
    *Good health-throughout life

    From the testimonies included, you will find many examples of those who have been completely changed with simple blessings given in person, over the phone, or even by mail. Release blessings upon those you love… and witness powerful results!

    Mary Ruth Swope muestra como ministrar a sus hijos, nietos y otros seres queridos dandoles poderosas bendiciones diarias, incluyendo:
    *Seguridad-dormir en paz
    *Sabiduria-vivir una vida de fe
    *Prosperidad-satisfacer sus necesidades
    *Valentia-afrontar sus temores
    *Buena salud-experimentar sanidad

    De los testimonios incluidos, usted encontrara muchos ejemplos de quienes han sido totalmente cambiados con sencillas y a la vez poderosas bendiciones dadas en persona, por telefono, o incluso por correo. Desate bendicion en quienes usted ama…!y sea testigo de poderosos resultados!

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  • Alientate – (Spanish)


    This is the Spanish version of Have Heart: Bridging the Gulf Between Heaven and Earth. Desde que su hijo Josias se fue al cielo en su cumpleaos numero 19, Steve y Sarah Berger han desarrollado una nueva, contagiosa pasion y emocion por el Cielo, sus habitantes y la actividad que ahi se lleva a cabo. Como pastor y esposa de pastor, han aconsejado a innumerables familias es su tiempo de mas necesidad, pero el 14 de Agosto, 2009, Dios mando a su propio familia en una jornada que por siempre cambio sus vidas. Cuando doblaron sus rodillas y clamaron a Dios y buscaron respuestas en la Biblia, Dios comenzo a revelar su verdad por medio de pasajes familiares de la Palabra de Dios. “Alientate” representa el fruto de sus propios estudios del Cielo, lamento, corazones rotos, honrando el legado de un ser amado y viviendo cada dia con el Cielo en la mente. Si estas lamentando la ida de un ser querido o si tienes curiosidad acerca de como es el Cielo, “Alientate” te animara a poner tu confianza en Jesus y tu esperanza en el Cielo. Since their son Josiah went to Heaven on his 19th birthday, Steve and Sarah Berger have developed a new , contagious passion and excitement for Heaven, its inhabitants and it’s activity. As a pastor and pastor’s wife, they had counseled countless families in their time of deepest need, but on August 14, 2009, God launched their own family on a journey that has forever changed their lives. As they hit their knees and cried out to God and searched their Bibles for answers, God began to reveal fresh truth and healing from familiar passages in His Word. Have Heart presents the fruit of their personal studies on Heaven, grieving, broken heartedness, honoring a loved ones legacy and living each day with Heaven in mind. If you are grieving the passing of a loved one or if you’re just curious about what Heaven is like, Have Heart will encourage you to firmly place your trust in Jesus and your hope in Heaven.

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  • Favor Camino Hacia Exito – (Spanish)


    Como obtener el favor de Dios.

    Estas verdades ayudaran a los cristianos a liberar al Espiritu Santo que esta en su interior, a fin de que los creyentes puedan experimentar vidas plenas, emocionantes y exuberantes.

    Bob Buess habla sobre como:

    El favor transforma la inseguridad en confianza en uno mismo
    El favor cambiara hogares, esposos, esposas, e hijos
    Usted puede recibir la bendicion de Dios y exito en sus circunstancias

    Se incluyen varios testimonios del favor de Dios. El autor combina un celo celestial con una utilidad practica, !y podria encontrarse riendo y a la vez aprendiendo!

    “Porque tu, oh Jehova, bendeciras al justo; como con un escudo lo rodearas de tu favor”. -Salmo 5:12


    These truths will help Christians release the Holy Spirit who is within, so that believers can experience full, exciting, exuberant lives.

    Bob Buess discusses how:

    Favor changes insecurity into self-confidence
    Favor will change homes, husbands, wives, and children
    You can receive God’s blessing and success in your circumstances

    Included are many testimonies of God’s favor. The author combines heavenly zeal with a down-to-earth practicality, and you may find yourself laughing while learning!

    “For thou, Lord, wilt bless the righteous; with favour wilt thou compass him as with a shield.” -Psalm 6:12

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  • Dos Tipos De Justicia – (Spanish)


    The Right Choice Provides Rewards–Now and Eternally!
    Legendary teacher E. W. Kenyon describes biblical righteousness. True righteousness is a gift from God that means the ability to stand in His presence without fear or any sense of guilt and inferiority. This righteousness is available to you right now…if you choose rightly. Then, you will:
    *Overcome sin and temptation
    *Receive God’s blessings
    *Tap into the power of the Holy Spirit
    *Experience the deep joy of fellowship with God
    *Powerfully witness to others
    *Develop miracle-working faith
    True righteousness can be yours today!

    La eleccion correcta proporciona recompensas, !ahora y eternamente!

    El legendario maestro E. W. Kenyon describe la justicia biblica. La verdadera justicia es un regalo de Dios que significa la capacidad de estar en la presencia de El sin temor y sin ningun sentimiento de culpa o de inferioridad. Esta justicia esta a tu disposicion ahora… si escoges correctamente. Entonces:
    *Venceras el pecado y la tentacion
    *Recibiras las bendiciones de Dios
    *Tendras acceso al poder del Espiritu Santo
    *Experimentaras el profundo gozo de la comunion con Dios
    *Testificaras poderosamente a otros
    *Desarrollaras una fe que obra milagros
    !La verdadera justicia puede ser tuya hoy!

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  • Poder De Sangre – (Spanish)


    A Mighty Weapon of Spiritual Warfare

    You know that “there’s power in the blood,” just like the old hymn says–but are you actually experiencing that power in your daily life? Join H. A. Maxwell Whyte in this revealing exploration of the blessings to be found in Christ’s blood. As you delve deep into this newly revised and expanded version of Whyte’s classic best-seller, you will find out how to…

    Experience God’s complete forgiveness
    Become spiritually empowered, equipped, and energized
    Break the terrifying grip of fear and torment
    Create an atmosphere for miracles
    Defeat oppression, addictions, and sickness

    Astounding results can take place in your life once you learn the value of this vital, yet little wielded, weapon in the believer’s arsenal and how God wants us to use it in coping with life’s difficult situations. Discover the wonder-working power of the blood for yourself!


    Usted sabe que “hay poder en la sangre”, tal como dice el viejo himno; pero experimenta usted realmente ese poder en su vida cotidiana?

    Unase a H. A. Maxwell Whyte en esta reveladora exploracion de las bendiciones que se encuentran en la sangre de Cristo. A medida que profundice mas en esta version nuevamente revisada y ampliada del clasico best-seller de Whyte, descubrira como…

    Experimentar el perdon completo de Dios
    Llegar a estar espiritualmente capacitado, equipado y vigorizado
    Romper la aterradora tenaza del temor y el tormento
    Crear una atmosfera para que sucedan milagros
    Derrotar la opresion, las adiciones y la enfermedad

    Sorprendentes resultados pueden tener lugar en su vida una vez que aprenda el valor de esta arma eficaz, pero poco manejada, en el arsenal del creyente y como Dios quiere tratarla para manejar las situaciones dificiles de la vida. !Descubra por usted mismo el poder que obra maravillas de la sangre!

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  • Mi Tiempo En Cielo – (Spanish)


    Is there life after death? After a tragic accident, doctors pronounced Richard Sigmund legally dead. Eight hours later, God miraculously brought him back to life on the way to the morgue. During those hours, God allowed him to experience the glorious beauty, heavenly sounds, sweet aromas, and boundless joys of heaven that await every believer. God then returned him back to earth with a mission… …to tell the world what he saw. You will thrill to Sigmund’s eyewitness account of strolling down heaven’s streets of gold, seeing angels playing with children, talking with Jesus, meeting with people from the Bible and departed family and friends, seeing the mansions, and much more! Through Sigmund’s testimony, God has restored sight to the blind and hearing to the deaf and has even raised several people from the dead. Also, you will catch a glimpse of the horrifying reality of “the other place”–a place where no one wants to go.

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  • Dones Y Ministerios Del Espiri – (Spanish)


    The gifts of the Spirit can destroy any force the devil might use against Christians. You are a candidate for the gifts of revelation, power, and inspiration. They will function anywhere-right where you are now!

    Dr. Sumrall discusses subjects including:

    The charismatic renewal
    The weapons of our warfare
    How you can receive the gifts
    The devil’s counterfeit
    The purpose of ministry gifts

    You can be included in the great outpouring of God’s Spirit!

    Usted puede tener el poder del Espiritu Santo

    Los dones del Espiritu pueden destruir cualquier fuerza que el enemigo quiera usar contra los cristianos. Usted es un candidato para recibir los dones de revelacion, poder e inspiracion !Estos funcionaran en cualquier lugar-en donde usted este ahora mismo!

    El Dr. Sumrall discute temas que incluyen:

    La renovacion carismatica
    Las armas de nuestra guerra
    Como podemos recibir los dones
    La falsificacion del diablo
    El proposito de los dones ministeriales

    !Usted puede ser incluido en el gran derramamiento del Espiritu de Dios!

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  • Jesus El Sanador – (Spanish)


    Multitudes have been healed while reading this book!

    Experience the Power of Faith in Your Life

    Dr. Kenyon had a rare gift for presenting deep, profound biblical truths in a simple and easily understood way. You, too, can be inspired to step out and receive your healing, like the many multitudes of others who have read Jesus the Healer and were healed. Explore these rich truths with Kenyon, and discover how to:
    *Receive physical and emotional healing
    *Remove hindrances to healing
    *Be free from fear, guilt, and shame
    *Experience a new joy in your life
    *Become a stronger soulwinner
    *Develop a miracle-working faith

    Share these powerful truths, and see how God can use you to bring healing to others.
    You, too, can personally receive God’s healing touch!

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  • Ustedes Recibiran Poder – (Spanish)


    The Scriptures show us that God desires for us to live in the realm of the supernatural. Derek Prince explains how to enter into this exciting reality, so you can:
    * Receive divine guidance.
    * Be an effective witness for Christ.
    * Walk in divine health.
    * See results when praying for the sick.
    * Be empowered to serve God.
    * Understand the will of God.
    * Be filled-and stay filled.
    * Understand the realm of spiritual conflict.
    * Experience unity with other believers.
    * Receive God’s favor and blessings.
    * Lead others into the kingdom of God.

    As you enter into the supernatural realm, you will find the Holy Spirit constantly encouraging and showing you the exciting purpose for your life. Discover Him as your Comforter, Helper, Guide, and closest Friend.

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  • Secretos Del Poder Espiritual – (Spanish)


    Watchman Nee experienced such a close intimacy with the Lord that many remarkable insights into triumphant Christian living were revealed to him by the Holy Spirit. Now these truths are available to you so that you can have the same kind of vibrant relationship with God. This collection of Watchman Nee’s time-tested words of wisdom will inspire you to…
    * Enjoy all that is yours in Christ.
    * Know for sure that you are saved.
    * Overcome adversity and Satan’s power.
    * Receive guidance from the Holy Spirit.
    * Find daily strength for daily needs.
    * See the truths of the Bible come alive.
    * Have faith that moves mountains.

    You will be set free from all sin and bondage as you discover not only that Christ is your salvation, but also that He is your sanctification. In fact, Christ will be to you all that you need-your victory, your power, your life. God will pour out His blessings to you in Christ. You can receive His powerful provision today! “But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.”-1 Corinthians 15:57 nkjv

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  • Revelacion Divina De La Sanida – (Spanish)


    Experience God’s Healing Power! Read the many dramatic, real-life testimonies of people who miraculously received healing from deadly diseases, illnesses, and destructive lifestyles and habits. Discover how they were healed and you, too, can:
    Remove hindrances to healing.
    Overcome fear and hopelessness.
    Learn the reasons for sickness.
    Defeat the power of evil.
    Receive physical and emotional healing.
    Walk in divine health.
    Minister healing to others.

    God desires to heal His people. You can be among those who receive healing today!

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  • Palabras Que Mueven Montanas – (Spanish)


    Experience God’s Power!

    “He who believes in Me, the works that I do he will do also; and greater works than these he will do, because I go to My Father.” (John 14:12)

    Through authors’ Kenyon and Gossett’s words and ministry, you will discover what happened in their lives-and what can take place in your own life. Find out how you can…
    ” Walk in divine health and wholeness.
    ” Overcome the power of evil.
    ” Experience God’s power in your life.
    ” Perform the miracles that Christ did.
    ” See the “incurable” healed.
    ” Lead the lost to Christ.
    ” Minister in God’s anointing.

    Here you will discover how you can personally receive God’s healing touch and how God can use you to bring healing to others.

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  • Claves Para Mujeres – (Spanish)


    Filled with motivating insights and practical advice, these inspiring quotes from best-selling author Dr. Myles Munroe provide wisdom for living your life according to God’s purposes. Keys for Women enable women to understand their God-given purposes, their unique qualities, and their relationships to others- including their complementary relationships-so they may fulfill their destiny and potential. As you meditate on these truths, your mind will be renewed and your life will be transformed. You will understand the Creator’s original design so you can fulfill your unique, God-given purpose in the world with joy and confidence

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  • Claves Para Hombres – (Spanish)


    Llenas con pensamientos muy motivadores y consejos muy practicos, estas frases inspiradores del autor de Best SellersDr. Myles Munroe proveen sabiduria para que puedas vivir tu vida de acuerdo con los propositos de Dios. Claves para los Hombres capacita a los hombres para que puedan entender el proposito que Dios les dio, asi como sus cualidades unicas, y sus relaciones con los demas- incluyendo su relacion complementaria con las mujeres- de tal manera que puedan llegar a realizar su destino y todo su potencial.

    Filled with motivating insights and practical advice, these inspiring quotes from best-selling author Dr. Myles Munroe provide wisdom for living your life according to God’s purposes. Keys for Vision shares truths on how to make your dreams and hopes a living reality. As you meditate on these truths, your mind will be renewed and your life will be transformed. You will understand the Creator’s original design so you can fulfill your unique, God-given purpose in the world with joy and confidence.

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  • Claves Para Cambio – (Spanish)


    Filled with motivating insights and practical advice, these inspiring quotes from best-selling author Dr. Myles Munroe provide wisdom for living your life according to God’s purposes. Keys for Change highlights vital principles for seasons of change and how you can maximize the benefits of change-whether the change seems positive or negative-enabling you to thrive while fulfilling your purpose in life. As you meditate on these truths, your mind will be renewed and your life will be transformed. You will understand the Creator’s original design so you can fulfill your unique, God-given purpose in the world with joy and confidence.

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  • En Medio De Tormenta – (Spanish)


    Struggling through the tragic loss of their child, Jose and Mady Arquero experience the immense pain and grief caused by a broken heart and a marriage so severly strained that a divorce seems imminent. Will life ever be normal again? But together they may find a joy and happiness that they had never known before.

    Cuando la tragedia azota, puede sobrevivir el amor? Luchando en medio de la tragica perdida de su hija, Josue y Mady Arquero experimentan inmenso dolor y pena causados por un corazon roto y un matrimonio tan severamente tirante que el divorcio parece inminente. Volvera la vida a ser normal nuevamente? Mientras todavia se sienten sobrecogidos con sentimientos de pura desesperanza y soledad, ellos se enfrentan ademas con el tener que cuidar a un nio demasiado precoz. Entonces, Mady lentamente comenzo a comprender como permitir que Dios tuviera el control de todo. El amor que ella descubre le da fortaleza y esperanza para seguir adelante. Josue y Mady deben aprender a sobrellevar sus propios problemas. Pero juntos podrian hallar el gozo y la felicidad que nunca antes hayan conocido.

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  • Largo Camino A Casa – (Spanish)


    Newly divorced mom Clara is still nursing the scars from her abusive marriage—so she’s less than thrilled when Dan, a handsome but brooding ex-pastor, moves in across the hall. He’s reeling from the tragic loss of his wife, his child, and his faith. When friendship unexpectedly blooms, could it lead to healing for them both?

    Despues de divorciarse de su abusivo esposo, la madre soltera Clara Mendez todavia esta alimentando las cicatrices de un pasado doloroso. Lo ultimo que ella necesita en su vida es otro hombre, asi que no esta impresionada para nada cuando un hombre buen mozo, pero a la vez desconocido y extrao, se muda al departamento del otro lado del pasillo.
    Daniel Morales podra ser atractivo, pero no sus circunstancias: un ex pastor que abandono su rebao en Michigan y huyo a los suburbios de Chicago despues de la muerte tragica de su amada esposa y su bebita en un accidente automovilistico. Amargado por la perdida le da la espalda a Dios. Clara no confiaba en los hombres, y el agresivo Daniel le da razones para ello. Ambos estaban caidos por las heridas y decepciones de su pasado. Cuando el ex esposo de Clara se aparece para causarle mas caos en su vida, Daniel se encuentra a si mismo defendiendola y enfrentandose en el proceso cara a cara con sus propios demonios. Podran Daniel y Clara dejar su pasado atras y darle otra oportunidad al amor? Podran ver las aparentes tragedias de la vida como el plan perfecto de Dios? Podra el poder de Dios cambiar sus corazones y enmendar sus heridas?

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  • Principios Y Beneficios Del Ca – (Spanish)


    L as corrientes tradicionales-ya sean personales o
    culturales-pueden traer tension nerviosa, estres,
    confusion e incluso panico. Solo un pequeo porcentaje de
    las gentes puede responder al cambio en formas que son
    verdaderamente efectivas. Sin embargo, la forma como
    tratamos con el cambio determina a final de cuentas si va a
    ser una fuerza positiva o negativa en nuestra vida.
    El autor de Best Sellers Dr. Myles Munroe explica como
    podemos enfrentarnos al poder positivo del cambio, sin
    importar cual sea la fuente de origen de ese cambio, para
    que nos lleve a tener exito, mientras que al mismo tiempo
    estamos cumpliendo los propositos que Dios nos ha dado en
    esta vida.
    A traves de este libro, tu vas a descubrir como:
    * Ser una parte activa del cambio, en lugar de ser victima
    del mismo.
    * Ser completamente libre de temores durante tiempos
    * Centro activo con relacion a buscar tu proposito, aun en
    contra de todas las circunstancias.
    * Permitir que el cambio que ha sido ordenado por Dios sea
    impartido al mundo a traves de ti.
    * Poder ver los tiempos de transicion desde la perspectiva
    de Dios.
    * Poder encontrar tremendas oportunidades para el
    crecimiento personal y la realizacion de ti mismo.
    El cambio y a todos nosotros, ya sea que estemos
    preparados para ello o no lo estemos. No permitas que te
    desvie, sino al contrario, descubre los principios que te
    permiten con el poder positivo del cambio para servicio de
    tu propia vida

    Change happens to us. It’s measured in gains or losses: you find a spouse or lose a loved one; you receive a promotion or lose a job.
    Change happens around us. It’s marked by natural and social factors: a good harvest, a natural disaster; an economic boom, a stock market plunge.
    Change is initiated by us. It’s weighed by its outcome: you make a decision that improves your life; you make a choice that shatters your dreams.

    Transitional tides-whether personal or cultural-can bring on stress, confusion, and even panic. Only a small percentage of people respond to change in truly effective ways. Yet how we deal with change determines whether it will ultimately be a positive or negative force in our lives. Best-selling author Dr. Myles Munroe explains how we can tap into the positive power of change-no matter what the source of that change-enabling us to thrive while fulfilling our God-given purposes in life.

    Through this book, you can discover how to…
    ” Be

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  • Echaran Fuera Demonios – (Spanish)


    La actividad demoniaca es completamente real, pero
    Dios nos ofrece una provision sobrenatural de
    liberacion. El bien conocido estudioso de la Biblia, Derek
    Prince, describe en lenguaje sencillo las estrategias y las
    tacticas de los demonios, la forma como se meten en la
    vida de las personas, y los pasos necesarios para recibir-y
    mantener-la liberacion. Tu tambien puedes:
    * Aprender principios poderosos de la guerra espiritual.
    * Poder identificar brujeria y engaos del ocultismo.
    * Vencer el temor y la depresion.
    * Derrotar enfermedades y dolencias.
    * Experimentar liberacion de todo tipo de opresiones.
    !Dios te ha dado la autoridad y el poder para derrotar a las
    fuerzas demoniacas!
    “Y estas seales acompaaran a los que han creido: en
    Mi Nombre echaran fuera demonios, hablaran en nuevas
    lenguas” .
    -Marcos 16:17

    What are demons? How do demons gain entry into people’s lives? Do Christians ever need deliverance from demons? In this readable, biblically based book, Derek Prince answers these and many other vital questions. If you are struggling with problems that never seem to go away, has it ever occurred to you that demons may be at work? Or perhaps you want to help others with such problems. Derek Prince points out that “Jesus never sent anyone out to preach the Gospel without specifically instructing and equipping them to take action against demons in the same way that He Himself did.” Is this not true today? Prince asks, “Who has changed? Jesus? The demons? The church?” In this practical, comprehensive handbook on deliverance, Prince shares his own struggle with demons and addresses the fears and misconceptions often associated with deliverance. Speaking from more than thirty years of personal experience in this ministry, Prince offers down-to-earth advice on how to receive and minister deliverance and how to remain free. He also describes nine characteristic activities of demons and seven ways demons gain access to people’s lives, and then leads you through nine steps to deliverance.

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  • Diablo Demonios Y Guerra Espir – (Spanish)


    La iglesia de Cristo Jesus esta en crisis. Muchas
    congregaciones se estan dividiendo y estan
    disminuyendo en numero. Los matrimonios se estan
    tambaleando. La inteligencia biblica se encuentra yendo
    hacia abajo. Donde esta el poder? Donde estan los
    milagros? Que le ha sucedido a la iglesia de nuestros dias?
    El autor Tom Brown dice que hemos olvidado nuestro
    deber de compartir la mision de Cristo Jesus-de derrotar
    al adversario que gobierna este mundo. Hoy en dia,
    muchas iglesias rehusan mencionar al diablo o ensear
    acerca de la realidad de satanas. El resultado de esto es
    una iglesia anemica y muy debil que lucha para convertir
    a todos aquellos que estan dudando, para rescatar a los que
    se encuentran en crisis, o que esta luchando para poder
    testificar acerca de la liberacion de las almas oprimidas que
    se encuentran en las garras del diablo.
    A traves de este libro, tu vas a aprender como poder:
    * Darte cuenta que Jesus echo fuera demonios y les enseo
    a Sus discipulos que hicieran lo mismo
    * Poder entender los planes y engaos del diablo
    * Aprender la diferencia que existe entre los demonios y los
    angeles caidos.
    * Poder conocer si los cristianos pueden ser poseidos por
    * Poder entender la forma como la iglesia le esta cediendo
    terreno a satanas.
    * Descubrir como poder ser completamente libre
    The church of Jesus Christ is in crisis. Congregations are splitting and decreasing in size. Marriages are crumbling. Biblical intelligence is on the decline. Where is the power? Where are the miracles? What has happened to today’s church? Author Tom Brown argues that we have forgotten that our duty to share the mission of Jesus Christ-to defeat the adversary who rules this world. Today, too many churches refuse to mention the devil or teach about the reality of Satan. The result is a weak and anemic church that struggles to convert doubters, rescue those in crisis, or witness the deliverance of oppressed souls in the clutches of the devil.

    Through reading this book, you will:
    * Realize that Jesus drove out demons and called His disciples to do the same
    * Understand the plots and plans of the devil
    * Learn the origins of and differences between demons and fallen angels
    * Know whether Christians can be possessed by demons
    * Understand how the church gives up ground to Satan
    * Discover how to be free

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  • Levantado De La Muerte – (Spanish)


    After a horrible car accident, Richard Madison was rushed to the hospital only to be pronounced dead-on-arrival. His family was told three times to make funeral arrangements. God revealed Himself to Richard through an out-of-body experience and ten weeks later he walked out of a wheelchair. He is now a walking miracle testimony to thousands of people throughout the world that God’s love can powerfully restore even the most hopeless lives. As you read this true story, you will discover how you can…
    * Hear directly from God
    * Know God’s will and purpose for your life
    * Defeat Satan’s power over you
    * Operate in the gifts of the Spirit
    * Prosper as God watches over your finances
    * Receive physical healing
    * Minister healing to others

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  • Libre Al Fin – (Spanish)


    !Usted puede escaparse de su pasado! Larry Huch revela las verdades poderosas de la Biblia que lo permitio a el y muchos otros romper rapidamente las cadenas destructivas en sus vidas y recibir las bendiciones de Dios.

    You Can Break Free from Your Past! Don’t let what has happened to you and your family hold you back in life! You can find freedom from depression, anger, abuse, insecurity, and addiction in Jesus Christ. Pastor Larry Huch reveals powerful truths from Scripture that enabled him and many others to quickly break the destructive chains in their lives and receive God’s blessings. Learn the secret to true freedom and you, too, can: Regain your joy and hope Experience divine health Mend broken relationships Walk in true prosperity – body, soul, and spirit.

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  • Satanas Es Su Nombre Cuales So – (Spanish)


    En vez de tratar de las sintomas de la enfermedad, nosotros podemos atacar a los dieciseis espiritus demoniacos mencionados por nombre en la Biblia. ! Ellos son verdaderos, y El nos ha dado dominio sobre ellos por el nombre de Jesus! Aqui esta un enfoque biblica, equilibrado y inspirando a la guerra espiritual para hoy.

    A scriptural, balanced, uplifting approach to present-day spiritual warfare that will: Teach how to zero in on and quickly identify the strongman in every situation; Illustrate each strongman by a tree showing the fruits or symptoms for quick identification; Instruct how to bind the Enemy and loose the power of God according to Matthew 18:18; Provide instant recognition when and where Satan is attacking our lives and the lives of those around us; and Show that God wants us to be free from Satan’s hassles so that we can reach this world for Christ.

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  • Mujeres Debenactuar Ahora – (Spanish)


    !Suee grande! !Crea que usted lo puede hacer! !Ejecute sus ideas y tenga exito! Mujer Actua Ahora le ensea a usted a:
    “Maneje su confianza.
    “Identifique sus fuerzas interiores.
    “Sea especifico acerca de su vision.
    “Aumente su eficacia a lograr sus objetivos.

    Aprenda a como ser una mujer de la ejecucion, de la responsabilidad, y del proposito. !Venza la critica, la dilacion, y la desconfianza como usted lanza sus ideas y vive sus sueos ahora!

    Su futuro exito depende de las cosas que usted hace hoy. !Actue ahora! Permita que sus ideas vivan. Ellos estan en usted; permita que ellos respirar la vida, y mire como Dios comienza a utilizarle y sus talentos para bendecir otros en este mundo

    Dream big! Believe you can do it! Execute your ideas and succeed! Woman, Act Now teaches you how to:
    * Manage your confi dence.
    * Identify your inner strengths.
    * Develop personal branding.
    * Get specifi c about your vision.
    * Increase your effectiveness in achieving your goals.

    Learn how to be a woman of execution, accountability, and purpose. Overcome criticism, procrastination, and selfdoubt as you launch your ideas and live your dreams in the now! Your future success depends on the things you are doing today. Act now! Let your ideas live. They’re in you; let them breathe life, and watch as God begins to use you and your talents to bless others in this world.

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  • Revelacion Divina Del Oracion – (Spanish)


    !La oracion realmente funciona!

    Muchos cristianos se preguntan por que no pueden vencer sus pecados y sus tentaciones, y cual es la razon de que sus oraciones pidiendo por una mejor salud, bendiciones financieras, y restauracion en sus relaciones con otras personas, no han recibido respuesta.

    La autora de Best Sellers Mary K. Baxter comparte visiones y revelaciones acerca del poder de la oracion, que abren los ojos hacia una nueva perspectiva.

    Sus respuestas personales tan asombrosas te van a ayudar a:
    ” Vencer temores, ataduras y fracasos
    ” Poder escuchar claramente la direccion de Dios
    ” Recibir sanidad y liberacion de todo tipo de adicciones
    ” Poder vivir el tipo de vida que deberias vivir
    ” Experimentar el poder de Dios diariamente

    !Descubre los secretos que estan en la oracion
    para poderosas victorias transformadoras el hoy mismo!

    When you pray but don’t see an answer, you can be tempted to think God isn’t listening to you. Yet even when you do not visibly see God at work, He is actively answering your requests in the invisible realm. In A Divine Revelation of Prayer, Mary K. Baxter and George Bloomer share fascinating dreams and revelations concerning the power of prayer and their experiences with answered prayer as they’ve ministered throughout the world.
    You will discover…
    * How our prayers are received in the spirit realm.
    * How to pray in expectation.
    * How to live in confident faith that God’s will has been done as you wait for the physical manifestation of your answer.
    * Why you should never give up on prayer but rather give in to God.
    * How to discern and overcome hindrances to your prayers.
    * How to exercise the power of prayer in your everyday life.
    Ask for God’s help, and He will make you an overcomer in every facet of your life.

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  • Convirtiendose En Lider – (Spanish)


    Active su potencial de liderazgo

    El Dr. Myles Munroe, autor de libros de exito, aclara el mito de que solamente algunas personas estan destinadas a ser lideres, mientras que todos los demas estan destinados a ser seguidores. Usted puede llegar a convertirse en el lider que Dios dispuso usted fuera.

    Descubra como…

    “Activar su potencial de liderazgo.
    “Desarrollar un legado positivo.
    “Encontrar recursos para cumplir con su mision.
    “Desenvolver su funcion original en la vida.

    !Reconozca sus habilidades de liderazgo innato y llegue a ser el lider que se supone usted debe ser!

    Becoming a Leader has been used by Fortune 500 corporations, universities, and international organizations as a tool for leadership development. Best-selling author Dr. Myles Munroe reveals the secrets of dynamic leadership that will turn your leadership potential into a potent reality. With the insight of Dr. Munroe, you will be able to:
    -Become a front-runner as you overcome barriers to effective leadership.
    -Discover natural leadership qualities lying dormant within you.
    -Understand that true leadership means deploying others to become as good as or better than you are.
    -Be encouraged, provoked, and stimulated as your leadership gift within is activated.
    True leadership is not something you grasp but something you become.

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  • Claves Para Matrimonio – (Spanish)


    Repleto de citas motivacionales y consejos practicos, este libro de citas de inspiracion del autor de libros de mayor venta, el Dr. Myles Munroe, provee sabiduria para vivir su vida de acuerdo con los propositos de Dios. Claves para el Matrimonio le permite cultivar esta vital relacion para que florezca y prospere. A medida que medite en estas verdades, su mente sera renovada y su vida sera transformada.

    Usted entendera el diseo original del Creador para que con gozo y confianza pueda cumplir su proposito en el mundo, proposito que fue dado por Dios.

    In Keys for Marriage, Dr. Munroe provides wisdom for building and renewing your most vital relationship on earth. Understanding the inherent, God-given design for men and women will enlighten your perspective on your spouse and help you to build a healthy, dynamic marriage.
    As you understand how marriage is designed to function, you will experience a changed heart, a stronger relationship, and a more joyful and fulfilling life.

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  • Claves Para Liderazgo – (Spanish)


    Repleto de citas motivacionales y consejos practicos, este libro de citas de inspiracion del autor de libros de mayor venta, el Dr. Myles Munroe, provee sabiduria para vivir su vida de acuerdo con los propositos de Dios. Claves para el Liderazgo revela la esencia del espiritu de liderazgo, la actitud mental personal y las cualidades esenciales que le convertiran en un lider en su reino de dones. A medida que medite en estas verdades, su mente sera renovada y su vida sera transformada.

    Usted entendera el diseo original del Creador para que con gozo y confianza pueda cumplir su proposito en el mundo, proposito que fue dado por Dios.

    In Keys for Leadership, Dr. Munroe reveals that the one thing all leaders have in common is not education, knowledge, or networking. It is a spirit. When you think according to the spirit of leadership, you begin the process of becoming a leader. Every human being has the capacity for leadership, but most lack the understanding or will to develop it. Learn the keys for leadership, capture the spirit of leadership, and you will discover the leader within you.

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  • Revelacion Divina De La Libera – (Spanish)


    Liberacion de los
    ataques de satanas

    Muchos cristianos se preguntan por que no han podido vencer al pecado, a las tentaciones, y por que estan sufriendo con problemas recurrentes, en su salud, sus finanzas, y en sus relaciones. Revelacion Divina de la Liberacion expone todas estas tacticas de Satanas.

    A traves de las escrituras, visiones de la guerra espiritual, y encuentros personales con las fuerzas espirituales del mal,

    Mary k. Baxter descubrio verdades poderosisimas que pueden ayudarte a:
    ” Vencer el temor que tienes del enemigo
    ” Reconocer y conquistar las trampas satanicas
    ” Obtener la victoria sobre los pecados y los fracasos
    ” Ser libre de ataques inexplicados
    ” Interceder por la liberacion de otros

    Esta es una guerra que debe ser peleada con el poder y las armas sobrenaturales de Dios

    Too many believers live in clouds of frustration and defeat. They suffer unexplained attacks on their lives or the lives of their family members. They wonder why they cannot overcome recurring sins and temptations. They struggle to survive amidst a culture that bombards them with evil attitudes and practices. Yet God loves us and desires to set us free from such spiritual attacks.

    With more than two million books in print, Mary K. Baxter teams with Bishop George G.
    Bloomer to reveal the way to recognize and experience deliverance from these demonic attacks of hell. These powerful truths can help you to…
    * Recognize and conquer hidden satanic traps
    * Break spiritual strongholds
    * Overcome your fear of the enemy
    * Lock up the destructive gates of hell
    * Defeat recurring sins and failures
    * Protect individuals, communities, and nations from demonic attack
    * Bring healing to the oppressed
    * Free people from mental bondage
    In these end times, Jesus has given believers undeniable victory over the destructive plans of the evil one. Through our dominion authority in the earth and the powerful keys of the kingdom, we can overcome sin and defeat the enemy while leading many to salvation and new life in Christ.

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  • Ocho Decisions Sanadoras – (Spanish)


    Ocho Decisiones Sanadoras (Life’s Healing Choices) promises freedom from life’s hurts, hang-ups, and habits, assuring readers that true happiness can be theirs — if they choose it. now this life-changing book is poised to bring wisdom to a whole new audience.
    Eight simple yet powerful choices are the basis of this promise-filled book, in which author John Baker reveals God’s enlightening passageway to wholeness, growth, spiritual maturity, and yes, real happiness. These eight choices have been life-tested in more than 400,000 lives in 10,000 churches through the nationwide Celebrate Recovery ministry.

    Rather than focusing on the past, these eight choices provide an optimistic view to the future and authentic hope for lasting change. Readers will discover the answers that have already brought freedom and healing to hundreds of thousands who were searching for liberation and peace. These eight positive principles are based on the Beatitudes of Jesus, offering hope, new life, and spiritual healing. Choice by choice, readers will learn how to deal with past choices, take control where they can, and make new choices that will change their lives forever.

    Based on Rick Warren’s sermon series “Road to Recovery,” < i>Ocho Decisiones Sanadoras promises freedom from life’s hurts, hang-ups, and habits. And just in case there is any doubt that these choices really work, dramatic and inspirational stories of real-life people who have found healing in these eight choices are included at the conclusion of every chapter. Encouraging and biblically based, these tried-and-proven eight principles — such as admitting need, finding help, and letting go — provide real hope, real answers, and a real future for those who desire a lasting change in their lives. It all comes one choice at a time. Choices that lead to a life worth living.

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  • Hechura De Un Lider – (Spanish)


    History shows us: nations rise and fall according to how effective their leaders are. Frank Damazio tells us: so do churches! In The Making of a Leader, Damazio provides a deep discussion of what it means to be responsible for a group of “followers.” He explains the philosophy, history, qualifications, preparation, and practice of Christian leadership—and equips you to rise above the evil forces competing for lost souls.

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  • Habla Acerca De La Sanidad – (Spanish)


    Experimente los milagros de Dios. Conozca a una esposa de ministro con solamente un dia de vida, una novia que moria de apendicitis, un esposo traicionado que iba camino a matar a su esposa, una mujer que estaba completamente paralizada.

    Por medio de las palabras y el ministerio de Smith Wigglesworth usted descubrira lo que ocurrio en sus vidas y lo que puede ocurrir en la suya. Encuentre como usted puede…

    Caminar con salud y llenura divinas
    Vencer el poder del maligno
    Experimentar el poder de Dios en su vida
    Obrar los mismos milagros que Cristo obro
    Ver a los “incurables” sanados
    Guiar a los perdidos hacia Cristo
    Ministrar con la uncion de Dios

    Aqui usted descubrira como puede personalmente recibir el toque sanador de Dios y como Dios puede usarlo para llevar sanidad a otros, al igual que lo hizo con Smith Wigglesworth. El poder transformador de Cristo y Su gracia le cambiaran la vida de ordinaria a extraordinaria.

    “El que en mi cree,
    las obras que yo hago,
    el las hara tambien;
    y aun mayores hara,
    porque yo voy al Padre”.
    -Juan 14:12

    He who believes in Me, the works that I do he will do also; and greater works than
    these he will do, because I go to My Father.” -John 14:12 NKJV

    Meet a minister’s wife with only one day to live, a bride who is dying of appendicitis, a betrayed husband who is on his way to kill his wife, and a woman who is completely paralyzed.

    Through Smith Wigglesworth’s words and ministry, you will discover what happened in their lives and what can take place in your own life. Find out how you can…
    * Walk in divine health and wholeness
    * Overcome the power of evil
    * Experience God’s power in your life
    * Do the miracles that Christ did
    * See the “incurable” cured
    * Lead the lost to Christ
    * Minister in God’s anointing

    Here you will discover how you can personally receive God’s healing touch and how God can use you to bring healing to others, just as He did through Smith Wigglesworth. Christ’s transforming power and grace will change your life from ordinary to extraordinary.

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  • Perseverando En La Guerra Espi – (Spanish)


    The end of the age is causing the clash between the kingdom of light and the kingdom of darkness to intensify. Today’s church is lamentably ignorant about spiritual warfare. In this follow-up to Spiritual Warfare, Richard Ing exposes Satan’s deceptions and prepares believers for the final global conflict. This book will help you to deliver those suffering physical and psychological oppression, overcome the obstacles of religious pride and unbelief, understand the role of angels, recognize the signs of the end times, resist being deceived, and know the believer’s role in the worldwide revival to come. Know your enemy so you can defeat him!

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  • Claves Efectivas Para El Lider – (Spanish)


    Learn, from this dynamic model, what it takes to build an effective leadership team and healthy local church. Common ministry temptations and tensions are candidly discussed, emphasizing the need for personal vision and mission in your ministry. Forwarded by Marcos Witt.

    Con este modelo minamico aprenda como edificar un epquipo de liderazgo eficiente y una ehlesia local saludable. Se habla sobre tentaciones y tensiones communes del ministerio, enfatizando la necesidad de tener una vision y mission personales en su ministerio. Prologo por Marcos Witt.

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  • Sanidad Del Corazon – (Spanish)


    Joan Hunter Ministries Publication

    In her new book Joan shares the struggles with obesity, breast cancer and the heart-breaking end of her 25 year marriage.

    Find out how God turned her around and she became an international author and teacher with an awesome healing ministry.

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  • Desarrollando El Ministerio Pr – (Spanish)


    Discover practical guidelines given for the effective operation of the prophetic ministry in the context of the local church. This book also helps you understand the difference between the office of a prophet and the gift of prophecy, how to test a prophecy, and what role it plays in a believer’s life.

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  • Porque De Las Lenguas – (Spanish)


    Los beneficios de ser llenos del Espiritu Santo y de hablar en otras lenguas son discutidos en este importante mini-libro.

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