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  • Derriba Las Barreras Emocional – (Spanish)


    Demasiados cristianos estan orando y esperando por su sanidad, pero o no dura o no llega en absoluto. Los medicos se encogen de hombros y dicen que no pueden hacer nada. Los pastores dicen que es su pecado o los ataques del diablo lo que bloquea su curacion. Esto solo deja a la gente mas desamparada, desesperada, asustada, avergonzada y aun enferma o con dolor. Craig Miller experimento su propia sanidad fisica milagrosa, y ha dedicado su vida a ayudar a otros a recibir la restauracion fisica y emocional permanente que esta disponible a traves del poder curativo de Dios. Craig ministra el espiritu y el alma para identificar las causas fundamentales que bloquean su sanidad. Presta especial atencion a los casos en los que no se puede identificar la causa de una enfermedad y que hacer cuando no se produce la sanidad. Proporciona metodos practicos paso a paso faciles de usar que son viables, disponibles, asequibles y efectivos para brindar soluciones reales al dolor y sufrimiento a largo plazo. E incluye ejemplos de la vida real de testimonios de sanacion.

    Far too many Christians are waiting, hoping, and praying for healing, but either it doesn’t last, or it doesn’t come at all. Doctors shrug and say there is nothing they can do. Pastors say it is your sin or an attack of the devil that blocks your healing. This only leaves people feeling more helpless, hopeless, afraid, ashamed, and still sick or in pain. Craig Miller experienced his own miraculous physical healing, and he has dedicated his life to helping others receive the permanent emotional and physical restoration that is available through the healing power of God. Craig ministers to the spirit and soul to identify root causes that block your healing. He lends particular focus to cases in which no cause of an illness can be identified and what to do when healing does not occur. In Breaking Emotional Barriers to Healing, Craig provides easy-to-use, step-by-step practical methods that are viable, available, affordable, and effective at bringing real solutions to long-term pain and suffering. He also includes real-life examples of healing testimonies.

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  • Poder Creativo De Dios Para La – (Spanish)


    El Poder Creativo de Dios Le Dara Resultados, por Charles Capps, inicialmente publicado en 1976, !cuenta con mas de 4 millones de copias vemdidas! Los poderosos principios de la profesion de la Palabra de Dios contenidos en estas paginas han revolucionado la vida de cristianos alrededor del mundo.

    Ahora, El Poder Creativo de Dios Para Sanar esta aqui para que siga en sus pasos.

    Este poderoso libro combina las enseanzas con las declaraciones de la Palabra de Dios para la sanidad de Dios para su sanidad por las palabra de su boca!

    Las palabras llenas de fe se le impondran. !El Poder Creativo de Dios Para Sanar trabajara para usted!

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  • Atrevase A Creer Para Recibir – (Spanish)


    Se ha preguntado alguna vez si la sanidad de Dios es para las personas en la actualidad? Desea ser sanado pero no sabe como abordarlo? Si esta batallando con estas preguntas, no esta usted solo. Julia Loren ha compilado los escritos de heroes de la fe, del pasado y del presente, para mostrar a los creyentes que Dios sigue siendo un Dios de sanidad y que se deleita en manifestar sanidad sobrenatural hoy dia, tal como lo hizo hace mas de dos mil aos cuando su Hijo Jesus camino por la tierra.

    Esta compilacion incluye los escritos de…
    *Bill Johnson
    *F. F. Bosworth
    *Mark Stibbe
    *Mary K. Baxter
    *Maria Woodworth-Etter
    *Randy Clark
    *Andrew Murray
    *Marilyn Hickey
    *Jerame Nelson
    *Smith Wigglesworth
    *Aimee Semple McPherson
    *John G. Lake
    *Kathryn Kuhlman
    *Cal Pierce
    *Guillermo Maldonado

    Sus palabras fortaleceran su fe y le alentaran a acercarse a Dios para recibir su sanidad. El le sanara. Sus promesas para su sanidad son si y amen. !La sanidad es para usted hoy!

    Have you ever wondered if God’s healing is for people today? Do you desire to be made whole but don’t know how to go about it? If you are wrestling with these questions, you are not alone. Julia Loren has compiled the writings from heroes of faith-past and present-to show believers that God is still a God of healing and that He delights in manifesting supernatural healing today, just as He did over two thousand years ago when His Son Jesus walked the earth.

    This compilation includes the writings of…
    *Bill Johnson
    *F. F. Bosworth
    *Mark Stibbe
    *Mary K. Baxter
    *Maria Woodworth-Etter
    *Randy Clark
    *Andrew Murray
    *Marilyn Hickey
    *Jerame Nelson
    *Smith Wigglesworth
    *Aimee Semple McPherson
    *John G. Lake
    *Kathryn Kuhlman
    *Guillermo Maldonado
    *Cal Pierce
    *Smith Wigglesworth

    Their words will strengthen your faith and encourage you to approach God for your healing. He will heal you. His promises for your healing are yes and amen. Wholeness is for you-today!

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  • Como Sanar A Los Enfermos – (Spanish)


    !Nunca mas vuelva a sentirse incapaz!

    Un ser querido esta enfermo, su amigo acaba de sufrir un accidente, un familiar se enfrenta a una crisis emocional.

    Ha anhelado alguna vez desesperadamente extender su mano y llevar sanidad a esas necesidades? A veces, nuestros corazones se duelen por el deseo de ayudar, pero no sabemos como o sentimos temor y no lo hacemos. !La verdad es que el Espiritu Santo en usted esta listo para sanar a los enfermos! Charles y Frances Hunter presentan solidos metodos de sanidad con base biblica que producen no solo salud fisica sino tambien salud espiritual y vida abundante para usted, su familia y todos los que le rodean.

    Never feel helpless again!

    A loved one is sick, your friend was just in an accident, a family member is facing an emotional crisis.

    Have you ever desperately longed to reach out your hand and bring healing to these needs? At times, our hearts ache with the desire to help, but either we don’t know how, or we are afraid and stop short. The truth is, the Holy Spirit within you is ready to heal the sick! Charles and Frances Hunter present solid, biblically based methods of healing that can bring not only physical health but also spiritual health and abundant life to you, your family, and everyone around you.

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  • Belleza En Lugar De Cenizas – (Spanish)


    Many people seem to have it all together outwardly, but inside they are a wreck. Their past has broken, crushed, and wounded them inwardly. They can be healed. God has a plan, and Isaiah 61 reveals that the Lord came to heal the brokenhearted. He wants to heal victims of abuse and emotional wounding. Joyce Meyer is a victim of the physical, mental, emotional, and sexual abuse she suffered as a child. Yet today she has a nationwide ministry of emotional healing to others like herself. In Beauty for Ashes she outlines major truths that brought healing in her life and describes how other victims of abuse can also experience God’s healing in their lives. You will learn: * How to Deal with the Emotional Pain of Abuse * How to Understand Your Responsibility to God for Overcoming Abuse * Why Victims of Abuse Often Suffer from Other Addictive Behaviors * How to Grab Hold of God’s Unconditional Love * The Importance of God’s Timing in Working Through Painful Memories.

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  • Oraciones Que Traen Sanidad – (Spanish)


    In his new book Prayers That Bring Healing, John Eckhardt wants you to know that no matter what your sickness, no matter who you are, it is God’s will for you to live a full, healthy, disease-free life. When Jesus came to a town preaching the coming of the kingdom of God, not only did He heal everyone who came to Him but he also healed “all manner of sickness.” This means that there is no sickness, disease, or infirmity God can’t or won’t heal. When the doctors tell you that you have an incurable disease, know that it is not incurable for Jesus. There is nothing too hard for God. In this book you will discover twelve ways healing takes place. They include:

    . Healing through the laying on of hands (Luke 4:40)
    . Healing through deliverance (Matt 8:16)
    . Healing through breaking curses (Gal. 3:13
    . Healing through anointing oil (Mark 6:1)
    . Healing through faith (Mark 11:23)
    . Healing through prayer (Matt 21:22)

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  • Revelacion Divina De La Sanida – (Spanish)


    Experience God’s Healing Power! Read the many dramatic, real-life testimonies of people who miraculously received healing from deadly diseases, illnesses, and destructive lifestyles and habits. Discover how they were healed and you, too, can:
    Remove hindrances to healing.
    Overcome fear and hopelessness.
    Learn the reasons for sickness.
    Defeat the power of evil.
    Receive physical and emotional healing.
    Walk in divine health.
    Minister healing to others.

    God desires to heal His people. You can be among those who receive healing today!

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  • Habla Acerca De La Sanidad – (Spanish)


    Experimente los milagros de Dios. Conozca a una esposa de ministro con solamente un dia de vida, una novia que moria de apendicitis, un esposo traicionado que iba camino a matar a su esposa, una mujer que estaba completamente paralizada.

    Por medio de las palabras y el ministerio de Smith Wigglesworth usted descubrira lo que ocurrio en sus vidas y lo que puede ocurrir en la suya. Encuentre como usted puede…

    Caminar con salud y llenura divinas
    Vencer el poder del maligno
    Experimentar el poder de Dios en su vida
    Obrar los mismos milagros que Cristo obro
    Ver a los “incurables” sanados
    Guiar a los perdidos hacia Cristo
    Ministrar con la uncion de Dios

    Aqui usted descubrira como puede personalmente recibir el toque sanador de Dios y como Dios puede usarlo para llevar sanidad a otros, al igual que lo hizo con Smith Wigglesworth. El poder transformador de Cristo y Su gracia le cambiaran la vida de ordinaria a extraordinaria.

    “El que en mi cree,
    las obras que yo hago,
    el las hara tambien;
    y aun mayores hara,
    porque yo voy al Padre”.
    -Juan 14:12

    He who believes in Me, the works that I do he will do also; and greater works than
    these he will do, because I go to My Father.” -John 14:12 NKJV

    Meet a minister’s wife with only one day to live, a bride who is dying of appendicitis, a betrayed husband who is on his way to kill his wife, and a woman who is completely paralyzed.

    Through Smith Wigglesworth’s words and ministry, you will discover what happened in their lives and what can take place in your own life. Find out how you can…
    * Walk in divine health and wholeness
    * Overcome the power of evil
    * Experience God’s power in your life
    * Do the miracles that Christ did
    * See the “incurable” cured
    * Lead the lost to Christ
    * Minister in God’s anointing

    Here you will discover how you can personally receive God’s healing touch and how God can use you to bring healing to others, just as He did through Smith Wigglesworth. Christ’s transforming power and grace will change your life from ordinary to extraordinary.

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  • Senor Quiero Sentirme Restaura – (Spanish)


    240 Paginas

    Additional Info
    Senor, quiero ser completa muestra siete pasos que ayudaron a Stormie a vencer la depresion clinica y a llevar una vida plena. Ella ensena a los lectores como la oracion y la inspiracion biblica les puede ayudar a aceptar su pasado. Tambien les dice como liberarse de la opresion espiritual y de las influencias negativas, como aprender a recibir los dones de Dios y creer las bondades que El habla acerca de nosotros, como ser conscientes de los enganos y los errores, como mantener la salud emocional por medio del cuidado de nuestros cuerpos y como ser sensibles a lo que ocurre en nuestro interior. Senor, quiero ser completa ayuda a los afectados por la depresion a encontrar su plenitud y a convertirse en todo aquello para lo que los creo Dios.

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  • Hoy Es El Dia De Tu Milagro – (Spanish)


    Ofrece una mejor compren-sion del porque Jesus sana hoy dia.

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