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    • All Is Not Lost


      There’s a Victor Inside Every Victim Ready to Get Out!

      What do you do when tragedy strikes? When your heart is broken, where is the ladder that leads you out of the pit? When everything seems lost, how do you get found?

      If even one of these questions nags you, this book is for you!

      International minister and Charis Bible instructor Carlie Terradez says plainly that life is just not fair. Bad things happen to good people, but you don’t have to be defined by struggles, memories, or a victim mentality. Instead, you can live out the abundant life Jesus died to give you and experience His wonder-working power.

      In All Is Not Lost, Carlie shares truths from God’s Word that show you how…

      *God has an amazing comeback planned for you

      *God wants to work miracles in your life! Including firsthand testimonies of a baby raised from the dead, the audible voice of God, miraculous healings, supernatural forgiveness of abuse, and more

      *God planned your victory parade before you even saw the battle

      There’s a victor inside of you ready to get out, and this powerhouse teaching will show you the way!

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    • Following Jesus : A Year Of Disciplemaking And Movement-Building In The Gos


      Disciplemaking. Sounds intimidating, doesn’t it? Like something only ordained ministers or trained missionaries can do. But Jesus didn’t go looking for “special forces” followers. He took to the streets, looked everyday people in the eye, and said, simply, “Follow me.”

      Discover how you can join Jesus in making disciples and proclaiming and demonstrating the gospel. Following Jesus draws our attention to the way Jesus built a disciplemaking movement that would reach beyond the immediate context of his earthly ministry, to the ends of the earth and the end of the age.

      Inside are 50 practical guides that can be read over a year. Great for individual use, but optimal for small groups. Also enjoy the free video content on that complement this study.

      Walk through the Gospels in this sweeping and energizing Bible study and you’ll feel invited, equipped, and excited to bring the good news and make disciples wherever you go.

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    • How To Save The World


      God wants to use you right where you are.

      Jesus’ command to “go and make disciples” can feel complicated and overwhelming. Do you wonder where to start, what it looks like, and how to fit this “make disciples” thing into your busy schedule? You’re not alone.

      Drawing on cutting-edge research from The Navigators and the Barna Group, Alice Matagora invites you to enter Jesus’ plan to save the world wherever you are. She understands your anxieties (because she’s experienced them) and helps you to break down barriers, pointing you to the joy of engaged discipleship: knowing Christ, making him known, and helping others do the same.

      You’ll witness best practices from the master himself when you learn how Jesus discipled. You learn from other disciples who are following Jesus’ call right where they live, work, and play. And you’ll discover practical ways to reach people and allow God-inspired relationships to unfold and grow.

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    • Revival Breakthrough : Preparing For Seasons Of Glory, Awakening, And Great


      A Powerful Supernatural Journey

      Revival Breakthrough: Preparing for Seasons of Glory, Awakening, and Great Harves t takes you on a powerful supernatural journey that will lead to an unprecedented outpouring of God’s Spirit.

      The times of deep darkness we are facing on earth today are a backdrop for a great saturation of God’s light and an imminent display of His glory. We are seeing the beginnings of the spiritual fulfillment of the biblical Feast of Trumpets and the Feast of Ingathering. We are headed into seasons, not just days, of unprecedented shaking and unprecedented revival running side by side.

      Best-selling author James Goll highlights moves of the Holy Spirit in both Scripture and church history that teach us significant lessons for today. He also provides abundant scriptural references regarding the significance of prayer, the prophetic, and God’s presence for Holy Spirit outpouring. And he presents choice prophetic words from “generals” in the body of Christ regarding the coming great harvest.

      The next move of God will produce the greatest harvest in the history of the church. God is giving us new wineskins that can receive the new wine of His Spirit. Many believers who formerly walked with the Lord will be restored to the Father’s house, and multitudes who never knew Him will be welcomed into His kingdom.

      We can partner with the Holy Spirit to create an opening for God’s presence, revival, and harvest in this world. Then the Spirit and the bride will cry out in complete unity, “Come, Lord Jesus!”

      Let’s believe big! Let’s prepare for God’s glory to be restored to His church and the world.

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    • Creative Glory : Embracing The Realms Of Divine Expression (Audio CD)


      Creative glory is the inspirational flow of the Holy Spirit that shines God’s life, hope, joy, provision, and wisdom into any situation you may be facing. Best-selling author Joshua Mills explains that when we are in an atmosphere of creative glory, it becomes easy to think new thoughts or receive fresh ideas because we are in the atmosphere of the Creator’s heart and mind. Wherever we allow creative glory to flow, embracing the realm of divine expression, we will supernaturally flourish.

      Creative glory manifests to…

      * Usher God’s ideas and creativity into your life to accomplish His plans and meet your needs.
      * Bring forth what is new-what has never been seen or recognized by you before.
      * Cause self-discovery and awakening, enabling you to create, to invent, and to explore new possibilities.
      * Minister through spiritual “sound,” accompanied by healings, signs, and wonders..
      * Pour out the pure flow of heaven’s intentions, exhibiting heavenly realities in the earthly realm and helping God’s people to get back on track with His will.
      * Produce creative miracles, such as supernatural multiplication or restored or newly created limbs, organs, and more.
      * Release dreams and visions from God.
      * Supply supernatural provision.
      * Reproduce itself in our lives and others’.

      As long as you are carried by creative glory, you always have hope because creative glory cannot fail. It will guide you to find the right solution to any difficulty or need. The flow of creative glory will lead you in a process of deep growth as you learn to see circumstances and problems in a new light to fulfill the present and future that God desires for you and the world around you.

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    • Transforming Power Of Heaven


      The theme of this book is that heaven is the pattern and source of the Christian life and that we are to interact with heaven now. Heaven is not just a future event, but a present reality. God wants to interact with us on a much deeper level that we have ever known. That interaction flows from His massive love for us. He wants our companionship more than we want His. This is a valuable handbook to guide you in your walk with God leading you to experience the presence of God in everyday life.

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    • Gateway To A Supernatural Life


      An Experience That Transforms You and Lifts You into Partnership with God

      Many people are curious about the baptism in the Holy Spirit but are confused or cautious about what it involves. They ask themselves the following: “Is the baptism in the Holy Spirit really necessary for believers?” “Is it available to everyone?” “Is it as relevant today as it was in Bible times?”

      Written in an accessible style and incorporating a solid biblical foundation, this book clearly shows how to receive the ministry of the Holy Spirit, whom God has sent to help, guide, and empower you. The baptism in the Holy Spirit is truly the gateway to a supernatural life! Author Jeff Leake addresses these essential questions and more:

      *What is the baptism in the Holy Spirit?
      *What is the real purpose of speaking in tongues?
      *Can every believer see supernatural answers to prayer?
      *How does the Holy Spirit heal people from hurt, loss, and feelings of inadequacy?
      *Can the Holy Spirit help overcome addictive patterns?

      The baptism in the Holy Spirit is an experience that transforms you and lifts you into partnership with God. Through this book, you will come to grips with the supernatural potential of the Holy Spirit in your life. Read it with a hunger to see God do all that He wants to do through you!

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    • Winks From Scripture


      God isn’t a firefly that we can catch in a jar. We can’t capture His ways. There’s no catching up to the One who created existence. No controlling the One holds the world in his Hands. Our sovereign God evades our figuring out.

      When we spot Him, it’s only because He chose to make Himself known for that moment in time. Then He hides. He leaves us wondering where He’ll show up next.
      The journey of faith is the catching of flickers. Like the dancing of fireflies in the midnight summer sky: God shows up, then He’s gone.

      In Winks from Scripture, Chris Palmer takes you through New Testament narratives, pointing out ambiguities and uncertainties that resist clarity or answers. If we dig a little deeper, God just might surprise us with a wink.

      John’s Gospel, for example, opens by declaring, “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” Throughout John, however, people stubbornly insist He is just a man. Jesus plainly tells the Samaritan woman at the well that He is the Messiah, yet she runs and tells her village, “Come, see a man…”

      God winks and winks. In the end, John circles back to the beginning of his gospel: “These are written so that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God…”

      These brief, luminous winks of radiance into our lives leave us with a sense of awe, anticipating the next wink that will signal that God is out there somewhere. He is watching and letting us know He is at work among us.

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    • 12 Things God Cant Do


      What’s the secret to truly trusting God so that we can rest easy at night? How can we have the same faith and confidence as David who said: “In peace I will lie down and sleep, for you alone, LORD, make me dwell in safety” (Ps 4:8)?

      The answer lies in focusing on God’s greatness. When we consider God’s greatness, we usually tend to think about what God can do. However, this book explores 12 things that God can’t do. They all express aspects of his nature and character which we can embrace with relief, celebrate with joy and worship with awe. You will marvel both at God’s otherness and at how he became one of us in the person of Jesus.

      Read this book to grow in faith, live with confidence and rest easy at night, trusting in the God who never sleeps.

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    • Caminar En Profecia Senales Y – (Spanish)


      Entra en el ambito de lo sobrenatural… ! y mira lo que Dios hara!

      Las dos palabras mas poderosas de la Biblia son estas: Y acontecio. En las Escrituras, “y acontecio”, significa que algo sucedio tal como Dios dijo que sucederia. Dios expresa Su voluntad en la Biblia o a traves de mensajes profeticos, y El siempre cumple Sus propositos.

      Caminando en profecia, seales y maravillas, escrito por la profeta Glenda Jackson, le trae un sinfin de relatos de milagros, sanidades y del poder sobrenatural de Dios para caminar en victoria y superar los grandes desafios de la vida. Es un tributo a la asombrosa obra de Dios en el pasado, un ferviente llamado a servirle fielmente en Su poderosa obra hoy, y una mirada profetica a Sus planes para el futuro.

      A traves de testimonios de milagros, enseanzas que edifican nuestra fe, y relatos apasionantes de su herencia familiar personal –incluyendo milagros en la vida de la famosa evangelista de sanidad Maria Woodworth-Etter– vera como Dios puede obrar poderosamente en su propia vida, llevando a cabo lo que El ha ordenado para usted. Descubra lo que significa ser un atalaya profetico y un instrumento para la gloria de Dios en estos dias trascendentales antes del regreso de Cristo.

      Lo que Dios quiere que pase sucede; !Sus palabras se cumplen! Sea lo que sea que necesite, deje que Dios lo haga realidad para usted y sus seres queridos mientras continua sirviendole de todo corazon. Entre en el ambito de los milagros… !y vea lo que Dios hara!

      Step into the Realm of the Supernatural…and watch what God will bring to pass!

      The five most powerful words in the Bible are these: And it came to pass. In the Scriptures, “and it came to pass” means that something happened–just like God said it would! God speaks His will in the Bible or through prophetic messages–and He always fulfills His purposes.

      Walking in Prophecy, Signs, and Wonders by Prophet Glenda Jackson brings you nonstop accounts of miracles, healings, and the supernatural power of God to walk in victory and overcome life’s great challenges. It is a tribute to God’s astonishing work in the past, a fervent call to serve Him faithfully in His mighty work today, and a prophetic look at His plans for the future.

      Through miracle testimonies, faith-building teachings, and gripping accounts from her personal family heritage–including miracles in the life of noted healing evangelist Maria Woodworth-Etter–you will see how God can work powerfully in your o

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    • Your Calling Here And Now


      Our vocation is the outworking of how God has made us. It is not a goal on the horizon but a present reality that we are called to discern and explore. However, in the midst of our daily lives, finding meaning can prove both difficult and elusive, and we are often left wondering if we are missing out on God’s purpose for our lives.

      Gordon Smith invites us to reflect on our vocation and step into God’s call in the present moment. When discerning our vocation feels overwhelming, Smith offers a simple question as a way forward: At this time and place, who am I meant to be, and what am I called to do?

      Theologically and historically grounded, Your Calling Here and Now offers theological reflections and spiritual practices that will help you discern God’s call on your life. Whether you are navigating career transitions or looking for meaning in the ordinary, God has a purpose for your life for the here and now.

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    • Night Vision : Making Sense Of Supernatural Dream Encounters


      While you sleep, the Holy Spirit is still speaking!

      What did that blue tree mean in your dream last night? Was it because of the pizza you had for dinner, or was God speaking to you?

      Many believers really want to understand their dreams but aren’t sure where to start. In Night Vision, Dr. Charles Fox lays a solid foundation by offering the biblical basis for dreams and then shares his own personal journey of actual dream encounters and their interpretations. Practical advice, common dream symbols, and prayers of activation into greater night-encounters with the Lord remind the reader to stay grounded in the Word of God.

      Night Vision will teach you how to:

      *Interpret your own dreams
      *Recognize God’s instruction, warning, and encouragement in the night seasons
      *Respond to what God is speaking to you
      *Discern the counterfeit dreams
      *Interpret others’ dreams

      There are heavenly encounters waiting for you when your head hits the pillow! Sharpen your “night vision” and begin communicating and fellowshipping with the Lord on a whole new level. Receive Dr. Fox’s wisdom and an impartation for more revelatory encounters in your dreams!

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    • Unstoppable : Pressing Through Fear, Offense, And Negative Opinions To Fulf


      You Can’t Stop Now!

      In her book UNSTOPPABLE, Denise Renner brings fresh insight from God’s Word on how we can overcome key hindrances that the enemy exploits to try to prevent our God-given gifts and talents from being used to bless others.

      *fear of man
      *other people’s negative opinions
      *even our own poor opinion of ourselves!

      No one else can take your place; your part is absolutely crucial to God’s plan. So don’t let anyone or anything stop you from doing what Jesus wants you to do or from receiving what He wants you to receive. This book will help you be unstoppable as you push past every obstacle you are facing and keep pressing toward the glorious prize that awaits you in Christ Jesus!

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    • Sacred Smallness : Finding Kingdom Greatness In A Fruitful, Hidden Life


      ‘I asked God for a mic, and He gave me a broom!’

      Have you noticed Jesus’ kingdom is upside down? To be first, you must be last. To find your life, you must lose it. To receive, you must give. And to lead, you must follow.

      Jenny Kutz Papapostolou, who accepted God’s assignment to run a children’s orphanage in Greece, knows from experience that to achieve greatness in God’s Kingdom, you must first learn humility.

      In Sacred Smallness, Jenny points out that, while Christian culture often heralds notoriety and wealth as the ultimate success, God is delighted in humble surrender–even when it leads to sacred smallness and holy hiddenness.

      The granddaughter of well-known ministers Kenneth and Gloria Copeland, Jenny observed firsthand that successful ministry actually begins in servanthood and shares:

      *The best place to be faithful is wherever God has put you
      *God’s measuring stick is all that counts, so don’t compare yourself to others
      *God says you’re precious, so refuse all pressure to be perfect
      *The key to finding quiet, dynamic strength in mustard-seed faith
      *How to identify and remove idols that block you from God’s highest and best

      True excitement and success await in your God-destined place, and it all begins with a heart toward God.

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    • Courage : A Message From Heaven


      Throughout history, all of the greatest men and women of God needed courage to fulfill their destinies. From Abraham to the men and women of the first century church who spread the gospel, all needed courage to hold fast to their faith during numerous trials and tribulations.

      “We need that same courage today,” says author Branden Brim. “We live in a time of uncertainty, a time where fear is being spread, and Christians are being discouraged. But we don’t have to give in! We can be bold because of what Jesus did for us on the cross. Because of His sacrifice, we can be as bold as lions!”

      In his book Courage: A Message from Heaven, Branden shares personal, modern-day, and biblical stories of courage, how it’s obtained, why it’s needed, and how standing on God’s promises can grow both courage and faith. He also shares dreams and visions he received from the Holy Spirit that have encouraged him in his own life and ministry.

      “Before writing this book, the Lord showed me a vision of the importance of courage,” Branden says. “After having that vision, I knew that the only way I could accomplish the will of God in my life was to have courage, and I believe that sentiment rings true for everyone living in the world today.”

      It is his hope that Courage: A Message from Heaven will make you bolder and more determined to achieve all that God has planned for you.

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    • Lets Go Deeper



      The only thing holding back the spread of the gospel is the church.

      This book will teach me how to go deeper in my relationship with God so that I may become a more fully developed disciple of Jesus to help bring the gospel to the world around me.

      The Bible tells us there is one true God who sits on the throne of the universe. He is the Creator of everything, and He is worthy of all the praise and honor of the world’s people. Because He is our Creator and the Sustainer of life, He has the right to rule over us and expect obedience.

      In Let’s Go Deeper, J. Lee Grady shares how by revealing Himself to Moses, God demonstrated His true desire to be with us. Even though He is almighty, enthroned in the glory of heaven, He makes Himself accessible and available to those who love Him.

      Join in the journey of discipleship with this practical guide of thirty short and powerful lessons to take you deeper in your relationship with God. This resource will transform your Christian faith and act as a tool kit for those who are new to Christianity. Following Jesus and coming to know your Creator doesn’t have to be difficult; you just have to be willing to take the first step toward Him.

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    • Heaven Here : Experience God’s Glory This Side Of Eternity


      “…GOD IS NOT FAR FROM EACH OF US!” – Apostle Paul (Acts 17:27)

      Pastor Josh Adkins was born into a renown Christian evangelist family. Yet throughout his life, he often found himself feeling burned out, disappointed, and distant from God–until a personal encounter with the Holy Spirit changed everything!

      In his candid, often humorous style, Josh reveals through Scriptural teaching and over 50 miraculous testimonies how near God really is, how His kingdom is already breaking into the earth, and how Jesus desires all believers to daily engage with Heaven!

      In Heaven Here, you will:

      *Learn how to stop working for God, and instead start working with Him
      *Discover the keys to becoming one of Jesus’ closest friends.
      *Better recognize the Holy Spirit’s voice and variety of ways He speaks
      *Uncover secrets to daily hosting the manifest Presence of God
      *Walk in greater authority and power to heal the sick and cast out devils
      *See that nothing is impossible in God’s glory realm, even in this life

      The veil between Heaven and earth has been torn and you are invited to participate with God in demonstrating His miraculous kingdom to the earth. It’s time to discover how close heaven really is!

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    • How To Worship In Spirit And Truth


      Living a life in the Spirit should be the quest of every believer! The principles in this book will open the eyes of everyday believers, pastors, and students in the biblical patterns of spiritual worship as described by Jesus in the gospel of John. Drawing on his experience as a pastor, teacher and psalmist, Jerry Zirkle shares key principles on how to move into more authentic and purer New Testament worship.

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    • Faith In The Wilderness


      “If we want revival in our communities, then let us learn from those being revived.”

      For many Western Christians, the experience of suffering and persecution is remote. For Chinese Christians, on the other hand, persecution is a regular aspect of the Christian life. If a Christian from the West was transported to a Chinese house church, the topic of suffering would be ever–present in preaching and conversation. With decades of persecution under the thumb of the Chinese Communist Party and a rich theology of suffering, the Chinese house church movement has much to contribute theologically to the global church.

      In Faith in the Wilderness, editors Hannah Nation and Simon Liu pull together the insights of the Chinese Church for the West. These sermonic letters from Chinese Christians will awaken readers to the reality of the gospel-the ground of our hope-in the midst of darkness. Readers will be convicted, encouraged, and edified by the testimony of these Chinese Christians.

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    • Sin Miedo A Encontrarme – (Spanish)


      Tenemos la necesidad de encontrarnos con nuestra naturaleza humana, que es en realidad divina. Este libro pretende ayudarte a abrir espacios de reflexion semana tras semana que te conduzcan a descansar en el poder de Dios; darte oportunidades para aprender nuevos conceptos y leyes espirituales, no en terminos de religion, sino como una brujula que te lleve al lugar donde te perdiste a ti mismo; brindarte un recordatorio personal de quien en realidad eres: un hijo o una hija de Dios, y demostrarte como el creer esta verdad cambiara tu vida.

      Desconectate del mundo material por al menos una hora a la semana para leer, conectarte contigo mismo, y luego el tiempo necesario para escribir tu parte semanal que falta en este libro. Las actividades que te propongo durante cada semana en esta obra haran crecer tu musculo espiritual y te llevaran a encontrarte contigo mismo.

      Empieza a creer; cree de nuevo y sigue cre yendo, pero ante todo, descansa en el poder de vivir confiado.
      –Carolina Carvajal

      We have a need to meet our human nature, which is actually divine. This book aims to help you open spaces for reflection, week after week, that will lead you to rest in the power of God; give you opportunities to learn new spiritual concepts and laws, not in terms of religion, but as a compass that takes you to the place where you lost yourself; give you a personal reminder that you are really a son or daughter of God; and show you how believing this truth will change your life.

      Disconnect from the material world for at least an hour a week to read, connect with yourself, and then journal your thoughts. The activities that the author proposes to you each week in this work will grow your spiritual muscle and lead you to find yourself.

      “Begin to believe; believe again and continue to believe, but above all, rest in the power of confident living.” –Carolina Carvajal

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    • Tinder Tattoos And Tequila



      Should a Christian use Tinder…get a tattoo…or drink shots of tequila? Anyone who wants to live a life of grace needs to navigate the world’s gray lifestyle choices that may not be wrong, but could lead to sin. “The church has been plagued by two extremes when it comes to living a Christian lifestyle,” says author Bradley Truman Noel. “On one side, we have the serious folks adorned with a really impressive frown, who remind us of all the do’s and don’ts….On the other end of the spectrum are folks who play fast and loose with the rules. They typically don’t spend too much time thinking about holiness, or wondering if their actions align with biblical teaching.” Both sides, Bradley says, miss the power of God’s grace in our lives. In Tinder, Tattoos, and Tequila, you will discover:
      *What’s sinful and what’s permissible
      *Scriptural absolutes that apply to all believers
      *Why we should be eager to be holy in this life
      *How to navigate social media and video games
      *Biblical principles that can guide every decision
      *Ways to receive help from the Holy Spirit
      *The balance between understanding the law and practicing grace

      Don’t let the world’s endless choices keep you from living the life of grace that God has for you!

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    • Love Awakening : Living Immersed In The Supernatural Love Of God


      Wear the Father’s Heart on Your Sleeve!

      You were created to love and be loved supernaturally, not as a concept or theology, but as a living experience–the very love of God, visibly manifested through you. This is the key to fulfilling your divine destiny!

      Author and international speaker Leif Hetland is recognized as an ambassador of the Father’s love–an everyday person who has received divine opportunities to bring God’s light into some of the darkest places on earth. Why? Because he walks in the powerful, supernatural Baptism of Love that breaks off shame, affirms identity, and reveals the unconditional love of the Father everywhere he goes.

      Leif equips you to carry the same anointing into your everyday life. In The Love Awakening, you will…

      *Discover the heart of Father God as the standard for true love.

      *Receive supernatural transformation as you embrace your identity as a loved child of God.

      *Become a world-changer by immersing your sphere of influence in the tangible love of God that flows out of you.

      *Sustain a supernatural lifestyle of being saturated in the tangible, experiential love of Father God.

      Your privilege as a believer is the ability to release the supernatural love of Father God in every sphere of influence. Learn to walk in the Baptism of Love and release the Kingdom of God on Earth!

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    • Everyday Supernatural : Experiencing God’s Unexpected Manifestation In Your


      Experience Miracles Wherever You Go… even in unexpected places!

      Is your heart crying out for more? Do you long to experience the supernatural? Do you want to live a life marked by Kingdom adventure? Then join Joanne Moody for a life-changing faith journey in Everyday Supernatural!

      Since experiencing her own life-changing supernatural healing, Joanne Moody has made it her mission to give away the love and miracles of Jesus everywhere she goes. She believes this is the power and privilege of every believer!

      In Everyday Supernatural, Joanne Moody serves up a spiritual feast of captivating testimonies, practical teaching, and powerful activations. You will walk away emboldened with the knowledge that God is intent on using everyday people to perform His miracles and reveal His Son to the world!

      Everyday Supernatural will empower you to:

      *Overcome the barriers to receiving your own spiritual breakthrough
      *Be filled with supernatural faith that Jesus wants to move through your life
      *Fulfill your destiny and take your place in the unfolding story of God in the Earth
      *Confidently pray for miracles by using the prayers, activations, and strategies provided
      *Operate in the authority of Christ to see salvation, healing, and supernatural power in your day-to-day life

      Jesus wants to work through you to supernaturally touch the people around you . From your local grocery store to your workplace, from your school to your favorite coffee shop, it’s time to begin releasing miracles everywhere you go!

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    • Gods Covenant Partners


      Dick Bernal presents God’s covenant plan for the redemption of all people. Beginning with Adam and Eve in the Old Testament, he traces the threads of covenant through them and the lives of the patriarchs, the making of a covenant people after the exodus and the judges and prophets and kings who governed them. In the New Testament, all the varicolored threads come together in a stunning, finished design that shows what lengths God went to in order to prove His love for us in the life, death, burial and resurrection of His Son, Jesus Christ.

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    • At Home In Your Heart


      Where do you live-truly live? You may have a street address. You may think of your childhood home. But your real home, this side of heaven, is your heart. Your heart is home to your soul and your emotions as well as your thought life. Your attitudes, habits, and dreams are found there.At Home in Your Heart: Inviting Christ into Every Room is written for women of all ages, backgrounds, and stages of life. Each day in this ninety-day devotional by Carol Burton McLeod includes an essay on the thought for the day, a heart inspection, prayer, and words from Scripture. Topics include: Is Anybody Home?; A Knock at the Door; Fingerprints; My Heart, His Home!; A Lavish Banquet of Love; Dust Bunnies; A Magnifying Glass; Leave the Light On; and many more, all offered with Carol’s characteristic humor, love, and affection. If you are a Christian, Jesus lives in your heart with you, no matter what condition it’s in. If there are problems, however, He wants to clean until His hands bleed. Carol invites you to walk through the rooms of your heart to identify the issues that Christ is shining His light on. “Jesus wants to paint your heart the color of white snow,” she says. “He will gently move around priorities, set things out for the trash man, and replace every outdated attitude with His unconditional love and inexpressible joy. He can take a home that has been literally demolished by the storms of life and rebuild it into a palace fit for a king.”

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    • Never Give Up


      What if the answers to our modern crises are found in ancient truths?

      This book will give you the hope and courage you need to stay firm in your faith despite the circumstances going on around you. You will keep your devotion to God and boldly share your faith.

      The truth of the gospel is in great danger. Biblical beliefs are being attacked. Biblical morality is being assaulted. Christians are being insulted for holding to the ancient truths found in the Scriptures. We are in a fight to be heard and not canceled–to share our faith amidst the cancel culture. What is God’s message to us this day? What does He want from us in these troubled times? Resilience. Courage. Faithfulness. His call to us is to never give up.

      *Never give up…on the infallible Word of God.
      *Never give up…on the faith once delivered.

      In his last letter, the aged and imprisoned apostle Paul realized that his final days were approaching. So, he wrote his last legacy message for his beloved Timothy and for future generations of disciples–namely you and me.

      In Never Give Up, Dr. Michael Youssef echoes the words of the apostle Paul so that we may experience encouragement–and know triumph in the midst of defeat. With a sense of urgency, we are called to the steadfast service of a certain conviction. Despite hardship and suffering, we can learn to be unwavering in our devotion. As followers of Jesus, too often we are tempted to throw in the towel, give up the fight, and give in to fear. But we must not let that be our reality. We have not been abandoned. God is here. Yet conviction is needed and service is required. No matter what comes our way, we must never give up.

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    • Endure : Building Faith For The Long Run


      How to run and not grow weary

      Following Jesus is like running a race. But it’s a marathon, not a sprint. While we prefer to live in the immediate, our God is not after quick fixes. His ways and his timetable are better. He wants to make us like Christ, and that takes a lifetime. So how do we run the race with endurance?

      In Endure, Daniel Ritchie explores how God’s people run well. Within this book, you will find direction and encouragement for how to trust God in every year, every day, and every minute. You are loved by God. And specific attitudes and habits will build your faith and connect you to God’s love. Learn how the seemingly mundane choices can be the most important–for your good and God’s glory.

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    • What We Are In Christ



      The expression “in Christ” is one of the key phrases in the Epistles. However, many of us find that who we were before we found Christ so dominates our minds that we forget we are now in Him. We belittle our redemption and magnify our failures. Our weakness is ever with us. We have the “cross” religion, rather than the resurrected life of the Son of God. With love, patience, and grace, legendary Bible teacher E. W. Kenyon explains What We Are in Christ and what this means from heaven’s point of view. God is our ally no matter what our circumstances. “We are in Him now, seated in the highest place in the universe, and all it requires is simple faith on our part to bring the power of God to bear upon our needs, whether for spirit, soul, body, finances or deliverance,” Kenyon says. No matter where you are in your faith journey, you will find reassurance and joy when you realize What We Are in Christ!

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    • Fear : The Good, The Bad, And The Ugly


      You overcome the fear of people when the fear of God becomes your priority.

      This book will teach you to recognize the fear of man and how the enemy uses it to trap you and keep you from the purposes of God for your life. It will empower you to break free from this trap and live boldly, unafraid to trust God and His promises.

      When you care more about what people think than what God thinks, you will miss out on the opportunities God has for you. The Bible says, “The fear of man lays a snare” (Prov. 29:25). This type of fear is dangerous. It can get you into all kinds of trouble, and the enemy skillfully uses this weapon to keep you from fulfilling God’s purpose for your life. It can silence you when you should speak or paralyze you when you should take action. It affects far more Christians than you might think, but it doesn’t have to rule your life anymore. So how can you be freed from this trap?

      The fear of God leads to wisdom and worship, and there are two ways it comes to you:
      (1) it must be taught; and (2) the presence of God can bring fear as it did on the day of Pentecost and during the Great Awakening. You also learn it as you step out in courage and choose to trust what God says in spite of what people say. As you do this, the fear of man loses its power over you.

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    • Follow Me : Make DISCIPLES The Way JESUS Did


      God has placed the next generation into our hands. Who will raise them up if the church does not?

      This book will teach you how to effectively mentor the next generation of Christians. You will learn how to disciple others in their faith while getting outside of your comfort zone to increase your relationship with God.

      If we want to change the world with the gospel, we must stop focusing on crowds and events and reclaim Jesus’ method of relational discipleship. Jesus’ final mandate to His followers was “Go and make disciples”–yet today most of the church is oblivious to what discipleship is, and few Christians are actually investing their lives in helping other believers grow spiritually. A vast paradigm shift is needed in the church today in order to reach the next generation and advance the gospel in the twenty-first century.

      In Follow Me, J. Lee Grady uses many New Testament examples, as well as his own experience in mentoring dozens of young leaders and a clear strategy for discipling others that can be used by individuals and churches. Grady makes a compelling case that Christianity was never intended to be a spectator sport where huge crowds sit and listen to one preacher on a Sunday. Jesus intended all believers to engage in ministry–and this includes the work of discipling other believers.

      So many Christians today live in a box of limitation. We must understand that the Christian life is an adventure of the Holy Spirit working through them. This book will help believers get out of that box and begin the exciting adventure of spiritual multiplication.

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    • Encounter : A Spiritual Perspective That Will Shape Your Faith For The Comi


      One of the greatest spiritual battles right now is over perspective–the way you see possibilities, limitations, and what God is doing.

      This book will help you encounter God in such a way that you are able to walk in His original design for you, which is to not only commune with Him through conversation but to be aligned with His mind. When you share His thoughts and perceptions, you will be able to live the abundant, supernatural, super-empowered life God desires for you.

      Humans are unique in that we were not just made in the image of God; we reflect His very nature. If we understood our spiritual, neurological, psychological, and even physical connection to God, we could bring solutions to every problem humanity faces–and many would be practical, even scientific, solutions.

      In this book, Shawn Bolz shares a series of rich, divine encounters that have defined his spiritual perspective so others can be released into new ways of thinking and experience an expansion of their spiritual intelligence. To walk with God, you need to know not only His heart but also His mind. As believers, we were designed to commune with God, sharing not only conversation with Him but also His thoughts and perceptions–to know His mind through His Spirit. When Adam and Eve walked with God in the cool of the day, they didn’t always need the verbal communication that so limits humanity today. They had inner communication from their connectedness.

      This is the kind of connectedness Solomon, Joseph, Daniel, Esther, and the apostle Paul experienced, and this is what God wants to restore to His people today. This book will help readers gain a fresh vision of their faith so they can walk out their spirituality exactly as God intended and take their place in the coming move of God.

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    • Power Of Thank You (Audio CD)


      Adopt a lifestyle of thanksgiving and discover that no matter how messy life gets, God will make it good.

      Each moment that you’re given is a precious gift from God. You can choose to have a thankful attitude and live each moment full of joy, simply because God is good. In The Power of Thank You, renowned Bible teacher and #1 New York Times bestselling author Joyce Meyer encourages us to take a look at ourselves and the importance of being thankful.

      Living life with a heart of gratitude for who God is and what He has done lifts your burdens and allows you to see everything in a different light. Regularly giving thanks to God not only helps you fully realize how He’s working in your life, it gives you a new perspective–your mind is renewed, your attitude is improved, and you’re filled with joy.

      Things will certainly happen to you that don’t seem fair, and it’s much easier to make excuses and feel sorry for yourself. Keep saying, “I trust You, God, and I believe You will work it all out for my good.” If you find The Power of Thank You in every situation, truly believing that God is working everything out for your good, you will end up with the victory every single time.

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    • Fasted Life : Living A Lifestyle Of Intimacy And Power With God


      Fasting Sets Off a Chain Reaction of God’s Goodness in Your Life

      For many Christians, the topic of fasting is often surrounded by apprehension and misunderstanding.

      But Philip Renner, missionary, worship leader, revivalist, and award-winning worship recording artist, is on a mission to help you unlock all of the spiritual power and breakthrough that fasting can release into your life.

      From years of fasting practice, Philip imparts a revelation of the intimacy this ancient spiritual practice creates with God, and the new realm of Divine favor it releases.

      A Fasted Life offers …

      *15 Spiritual Precepts that outline fasting from beginning to end
      *Clarity on common misconceptions surrounding this Biblical practice
      *Inspiring examples of Bible heroes who were blessed through fasting
      *Increased sensitivity to God and His voice
      *Liberation from the opinions of others and alignment with God’s perfect will
      *The Bible science of fasting for healing and health

      Start your journey into a lifestyle of fasting, and ignite a spiritual chain-reaction of God’s goodness over your life!

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    • Creative Glory Study Guide (Student/Study Guide)


      Creative glory is the inspirational flow of the Holy Spiri t that shines God’s life, hope, joy, provision, and wisdom into any situation you may be facing. Best-selling author Joshua Mills explains that when we are in an atmosphere of creative glory, it becomes easy to think new thoughts or receive fresh ideas because we are in the atmosphere of the Creator’s heart and mind. Wherever we allow creative glory to flow, as we embrace the realm of divine expression, we will supernaturally flourish.

      Creative glory manifests to…
      – Usher God’s ideas and creativity into your life to accomplish His plans and meet your needs.
      – Bring forth what is new–what has never been seen or recognized by you before.
      – Cause self-discovery and awakening, enabling you to create, to invent, and to explore new possibilities.
      – Minister through spiritual “sound,” accompanied by healings, signs, and wonders.
      – Pour out the pure flow of heaven’s intentions, exhibiting heavenly realities in the earthly realm and helping God’s people to get back on track with His will.
      – Produce creative miracles, such as supernatural multiplication or restored or newly created limbs, organs, and more.
      – Release dreams and visions from God.
      – Supply supernatural provision.
      – Reproduce itself in our lives and others’.

      The Creative Glory Study Guide, which can be used by either individuals or groups, contains some brand-new material to further your understanding of the realm of divine expression. The guide is also filled with key points from the book, thought questions, review questions, and supernatural activations.

      As long as you are carried by creative glory, you always have hope because creative glory cannot fail. It will guide you to find the right solution to any difficulty or need. The flow of creative glory will lead you in a process of deep growth as you learn to see circumstances and problems in a new light to fulfill the present and future that God desires for you and the world around you.

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    • Creative Glory : Embracing The Realm Of Divine Expression


      Creative glory is the inspirational flow of the Holy Spirit that shines God’s life, hope, joy, provision, and wisdom into any situation you may be facing. Best-selling author Joshua Mills explains that when we are in an atmosphere of creative glory, it becomes easy to think new thoughts or receive fresh ideas because we are in the atmosphere of the Creator’s heart and mind. Wherever we allow creative glory to flow, embracing the realm of divine expression, we will supernaturally flourish.

      Creative glory manifests to…

      * Usher God’s ideas and creativity into your life to accomplish His plans and meet your needs.
      * Bring forth what is new-what has never been seen or recognized by you before.
      * Cause self-discovery and awakening, enabling you to create, to invent, and to explore new possibilities.
      * Minister through spiritual “sound,” accompanied by healings, signs, and wonders..
      * Pour out the pure flow of heaven’s intentions, exhibiting heavenly realities in the earthly realm and helping God’s people to get back on track with His will.
      * Produce creative miracles, such as supernatural multiplication or restored or newly created limbs, organs, and more.
      * Release dreams and visions from God.
      * Supply supernatural provision.
      * Reproduce itself in our lives and others’.

      As long as you are carried by creative glory, you always have hope because creative glory cannot fail. It will guide you to find the right solution to any difficulty or need. The flow of creative glory will lead you in a process of deep growth as you learn to see circumstances and problems in a new light to fulfill the present and future that God desires for you and the world around you.

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    • Genio De Jesus – (Spanish)


      Un manifiesto revolucionario sobre las innumerables formas en que Jesus de Nazaret transformo nuestro mundo y nos capacita para vivir vidas de valor, proposito y gracia hoy. Del autor mas vendido de La ultima flecha y El camino del guerrero. En todos los ambitos de nuestra existencia (arte, tecnologia, matematicas) estamos cautivados por historias de genios. Los genios violan el estatus quo, desestabilizan las viejas formas de pensar y, en ultima instancia, perturban la historia al hacernos ver el mundo de manera diferente. Vemos este efecto cuando consideramos el canon de los grandes genios de la historia, desde Leonardo da Vinci hasta Steve Jobs. Pero cuando buscamos al genio que dejo el impacto mas duradero en la vida humana: nuestra busqueda de la verdad; nuestro deseo de saber quienes somos; nuestra nocion de que la felicidad es mas que buscar servirnos a nosotros mismos – inevitablemente encontramos a Jesus. A pesar de haber vivido en la oscuridad durante la mayor parte de su vida, Jesus de Nazaret es sin duda una de las personas mas influyentes que jamas haya caminado sobre la faz de la tierra. En El genio de Jesus, Erwin Raphael McManus pregunta: que pasaria si estudiaramos y emulamos a Jesus, no solo a traves del lente de su divinidad, sino como un genio que nos mostro lo que significa vivir plenamente humanos? Basandose en las escrituras, la historia y las historias de su propio ministerio, McManus se sumerge en los matices de las palabras y acciones de Jesus, mostrando como no solo pueden inspirarnos, sino tambien transformar nuestra forma de pensar sobre la humildad, la libertad y el proposito que hace que valga la pena vivir. Para los cristianos que desean conocer y comprender mejor su fe, o para los lectores que desean crear su futuro mas poderoso, El genio de Jesus, es un estudio que invita a la reflexion de la persona mas importante que jamas haya existido.

      A groundbreaking manifesto on the countless ways Jesus of Nazareth transformed our world–and empowers us to live lives of courage, purpose, and grace today. From the bestselling author of The Last Arrow and The Way of the Warrior. In every realm of our existence–art, technology, mathematics–we are captivated by stories of genius. Geniuses violate the status quo, destabilize old ways of thinking, and ultimately disrupt history by making us see the world differently. We see this effect when we consider the canon of history’s great geniuses, from Leonardo da Vinci to Steve Jobs. But

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    • Crazy Faith : It’s Only Crazy Until It Happens


      From the #1 New York Times bestselling author of Relationship Goals . . . Will you be remembered as a person who claimed to follow God but liked to play it safe? Or as a person who lived your life out on the limb and trusted God enough to live in crazy faith?
      Noah looked crazy when he started building the ark . . . until it started raining. It was crazy for Moses to lead a nation of people into the desert away from Egypt . . . until the Red Sea parted. It was crazy to believe that a fourteen-year-old virgin would give birth to the Son of God . . . until Mary held Jesus in her arms.

      There are many things that seem normal or average today that at one point in time seemed absolutely crazy. Smartphones, Wi-Fi, and even the electric light bulb were all groundbreaking, history-making inventions that started out as crazy ideas. Our see-it-to-believe-it generation tends to have a hard time exercising true faith–one that steps out, takes action, and sees mountain-moving results. Many of us would rather play it safe and stand on the sidelines, but it’s crazy faith that helps us see God move and reveals His promises.

      In Crazy Faith, Pastor Michael Todd shows us how to step out in faith and dive into the purposeful life of trusting God for the impossible. Even if you have to start with baby faith or maybe faith, you can become empowered to let go of your lazy faith, trust God through your hazy faith, and learn to live a lifestyle of crazy faith. With powerful stories of modern-day faith warriors who take their cues from biblical heroes, Michael Todd equips you to:

      – believe for the impossible
      – choose hope over fear
      – be alert to the voice of God
      – cope with loss and doubt
      – develop a deeper level of trust in God
      – speak faith-filled declarations
      – inspire crazy faith in others

      God’s not looking for somebody to give Him all the reasons why His plans can’t happen. He’s looking for somebody to believe they will happen. In fact, He has so much He wants to do through you. The question is, Are you crazy enough to believe it?

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    • Revolutionary Disciple : Walking Humbly With Jesus In Every Area Of Life


      Is It Time for Another Revolution?

      Seismic culture shifts leave Christians wondering how to effect lasting change. While the Bible calls disciples of Jesus to humility, they often display pride. Pride is the enemy of discipleship on every level, and it keeps disciples from making an impact for the kingdom.

      What is the way forward?

      In The Revolutionary Disciple, Jim Putman and Chad Harrington offer clear guidance for navigating cultural changes with humility. They walk readers through the Five Spheres of Discipleship and unveil their four core practices of humility along the way. A tapestry of Scripture and stories, this book uncovers the path to ultimate peace for Christians who want a cultural revolution.

      Take ground for your church, your family, and the kingdom.

      Bridge the gap between the call to follow Jesus and the commission to make disciples of Jesus.

      Join the revolution.

      Learn to walk humbly with Jesus in every area of life.

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    • Truth On Fire


      What would it look like to genuinely love God with our head AND our heart? To have a faith marked by right thinking AND right feeling? To know God deeply AND worship him passionately? Too often, Christians act as though these things are at odds with one another. But what if God intends for us to possess a Christianity that is radically committed to biblical truth, in a way that did not diminish the life of the heart, but actually intensified it?

      Adam Ramsey invites us to engage both our minds and our emotions in our walk with God as we gaze at him until our hearts sing. He sums it up like this:

      “My hope in these following pages is to paint a biblical portrait of what God is actually like, so that we can gaze upon him together until our hearts can’t help but sing. To behold him in such a way that our daily experience is transformed with a deepened awareness of who it is we pray to, who it is that is with us, and who it is that we are loved by. To let God’s truth set our hearts on fire.”

      If you yearn for God but desire a clearer biblical picture of this God whom you love, or if you have been walking with God for a while now, but your experience of him has become settled or dry, then this book is for you.

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    • Como Llegue Hasta Aqui – (Spanish)


      La exitosa autora, oradora y activista Christine Caine ayuda a los lectores que se sienten cansados ??y no pueden identificar como terminaron donde estan, y que deben hacer para corregir el rumbo y anclarse en el unico que no cambia con las corrientes.

      Todos en algun momento levantamos la vista de la rutina diaria y nos hemos dado cuenta de que de alguna manera nos desviamos del rumbo. Quizas hemos estado haciendo todas las cosas cristianas correctas y diciendo todas las palabras cristianas correctas, pero por dentro sabemos que algo esta un poco mal; como si nos hubieramos quedado sin energia, vision, pasion, y nos sintieramos incapaces de seguir adelante. La pregunta que estamos reflexionando no es solo, como llegue aqui?, sino tambien, que hago ahora?

      En este nuevo libro, Caine nos encuentra a todos en ese lugar de cansancio e incertidumbre, compartiendo su propio viaje de descubrimiento con vulnerabilidad, franqueza y humor autocritico. Ella expone lo que ha aprendido acerca de mantener el rumbo cuando te sientes libre, y nos guia a cada uno para aprender las preguntas que debemos hacer sobre nuestras relaciones con Dios, con los demas y con nuestro propio corazon para permanecer continuamente anclados a pesar de las corrientes cambiantes del mundo. Descubra como confiar mas profundamente en Dios pasando de un “y si?” tipo de fe a un tipo de fe “aunque”; identificar nueve seales de que nos estamos desviando del rumbo y aprender a reposicionarnos para volver al camino; y luchar honestamente con las preguntas dificiles de la vida para que podamos responder fielmente a todas las formas en que Dios responde, incluidas las ocasiones en las que uno siente como si no lo hiciera.

      Christine ofrece historias profundamente personales, conocimientos biblicos y una advertencia reveladora para comenzar a prestar mas atencion, ayudandonos a dejar de ir a la deriva y comenzar a prosperar mientras colocamos nuestra ancla en nuestro Dios inmutable y confiable.

      Bestselling author, speaker, and activist Christine Caine helps readers who are feeling weary and cannot identify how they ended up where they are, and what they need to do to course-correct and anchor themselves in the only One who does not change or shift with the currents.

      At some point, we have all looked up from the daily grind and realized we had somehow drifted off course. Maybe we’ve been doing all the right Christian things and saying all the right Christian words, but inside we know somet

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    • Empowered By Praise 20th Anniversary Edition (Anniversary)


      What if your understanding of praise in the life of a believer is completely wrong?

      This book will help you recognize that praising God does more than honor the Lord; it puts you in a position to enjoy His nearness and to experience His touch in your life.

      Empowered by Praise will guide you into a richer understanding of admiration for God. In learning to praise God in an abounding variety of forms, you will begin to experience God’s powerful presence in your life. And expressing glory to God will motivate and guide you in your daily decisions and relationships. Scripture assures us that God is present with us in a very real way when we praise Him. Along with His nearness comes a new level of His power operating in our lives.

      When praise is practiced according to the biblical model:

      *It releases us from earthly concerns
      *It transports us into God’s presence
      *It opens the door to God’s power

      Throughout this book, Dr. Michael Youssef will grow your wisdom in praising God and energize your daily practice of praise. He will teach you new ways to give praise that will result in personal growth and spiritual transformation.

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    • Authentically Uniquely You (Audio CD)


      Discover your unique gifts and dare to be different with #1 New York Times bestselling author and renowned Bible teacher, Joyce Meyer.

      God has given you gifts so you can fulfill His purpose for your life, but if you’re like a lot of people, you may not have recognized your talents yet. Start asking God to show you something special about the way He’s made you.

      To some people, He’s given a very tender, compassionate heart, and some He has wired to lead others effectively. Others, He has given a gift of being able to communicate clearly, to teach, to make scientific discoveries, or to write beautiful music. Only you can discover all the dynamic gifts He’s placed in you.

      Become Authentically, Uniquely You because God is never going to help you be anyone but yourself. He loves you just as you are. Let God use you, with all your strengths and weaknesses, and transform you from the inside out to do something powerful beyond your wildest dreams.

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    • You On Purpose


      What should I do with my life? Whether you’re just starting out on your journey or you’ve found yourself at a crossroads and feel the need to change direction, each of us wants to know what our purpose is on this earth. We want our work and our lives to have meaning and impact far beyond our immediate context. But how do you know what you were meant to do? And once you know . . . then what?

      Based solidly in the most up-to-date Barna research, You on Purpose offers you a clear and simple 4-step process for discovering and carrying out your calling with confidence:

      *Define: set your intention for what you want to achieve
      *Discover: dig deep into who and where you are
      *Decide: narrow your choices and zero in on your calling
      *Do: start acting on your calling, one step at a time

      Each chapter dismantles a common myth about calling, replacing it with truth born from solid, current research. If you long to discover your unique place in the world, this book will help you catch that vision and make a plan to pursue it.

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    • 6 Secrets To Living A Fruitful Life


      How to Live Well and Finish Strong: Wisdom from a Modern Father in the Faith

      ” Wisdom is the principal thing; Therefore get wisdom. And in all your getting, get understanding.” – Prov. 4:7

      In his final manuscript before graduating to Heaven, world-renowned apostolic leader and spiritual father, C. Peter Wagner offers an intimate impartation of profound insight gained from decades of practice and personal experience.

      This book, completed by his wife, Doris, after his passing, is a gem of wisdom, leadership, and spiritual discernment for generations to come.

      Dr. Wagner offers welcome guidance on:
      *The priority of God’s Presence
      *Keeping the right perspective
      *Guarding your tongue
      *Understanding your gifts, calling, and destiny
      *Achieving true success
      *…and more!

      Learn to live well and finish strong! These practical, biblical strategies, articulated in gentleness and grace, will lead you into greater fullness of your destiny!

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    • Open Heavens : Positioning Yourself To Encounter The God Of Revival


      Experience Continuous Revival

      Historically there have been seasons where God’s presence awakens revival – moving in powerful ways, saving souls, and releasing miracles. We often think of these seasons as isolated, unique outpourings of the Spirit.

      But is it possible to experience revival every day, as a way of life?

      Pastor Bill Johnson answers with a resounding “Yes!”

      Globally recognized bestselling author, and senior leader of Bethel Church in Redding, CA, Bill Johnson is a revivalist at heart. In his time at Bethel, the church community has experienced what can only be called a perpetual, continuous outpouring of the Holy Spirit.

      In this landmark book, pastor Bill teaches from his experience as the shepherd of this movement, imparting his own passion for revival along with practical wisdom for sustaining a move of God on both a personal and corporate level.

      Open Heavens will activate you to…

      *Upgrade your definition of “normal” Christianity to true, Biblical standards.

      *Sustain the Holy Fire burning on the altar of your heart, while continuing to cry out for a greater outpouring of the Spirit.

      *Witness revival’s overflow, as it spills into broader culture, producing societal reformation and creative renaissance.

      *Uncover revival’s reward, and be stirred to pursue it at any cost.

      *Identify common “messes” that accompany corporate revival and learn to navigate them.

      *Carry revival into every sphere of influence, taking the fire of God to your school, home, or business.

      If you are hungry for a fresh move of God in your life, church, or community, Open Heavens will guide you through preparing the altar, encountering the fire of God, and keeping it burning every day! Why settle for anything less?

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    • Dream Worth Pursuing


      God has placed within every woman a world of potential. There are certain strengths and aptitudes found chiefly among females-including nurture, compassion, and a bent toward self-sacrifice for her spouse, children, family, and community-that have tremendous power to shape our society for the better. Yet it is these very traits that often keep a woman’s focus on others, to the extent that she loses sight of the dreams God has planted in her heart.

      Since when did it become wrong for women to dream? Since when did female followers of Christ forget their divine call to create, pioneer, lead, innovate, and shatter glass ceilings? When a woman fails to appreciate her identity as a daughter of the King, she loses sight of her value-and the invaluable worth of her God-given dreams.

      With the scriptural insights and godly wisdom of Pastor Omayra Font, embark on the exciting pursuit of your heart’s desires as you discover how to…

      *Rightly value yourself and your dreams
      *Deal with disappointments in a productive manner
      *View every obstacle as an opportunity for growth
      *Practice discipline in a way that promotes success
      *Project a sense of self-respect
      *Escape anxiety through prayer and planning
      *Stop making excuses and start making strides toward the fulfillment of your dream

      Woman of God, a new day is dawning for you and your dreams. You are no longer a captive to fear, a slave to tradition, or someone who avoids risks at all costs. Your future is a blank canvas just waiting to be made into a masterpiece. It’s time to understand your worth, embrace your vision, pick up a paintbrush, and bring that vision to life!

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    • Born For Significance Study Guide (Student/Study Guide)



      Once you discover who God created you to be, you’ll never want to be anyone else.

      While taking a deeper dive into the content of Born for Significance in this study guide, You will come to understand more fully who God created you to be and how to accomplish the purposes and plans He has for you.

      Unpack the powerful insights of Born for Significance on a deeper level, and draw closer to God as you embark on a journey to become everything you were created to be. Learn more about the true purpose, process, and peril of promotion in this life-changing eight-session study guide by Bill Johnson.

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    • Hang On Let Go


      Bestselling author Frank Viola writes a time-tested field guide to weathering the storms of life.

      Whether it’s the loss of a job, a child who has gotten into serious trouble, a marriage that’s in peril, or a loved one with a debilitating illness, at some point, something in our lives will strip us of all control. Life comes apart at the seams, and hope begins to evaporate.

      Hang On, Let Go was written from the pit of numerous soul-piercing adversities in Frank’s own life. In this volume, he draws from the insights he gleaned from the Lord, friends, and writers during his darkest days. The wisdom contained in this volume became the bread and butter Frank relied on, helping him to be developed by his trials rather than destroyed by them.

      Each short chapter explores a different aspect of the storm: When You Need to Regrip, Walking in the Darkness, Abandoning Fix-It Mode, The Story in Our Head, Just Breathe, and much more. This book is about how to react to intense trials in your life with two seemingly contradictory impulses: hang on, let go.

      How is that possible? . . . Read on. Frank explores the how and the why in this highly practical, incisive, no-nonsense guidebook on how to thrive during the inevitable pitfalls of life.

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    • Life Foundations : Six Pillars To Knowing God, Yourself, And Impacting Othe


      Faith Simplified

      Want to know more about God and His Word? Sometimes, it can be difficult to even know where to begin

      But everything you need to know about God and yourself can be found in six core principles. These simple, basic principles will revolutionize your relationship with God, empower you to overcome any attack of the enemy, and equip you to help others.

      In Faith Foundations for Life, authors Mike and Carrie Pickett lay out the rock-solid pillars on which to build your Christian walk:
      *God’s Love for You
      *Your Spiritual Make-up
      *How God Sees You
      *Your Identity in Christ
      *The True Nature of God
      *Your Spiritual Authority

      Every essential truth God wants you to know and live out is included right here How do I have a better marriage and relationships? What does God want me to do with my life? How do I walk in power and authority? How do evangelize for Jesus? How do I feel confident that I understand God’s Word? It’s all right here with much more in these six life-altering, biblical truths that will benefit every facet of your life.

      Your Christian walk cannot outgrow your foundation, so build it strong from the core with Faith Foundations for Life.

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    • Identification : A Romance In Redemption


      What does Identification mean? It means our complete union with Jesus in His substitutionary sacrifice. The teaching of Identification is the “legal” side of redemption. It unveils to us what God did for us in Christ from the time He went to the cross until He sat down at the right hand of the Father. Christ became one with us in sin so that we might become one with Him in righteousness. He became as we were so that we might be as He is now.

      In identification, we have one of the richest phases of redemption. There is a twofold oneness: first, His oneness with our sin and humanity on the cross; second, our oneness with Him in His glory on the throne.

      These teachings unveil who we are in Christ and how the Father sees us in the Son. The vital aspect of redemption is what the Holy Spirit, through the Word, is doing in us now. When these truths really gain the ascendancy in our lives, they will make us spiritual “supermen.” It will be the end of our spiritual weakness and failure. We will no longer struggle for faith, for all things are already ours. We will no longer pray for power, for Christ is in us. We will no longer feel the awful bondage of sin-consciousness, for we are the righteousness of God in Christ.

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